??High Thoughts??


Well-Known Member
I went to church tonight and they gave me some holy water. Now I'm home and I'm faded and I want to bless my plants. I'm still debating whether or not it would be blasphemous...I'm leaning towards no...
nah The big G made marijuana right? how would it be blasphemous? just blessing one of the finer creations


Well-Known Member
Hello i want to start this thread n i think it should be a sticky in the toke n talk section of the forum. I don't really have and HIGH THOUGHTS right now but everyone else please feel free to excercise your right to free speech. Any HIGH THOUGHTS post em here. I just think it would be funny cause i think of some funny shit when i'm high.:peace::joint::mrgreen:

Also anyone who post a really HighThought i will add to there rep.
anyone remember my theory on ghosts? neither do i but apparently i typed one up awhile ago....i do have some interesting thoughts now, but seeing as im completely obliterated, they keep mixing into eachother and my plans are partakjing on a magical journey, I was just thinking how stupid it is that it cant snow in the middle of summer, like palm trees hot ass sun, so hot in fact you begin thinking, well i don't really like winter but i wish it would snow right now...why cant it? i mean they made an indoor skiing place in saudi arabia, they should build them in every city across the USA and anywhere ekse they feel like doing it, so when the heat is tto much you can go bobsledding or something for an hour freeze ya sunburned ass off, then proceed to go and get hot again in the sun....no idea where te thoughts all came from possibly cuz i just read about skiing and snowboarders who practicein desert sand dunes....but i want summer snow sometimes it would be dope


Well-Known Member
nah The big G made marijuana right? how would it be blasphemous? just blessing one of the finer creations
Two votes for not blasphemous, that's enough for me!

NOW, the next thought is: will buds from a holy plant taste better than buds from a non-holy plant? I think I'm only going to bless one of my plants, and then compare...

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
What if aliens came to earth and our water was like LSD to them and our LSD was like water to them. Would they drink water and then forget that they are aliens invading us and think we are invading them. Also, what if water was actually like acid to us and the only way we can live and be normal is tripping. We hallucinate when we have too little water, is that just the withdrawal. ...that was a little too far fetched even for me
Why do we drive in parkways and park in driveways
If making cannabis illegal keeps people from using it as much, then why do younger kids smoke more and drink less. I remember being 16 and getting ganja was easier to get then some liquor
If ganja was legal, would the government save money and pay off its debts, or just waste it somewhere else, putting us back where we started

I'll smoke again after work and get back to this, I'm kind of coming down now and I have none to blaze now


Master of Mayhem
seriously though, one night while really baked i had a theory that involved our gallaxy excisting in a giant fish bowl, and all the other gallaxies in the universe are in other fish bowls and the universe consists of heaps of giant alain dudes with fish bowls on their tables and the alian dudes world is part of a mega gallaxy in a mommoth fish bowl and that fish bowl that contains all existance is suspended in nothingness; no air no gravity no atmosperic forces act on the fish bowl because it is in a nothing that does not exist.

theres my high thoughts for today. take it easy all !

Remember when you were in like 6th grade science class and you first seen the scientific model of an atom? Doesn't that shit look just like our solar system? I mean you have protons and neutrons flying around a nucleus right? Our solar system is just a bunch of planets flying around the sun. What if the Earth is just a proton flying around the nucleus of an atom in some giant aliens leg or some shit?:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
wow. let me know if you do that :blsmoke:
She already did. https://www.rollitup.org/spirituality-sexuality-philosophy/58215-pink-s-masturbation-survey.html

Remember when you were in like 6th grade science class and you first seen the scientific model of an atom? Doesn't that shit look just like our solar system? I mean you have protons and neutrons flying around a nucleus right? Our solar system is just a bunch of planets flying around the sun. What if the Earth is just a proton flying around the nucleus of an atom in some giant aliens leg or some shit?:eyesmoke:
DUDE...that's crazy...I've never thought of it like that, but now that I am, it's a trip. Rep to you for giving me something so crazy to think about while I smoke...


Active Member
communism is the best way to sort out the world. Communism has only failed in the past because of a lack of money due to the lack of support most regions in the world have for Communist countries.

If everywhere was communism people would pursue what they desired and earn the same, all be equal and choosing a job to feel complete and not to earn a six figure salary.

If communism was supported and greed was eliminated a world bank would distribute budgets to every country on this earth all based on the size and needs of that country. This money would be distributed to those in the labor force and the infrastructure of the cities.

Greed prevents this. Capitalism has bread greed but now that we have been exposed to this there is no erasing it. It's ingrained into us and has now become almost an instinct.