Whens everyone going to start??


Well-Known Member
Well I started mine = ) Germinated and planted in FF ocean forests, with perlite and worm castings. A day later one sprouted, other one looks about ready. Planted 2 Kahunas directly into the ground, but I think ants either ate the sprout, or carried it off somewhere.

So as of now I have 2 either Haze,ak,ww,juicyfruit, or bc mango plants started. I can only check on them once a week tho, but hopefulyl they are doing good, and ill get some pictures up after this weekend.


Active Member
I've literally started germinating mine yesterday, soaked in water. They're now in some paper towels.

Mine are going under a couple of CFLs before they go outdoors. So end of April before they're outside.

When is there a new moon in April?


Active Member
waiting a little while longer here in the Carolinas. Do y'all wait for a certain night time temp. before moving seedlings outdoors?


Well-Known Member
They will all be girls grown from clones. They are rooting as we speak.
me too.. DOn't have to worry about males this year WOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO
i want to get them about a foot tall before i put them all outside :)
i live in ohio, have at least another month before i can put them out


Well-Known Member
Got my clone cupboard full now (130 clones). Will be doing the same again in 2 weeks after I transplant these into peat pots. I need 200 girls ready by the end of May. Can't be bothered with sexing any more.


Well-Known Member
yes they are much better im using wonderberry clones this season tired of males to much of a hassle plus i just want to hook up a dripper so i dont got to check on em as much or a irragation system


Well-Known Member
We use wet low clearings in the bush so we don't have to worry about watering, it all depends on the climate where you live though,we're growing in Boreal Forest. Chronic clones btw.


Well-Known Member
nice i love chronic yeah we get alot of dry spells here but one of the best states to grow in thank fully im growin on a side of mountains im going for atlest 20 pounds shit sells for 3500 a pound here


Well-Known Member
I never count my chickens.We lost 3 out of 4 patches last fall,1 to deer and 2 to thieves. This year we are putting in 20 patches of 10 plants each hoping to that the bastards will miss enough of them that we get a decent crop.At leastwe got some last year, a couple of my buddies were cleaned out,they are talking armed guards, seems excessive to me but....


Well-Known Member
fucking hate deer why dont u set up a primiter for theives and deer i mean theres easy switch up where u can put a hook and fishing string fucking gets em every time lmao i got a deer last year with a web of fishing string and hooks it got tangled and died lol kind of fuck up but thing would of ate my plants


Well-Known Member
Using cougar oiss from the gun shop for deer, no real amswer for thieves, sometimes they have guns and badges too.