• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Have you ever been in an accident?


Well-Known Member
brake happy people suck when your on a bike...i almost put mine down one night after some dude lane changes without warning and hammers on the brakes like an idiot, i had to brake quick and the front tire hit the painted line, slid and put a huge skidmark in my underoos. Thats what i love about riding, you can have adrenaline at 165 mph, or just at 25 mph

when i rear ended the car it was my fault....was doin a burnout and let the brake go like a moron...hit the car in front and fell over..was pretty funny and no damage to the car..so the ladt let it slide...it cost me a mirror a turn signal and some scratches

was that a ZX7 you hit the bus with?
Yes it was. It was my baby at the time. I had a lot of detail in her.


Well-Known Member
my dad's car was hit when I was 6 on my way to the dr's office. His car was kinda messed up, and he didnt get any injuries, but because i was in the front seat not sitting properly, I ended up with my head under the dash board and my feet all tangled up in seatbeat, and a huge goose egg on my head. but no concussion thank god
Wow you were lucky

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I have only been in one accident in my driving career. Was driving too fast down an icy alleyway and was unable to stop once I got to the end. I slid out into the street going about 20km/h and hit this truck. Somehow managed to hit only the tire and avoiding damaging the other vehicle at all really, but it smashed the fuck out of the front end of my little '05 Sunfire. Parts were littered all over the street, and it ended up costing $5000 (not including the inspection the other bitch got I had to pay for) to fix, though the car itself had only cost $4000.

There was this other time I guess, bought this '88 Jeep Wrangler and had only had it a few days, my first standard, so I was still getting used to things. Forgot I had the parking brake engaged and drove across town to go to this store. I guess that fucked it over, and upon exiting the store my vehicle had rolled back 50 feet and run into truck parked there. Seeing as there was nobody around and the only damage was to my car, I hopped in 'er and got the fuck out of there. The next day upon inspection I realized my license plate was missing, it had been knocked off when my jeep ran into that truck. Visions of somebody turning it into the cops and me getting fucked over on some hit and run charge or some shit went through my head so I raced back over to that store and what do you know, there's my license plate lying in the mud. Fucked off with it, didn't get fucked over, and sold the jeep a couple days later.


Well-Known Member
I remember you posted that video of your accident before.
I been in a few but nothing where one of the cars were totaled.


Well-Known Member
I got rear ended on I-5 last summer

she was going about 40 mph. bitch was on her cell phone...my bong was in the trunk too and it shattered on impact. Plus I got whiplash...

shitty day


Well-Known Member
I hit a abandoned stolen car on a freeway on ramp in the fog and rain. The car was grey and didn't have the hazards on. Totaled my car and put me in the hospital for a night. Can we say wipe lash!


Well-Known Member
Few years ago I was t boned by a public transit bus that ran a red light. Head hit the windshield and left a pretty good gash in my head. Huge scar .Didn't see a damn penny tho. If only I had a video.........

Total Head

Well-Known Member
when i was 5 i went across the street to a friend's house even though i wasn't supposed to cross the street. we got in a fight and i ran into the street all pissed to go home and some douchebag bashed me with a white station wagon. apparently i went airborne for a moment then smashed my forehead on the curb. i woke up under a parked car. i remember thinking i was really sweaty and i went to wipe my brow and it was all blood. i was cross eyed for a week. it was the first of many serious head injuries i would sustain before the age of twenty. the plus side was that i had a really disgusting scar on my forehead and my mother says i would just lift my bangs during someone's conversation and they'd practically lose their lunch. good times.


