Ethics of Selling


Well-Known Member
I don't sell, as a rule. I grow what I need, and give what I don't. It has always served me (and my karma) well. I would also I like to state I have nothing against those who do their part for commercial growth, quite frankly I bless those saints for spreading the love to those without. But, I digress...

Recently a friend of mine posed a question, would it be wrong to sell a crop if you were going to use the money, for say his childrens' scholarships or even give it to a charity? Is there a moral barrier between selling for good reason or for just getting a new big screen tv?
I don't sell, as a rule. I grow what I need, and give what I don't. It has always served me (and my karma) well. I would also I like to state I have nothing against those who do their part for commercial growth, quite frankly I bless those saints for spreading the love to those without. But, I digress...

Recently a friend of mine posed a question, would it be wrong to sell a crop if you were going to use the money, for say his childrens' scholarships or even give it to a charity? Is there a moral barrier between selling for good reason or for just getting a new big screen tv?

I have a lot of friends who have MML, and we no longer have the shops, so im going for them. (for free)
I think opening a fresh sack of green brings as much joy to me as a girl at a charity getting a new Dolly.....So, buy selling you earn Double Karma points form me and the homeless girl!!!!!....:)
I think that as long as you are offering fair prices, not trying to rip people off, selling quality product, and being a good business person is what sets a good seller apart from a bad seller. I mean, think back to before you could grow, what would you have done with out dealers? The bad thing is when you go hand over 20 or 40 bucks for a bag and get ripped off, then you go home disappointed with less smoke than you expected or none. That is when dealing is wrong, when the cash is more important than the idea of wanting to get all your friends stoned.

My personal experience tells me this. I used to sell quite a bit of grass around my town, but the reason I got into it was because I was tired of getting skimp bags and I was tired of the lack of a reliable source in my town. I started selling so that me and my friends could always get fair priced good pot in town but I would never have been able to just give it all away or I wouldn't have been able to do what I was doing.
To me selling marijuana is not bad at all. Becuase its not like your selling somebody something that they might die from, or get addicted and blah blah blah.

I dont like to sell either, but knowing that its not going to kill anyone, I dont mind selling some of it, to pay for nutrients and soils and stuff. I think with what I sell this harvest, im going to get a really good PH pen = ). Sounds nerdy.....
i'll chime in and ask this...

would it be wrong to sell a surplus of tomatoes from my garden? or squash or peppers or anything else?

of course it's wrong to market something as different from what it was and charge differently...but then again, it's a 'free market'.

i guess, why do i feel that this question is posed in some sort of guilt? why NOT sell what you have to can give it away if you like, that's fine. but why even question the ethic of selling a fair amount at a fair price?

i welcome response.
um... not everyone can grow...... and growing costs money. i have no problem hookin my friends up, but i don't charge em more than what i would pay if i had to buy.
I think it might depend on the person for me. For someone who really needs it, a medical user, I'd feel bad charging anything more than cost, max, and would feel better giving it away, sort of to do my part against overpriced pharm companies. For someone who wasn't my friend and just looking to get high, then I'd go for street price. As for the proceeds, growing costs first, then any debt, then into my normal cash flow (10% charities, 30% saved, 60% everything else).
i think its cool that you people seem to have morals, my self, i just give it to my close friends and any other person i just say i dont grow or sell, i would feel bad charging peeps so i just dont say any thing to others,,,, plus i like chillin with my friends and i think sharing is in the spirit of weed...
theres absolutely nothing wrong with selling marijuana......except that its illegal. Thats the only problem.

Government can sell us ciggerettes.........

you don't need ethics to sell somthing. You need law reform.
i think one of the reasons so many responsible potheads have eithics is beacause when ya smoke ya think about that sort of shit, and you realize money aint everything even tho society says it is. Society expects "every man for himself" and cannabis promotes the opposite. Which is one of the reasons weed is feared by the establishment and loved by the user(i got that from some marijuana book by the way). And i now realize that im rambling but yall get my point.

oh and as for the subject, i agree wit everyone else. fair prices, and id say 5 or ten bucks under street price just to maybe help lower the price. Its just weed, people get so greedy over this kind of stuff...
i consider a lot of this "work". take your hourly wages you would get at a regular job. now figure out how much "work" you put into your garden. are you making more than a "regular" job? this is a good guide for me. i put in my time and only ask my fees be covered. you also have to factor in supplies. hope this helps.
Not everyone that wants to smoke wants to or can grow.

Next time youre having an ethical dilemma about selling the fruits of your labor, ask the buyer if he feels at all morally sleighted.

If anything, they are happy about gettin some homegrown sensi and not having to smoke that ragweed-and-pet-dander shit that goes around.
I guess I am having a bit of a moral dilemma... I just don't want to be thought of as a criminal. I only grow because it is my god given right to till the land, plant my seeds and reap what I sow. Most of the Dealers around here are the most deplorable human beings I have ever had the misfortune of running into... mind you, some were pretty upstanding human beings... none of these people were growers either. Who knows, I will meditate on it, I don't really need the money that bad... but, I could really go for a new xbox right now...
personally I don't see a difference in selling for charity and selling for a big screen t.v.

it's all money that you want to earn in order to put somewhere else, it doesn't matter what your reason is.
I don't advocate selling, but there is a definate difference between some sellers. i personally ( when I used to sell, man am I happy I don't anymore but thats another story), was always a moral seller, I sold shit at a lower prices and had very good customer service. i acually kinda miss the old days. i kept getting bigger and taking out other sellers because of my willingness to fulfill customer service and sell better shit for a cheaper price, I prided myself on not being the typical asshole dealer that likes to short their customers and keif their weed by running it over a screen. If I got a cheaper price, i passed it on to my customer, never kept it for myself. but that's all over now... things just arent' the way they used to be, i wouldn't even bother trying to find a good connection anymore, people are just not trustworthy anymore ( not around me anyway).