That train one is sick but rather good
perked me up after a crap days work
I guess that makes me a pretty terrible person
EC pens are very very useful, if you are that way inclined, but if you fancy just growing a nice cannabis plant or two, there's fuck all need for em. The one thing i tend to notice whenever debating these types of things with other folks is they always come abck with all the "i want to do thing's propperly, be the best, not grow mediocre plants" well they're just trying to justify their overly complicated and fussy grow, from what i've seen keeping things nice and simple produces pretty much idential results in terms of quality. I stand by the idea that if you can grow you can grow. The whole idea of hydro HAVING to be sterile to be one of the funnier ones, absolute bollocks, my grows not been wiped let alone cleaned in years, DWC tubs covered in dried up salts and this and that and the other, never bleach hydrotron and all that bollocks. Plants do just great