Cig smokers


Well-Known Member
Whats up. I quit a long time ago but my wife smokes a pack a day. Last month the smoke shoppe hooked me up with a top-o-matic cig machine the filles the filtered tubes.
To make this short as possible, he can match any flavor cig with a variety of 15 or so paper filteredtubes, and 15 or so different flavored tobaccos.I'm sure you all know this, but at $7 a pack in my state...I now pay less than $1 a pack.
I grow my own meds, but still hit the dispensary almost daily,and with her savings, shes been able to put the extra $6 a day and get an 1/8 a week, or tinctures, or medables, or just simply save about $42 a week.
Newport custumers are the hardest to satisfy and the hardest cig to match...but after a little practice, I got that shit down to a science...roll it alittle tight and it taste like a newport light, rol lit a little loose and it starts to taste like a kool.

Just thought I'd share some $$ saving tips...and take it from me, my old lady is picky...and she loves them.
i smoke but only 1 or 2 ciggs max a day. i have nver heard of anything like what you describe. here in ca, a pack is 5 or $6. not too bad, especially for me, i don't smoke a lot.
packs are near 10 bucks here, but im way to far to take advantage of this tip, thanks though :)

(started growing my own tobacco though :) damn easy (window light is really enough, particularily if you give them bit of a hps boost at the beginning)
really a fantastic looking plant to brighten up the living room too. (beautiful huge green leaves and a ton of them, plus these rather beautiful flowers (mine are purple, but ive seen yellow too and white))

Whats up. I quit a long time ago but my wife smokes a pack a day. Last month the smoke shoppe hooked me up with a top-o-matic cig machine the filles the filtered tubes.
To make this short as possible, he can match any flavor cig with a variety of 15 or so paper filteredtubes, and 15 or so different flavored tobaccos.I'm sure you all know this, but at $7 a pack in my state...I now pay less than $1 a pack.
I grow my own meds, but still hit the dispensary almost daily,and with her savings, shes been able to put the extra $6 a day and get an 1/8 a week, or tinctures, or medables, or just simply save about $42 a week.
Newport custumers are the hardest to satisfy and the hardest cig to match...but after a little practice, I got that shit down to a science...roll it alittle tight and it taste like a newport light, rol lit a little loose and it starts to taste like a kool.

Just thought I'd share some $$ saving tips...and take it from me, my old lady is picky...and she loves them.
DUDE!! Shhhhhhhh! If everybody does it the price will go up.:razz:

If you wrap some tape around the rubber nub that presses against the paper tube, I've found that it packs them better.


when i was working for the state of texas you could buy a can of bugler under $5 or get a pouch of bull durham for a buck, that was a lot of years ago. i quit smoking 4 years ago, the main reason was cost. i smoked 2 pacs a day. talking about a waste of money.
We got stores arond here that got the same thing.
250 for 20 dollars all loosies in a big box.... I dont like them though,the ones that are supposed to be ports suck
when i was working for the state of texas you could buy a can of bugler under $5 or get a pouch of bull durham for a buck, that was a lot of years ago. i quit smoking 4 years ago, the main reason was cost. i smoked 2 pacs a day. talking about a waste of money.

My first time in prison you could get a can of bugler for a 1.90...that was in 86..
Whats up. I quit a long time ago but my wife smokes a pack a day. Last month the smoke shoppe hooked me up with a top-o-matic cig machine the filles the filtered tubes.
To make this short as possible, he can match any flavor cig with a variety of 15 or so paper filteredtubes, and 15 or so different flavored tobaccos.I'm sure you all know this, but at $7 a pack in my state...I now pay less than $1 a pack.
I grow my own meds, but still hit the dispensary almost daily,and with her savings, shes been able to put the extra $6 a day and get an 1/8 a week, or tinctures, or medables, or just simply save about $42 a week.
Newport custumers are the hardest to satisfy and the hardest cig to match...but after a little practice, I got that shit down to a science...roll it alittle tight and it taste like a newport light, rol lit a little loose and it starts to taste like a kool.

Just thought I'd share some $$ saving tips...and take it from me, my old lady is picky...and she loves them.

lol im high as shit I totally missed the part when you said you got the newports down
Newports are fucking gross.

Marlboro Lights ftw.
You can match any flavor you smoke...with the many combos of tubes and tobacco, a Marboro light can alaso be made
I just rolled 140 cigs for $7...and you would never know they're not name brand. And saved $42 again this week. If the wife likes it...I'm happy.
Just trying to help...the problem is it makes you smoke more.
I used to roll my own and push my own into the tubes, but when the rolling tobacco went up, I noticed that some "kill you in your sleep" filtered cigars were still cheap as hell so I switched. Under $20 a carton and doesn't give me cancer any faster than anything else I don't suppose.
I've tried all of that shit in the many years I've been smoking. Roll your owns with the pouch/tins, pre filled tubes that came with 200 cigs, and of course when you buy the tubes and the bag of tobacco and use a machine... They all suck in my opinion, I smoke newport kings and nothing could ever match up.

But I smoke like 3-4 cigs (max) a day.
Whatever happened with that menthol ban or whatever it was?
I heard that will never happen. I'm ganna grind up a 1/4oz of weed and see what this roller thing does...I'm a master ,4th degree blackbelt, with a undefeted Golden glove rolling belt,and world championship joint roller 1987-1994, my fingers can roll without my help,I can roll with just my pinky, I once rollled a joint just by starting at it,in Iraq I rolled a joint while parashuting into enemy fire,I swallowed a nug and a rice paper and farted out a joint once, but I just wanna see how one burns rolled in this cig roller
I've tried all of that shit in the many years I've been smoking. Roll your owns with the pouch/tins, pre filled tubes that came with 200 cigs, and of course when you buy the tubes and the bag of tobacco and use a machine... They all suck in my opinion, I smoke newport kings and nothing could ever match up.

But I smoke like 3-4 cigs (max) a day.
I bet I could roll you one that would fool ya, if my ol'lady whos been smoking them for 30+ years and has NEVER liked another cig doesn't notice, you wouldn't either. It took me a month or so to get it perfect...just a little to tight or loose and it's not the same....I'm makeing newports baby, trust me...I'm picky too, I don't smoke anymore, but I know my smoke.
And for $30 a month insead of $210...she'll fuckin love'em no metter what the taste!....and did I mention it gets her an 1/8 of the good meds with whats she saves every week.Thats a1/2 once of premo snokage.