Active Member
This year on July 5th I was visiting with my buddy and he decided to sleep in so I finished off the last six beers in the fridge. It was about eleven o'clock when my other buddy came over to his house. He decided he needed smokes so we drive down a backroad to the liquor store. He HAD a little 240sx and was trying to show off like a idiot. I had a pipe and a little under an oz in my pocket. Next thing you know we are flipping. We did three flips and hit a big pole and kept going til someone's backyard fence stopped us. We were going 65 mph. I climbed through the tiny ass back window and help my buddy out(he is covered in blood) instantly I threw my bud and pipe under a big trailer(terrible spot) but I was in a crazy thought process. Next thing you know I got neighbors screaming at me to
Sit Down cause I was walking around. For some reason I remember an old lady standing there with a handful of peaches cause she was picking them off her tree, some other lady asked if I wanted the water she had and I took it. Next thing that happens is cops!by the time I took a drink and looked up there was three cops cars and a fire truck and ambulance. They took my buddy away in the ambulance. The fireman decided interrogating me was more important than my health at that point. They had this big ass machine for heart rates connected to me in the middle of the street. My heart rate was like 250+ so they start to tell me I was on meth and pcp(never done anything besides weed) I hated being accused of that so I told them I was drinking/smoking. They Still didn't believe me! As this is going down the husband of the the lady whose fence we ruined starts screaming about how we ruined his fence. I stood up while connected to this machine and was instantly thrown to the ground by a fireman. I believe my words of choice were along the lines of I don't give about about all these cops my friends bleeding and your worried about your fence and I threated to kick this old mans ass. They called in another ambulance for me. They threw me on a backboard and into the back of an ambulance for a 45 minute drive. Instantly as we started driving I was SO nautious. I told the emt and he shot some stuff in my iv to make it better. Once I got there they stripped me down to my underwear and x rayed me. Overall me and my friend were safe and nothing was bad except he got some stitches and his car is gone. (8,000 medical bill is the worst) in the end I lost my ounce of weed :(


Well-Known Member
I had my leg ran over when I got hit riding a bike when I was like 12.This dumbass clipped my back tire and I went down and my leg was on top of the tire and the wheel went right over my leg and the tire but it's crazy cause I was good lol it went over so fast that the weight seemed like it never really touched me.I got up and was alright but my bikes tire was fucked up.

The guy who hit me gave me 50 dollars to get a new rim and shit lol.

I cant believe you were alright after hitting that bus.When you hit it did you get knocked out or did you just shake it off and get up lol?


Well-Known Member
420......... maybe if u werent going 60?...........
I was out doing a quick ride to the store to pick up a part for my friends bike, he was on my other bike and riding with, he pulls up in the video.

A half a block up the road and out of sight from the surveillance camera we were stopped at street lights and both in the center lane of a 3 lane one way st.

The truck in the video that slammed on it's brakes pulled onto the far right lane while we were stopped. When the light turned green I took off into the trucks blind spot.

The truck saw the bus way before I did and slammed on his brakes but it was too late for me, there was a wall of yellow then black.

The first officer on the scene said on his report that we were drag racing but never once asked my side of the story or my friend's.

He also said I left 75ft of skid mark from braking which I knew was bullshit so I went back to the site of the accident after the hospital.

When I got to where the accident happened to look around for evidence to help my case I turned around and there was the camera.

I may have been going a little over but I still had full right away.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and post up your accident, they don't necessarily need to be auto accidents. I like your X-ray pics.
i need to find that thread, my daughter has my laptop, my other on needs a cord...and this desk top sucks.
I think it was called "my brokek leg"
I fell 6 stories, over 60 feet and hit the sidewalk...not the 20 acres of grass, but the freegin sidewalk. my leg bone came right thru my Levis...and the way I was twisted, it was in my face, so I got to look at the bone for 45 minutes while the fucknut Detroit fire dept. tried to figure out how to get me out. They didn't want to use a saw because I had open wounds...but they ended up cutting me out with my own dirty ass chop saw, the blade like 4 inches from my head, those fuckers, then it was a trip down the pot holed infested streets of detroit to a shit hole hopital full of overdoses and gunshot victims.No pain meds on the ambulance of course.My leg was like 6 inches shorter ( you'll see in the x-ray). Not to mention I broke 4 fingers, my right arm, 3 verts in my back got crushed together...broke my neck...both my knees were in pieces in a bags of brken glass...I think my talibone was in my throat...lol...I crushed my ass...and I was purple from head to toe, like Barney. But I never bumped my head?...crazy huh.
I spent months in a hospital bed, then a wheelchair, then a walker, and now a cane only on long walks.

Dud i mention the fuckers I worked with paid me good and kicked my workmans comp. in right away...but stole all my tools.


Well-Known Member
...I brought the thread uo if anyone want to see the leg x-rtay...it's under 'my broken leg'...up on the booard now


Well-Known Member
420.....any pics of the bike after the accident? Just curious to see what it looked like. Just showed my wife ur video and her jaw dropped. Its a damn miracle that bus didn't kill ya dude.