What if aliens came to earth and our water was like LSD to them and our LSD was like water to them. Would they drink water and then forget that they are aliens invading us and think we are invading them. Also, what if water was actually like acid to us and the only way we can live and be normal is tripping. We hallucinate when we have too little water, is that just the withdrawal. ...that was a little too far fetched even for me
Why do we drive in parkways and park in driveways
If making cannabis illegal keeps people from using it as much, then why do younger kids smoke more and drink less. I remember being 16 and getting ganja was easier to get then some liquor
If ganja was legal, would the government save money and pay off its debts, or just waste it somewhere else, putting us back where we started
I'll smoke again after work and get back to this, I'm kind of coming down now and I have none to blaze now