Back in the mid 80's me and my best friend had our version of extreme couponing.We got jobs delivering at Pizza Hut. His full time job was at a printing company that made newspaper flyers for everything including PH. He would snag stacks of coupons, split them up between us, and we woud add them to nearly every order we delivered, and pocket the difference, averaging what, $3 per delivery? That was some serious coin back then, specially on weekends when we would do like 200+ deleiveries between us. This went on for like six months until one night I get bsack from a delivery run and there's this new lady standing in the back by the drivers corner. She takes my receipts, payments and coupons and about fve minutes later calls me into the managers office. I had gotten lazy and had torn all the coupons off the flyers out at once, and she was holding about ten of them, all torn identically, right in my face and started yelling at me. Me and my buddy were fired that night, and we heard later that Pizza Hut instituted a new policy about not accepting coupons that weren't mentioned when ordering.
Changing the world, baby!