Leaving Plant Unattended while on Vacation?? Good idea??

What's up RIU?

So, here's the deal, I just received some seeds and was initially planning on waiting until after Xmas and New Year's to start planting them, but I'm super excited about starting to grow so I'm left with this question. I will be out of town for the holidays so would it be ok to leave a plant unattended for 10 or 11 days? It would probably be in its 3rd week (from sprout) by the time I leave. It is a soil grow, and I was planning on getting some of those automatic plant waterers to take care of the watering. I want to do an AF Northern Light grow, but I've also got some other fem seeds to use if that would be better.

So, is it ok to do this? Or would it just be a waste of my time and kill the plant? Advice, suggestions, comments, etc., etc., greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
depends on how big your pot is bro, if u get a 10-15litre pot with good soil and organic matter"water retention" u should be fine for 10days.also u can pick up those water absorbing crystals i would chuck them in the soil 2.i wouldnt leave an autoflower alone for 10days tho the stress could harm your yeild.
I believe I have a 3 gallon pot so what you're saying is that I need some peat moss or something of that nature (doesn't that work for water retention?). What about a non AF fem seed? Would the stress do less damage?

newb weed grower

Active Member
if u feel confident that ur watering system isnt gonna drown ur plant then more power to u but if i was u then i would just do a regular seem and when u get back do ur good ones

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
dont do it you will waste seeds 4-5 days tops absence is all i would ever attempt, yah you could chance it and hopre the plants stays moist but no promises, hell light could burn your house down or not turn off and dry the plant out faster


Active Member
try those ummm i forget what there are called ............. the water globes they sell on TV . you fill it up with water and stick it in to the soil in you contaner. and it will drip water when the soil is dry eongh

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
try those ummm i forget what there are called ............. the water globes they sell on TV . you fill it up with water and stick it in to the soil in you contaner. and it will drip water when the soil is dry eongh
waste of money they do not hold very much water lol a little over a cup or 2 not enough for one day even


Active Member
ok if the auqa globe dont hold eogh water, Make your own out of a 5 gallon bucket useing the same concept


Ursus marijanus
I read another thread where someone's auto-waterer (basically a big aqua-globe) failed. Found a wet stinky mess and dead plants on his return.
I planted some youngsters into 2-gallon plastic pots almost two weeks ago ... soaked the soil (FF Happy Frog) in order to bed the roots. I might need to water tomorrow, but so far so good. I would try that. cn
Thanks for all the replies. What about these:


I could soak the soil real good the day I leave and hopefully these will be able to keep the soil moist enough until I get back. Anyone ever used one of these before? Also, the only seeds I have are good ones I ordered, might be able to come across some over Thanksgiving but very likely could be stuck with the ones I have now. So its either an AF northern light or some fem freebies lol.


Well-Known Member
dude just wait, 10 days is WAY to long, msybe 3, just to many things can go wrong, ur plants wont make it, im pretty sure, have some patience young grasshopper


Active Member
Gonna have 5 23-watt cfls's going. Going to be a cheap grow.
Then I would try what cannabineer suggested. Big pots should hold enough moisture for those young plants and 5 23w cfls will not raise the temps for it to evaporate too quickly - if you have some venting sorted that is.
But I personally would be more concerned about leaving lights unattended for 10 days though.