Things to mix with vodka?

Thank you for the correction... I've never been able to remember the proper names of cocktails... I just drink...

When I mix drinks it's usually... Vodka and Blue stuff with generic brand cola... or vodka and green stuff and generic brand cola... or vodka and blue stuff and green stuff and generic brand cola...
Ya...I love the vodka with the blue stuff..looks like windshield washer fluid.
I either drink vodka straight or with Rockstar.

Rockstar + vodka = awesome energetic buzz
Greygoose and absolute are the best to me.... Cnt go wrong with cranberry cran-grape or pineapple soda.... Fuck all the blending and crushing... Jus pour ur juice/soda and ur vodka... POW your ready to get fucked up in seconds
I like vodka with gatorade lol I swear I'm black
but vodka's not that great start getting whiskey ! Whiskey's good with sprite (: and 40 oz's mmm 40 oz's
and 40 oz's go good with weed mmm weed... damn... thanks a lot Urca now I have and urge for 40 oz's and weed . Now I have to get up and make phone calls -.-
Lemonaide. Pinapple is like orange juice, you will puke. 50/50 like FDD. Pleasant drink. I go 50/50 but also straight shots chased by the 50/50.

You will have your pants off in an hour. PIKS please...............
first, go back to the liquor store and procure some gin, light rum, tequila, triple sec, sour mix (i won't use any other than mr. and mrs. t's), and some kind of cola to go with your vodka.

mix 1 ounce of each liquor into a 16 oz party cup full of ice.
fill to within 1 inch of rim of cup with sour mix.
toss in a splash of cola for color, a bit more for some carbonation.

this is a long island iced tea. when made correctly there is nothing more delicious in the world. it's fun to bet who can drink the most of these in an hour.