Best System Flushes in less than 48 hours


Active Member
I have a piss test in 48 hours and i was wondering what the best thing to use (that doesn't cost money). i heard vinegar and water does but i dont know how much vinegar to use and i heard it usually makes a person pretty sick. anyone heard of this or have any other ideas... comments and help are appreciated. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i dont know too much about flushin ur system, but past threads do, just do a search and you'll find what your lookin for


Well-Known Member
dont think your gunna be able to flush traces of cannabis outa your system in 48 hours..
im assuming here the last time you smoked was quite recently?


Well-Known Member
Try Overnighting Quickfix or I think GMC might sell drinks. Just read reviews and stuff. I used quickfix and it worked perfectally :P Smoked the night before.


Active Member
I have loads of friends who have passed drug tests within 48 hours or less. Drink A LOT of water and bring a little bit of salt to put in your urine sample, always works.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is what you do..(cheap way) my brother smokes like 2-4 blunts everyday (even the day before his piss test) and passes everytime. as well as like 3 other people who have done this ...... anyways BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP (very important) because you are going to sweat like your on fire and your gonna be burning upyour skin burns and turns brite red like a tamotoe lol.... drink about a liter of water and tak between 6-8 pills of NIACIN. not sure the MILLIGRAM AMOUNT but they have generic brand at walmart/walgreens I think it all comes in about the same dosages.... I think the niacin make you sweat it all out im not sure but i know for sure it works