Serious Question Looking For Serious Answers... Help please if you can! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to offend anyone in saying this, but please only post a reply if you are 100% positive you are giving me accurate credible information. I have seen a lot of stuff posted through different sites that I have used and really learned a lot from... On the other side of the coin, I've seen complete bullshit posted that I can only shake my head at. I just need some honest advice to help me get through some of the shit you deal with when your just starting off as a grower.


Here are a series of questions I have that I am finding vague information regarding when searching for answers in the sources I have here at home. I really appreciate anything information wise anyone can throw my way. I know some questions may be strand specific, but any information I can get will help a lot!

Ok so here we go...

We bought our seeds online (un-feminized); 10 White Widow (Sativa/Indica blend) and 10 Northern Light (Indica). We germinated 6 of each strand in 12 rockwool plugs until they were mature enough to place inside bigger cubes.

The system we are using is the “Flood and Drain” simple hydroponic setup that holds 14 plants with a 600w HPS bulb. As stated earlier, the soiless medium we are using is “rockwool”.

The plants sat under the light for a 24/0 cycle during their vegetative state. At about 3 weeks of growth we realized that we had made a mistake in growing two different strands at once. The White Widow being a Sativa blend is growing to be an overall taller plant than the Northern Light is. Due to the space we had, we were required to induce the plants into flowering.
  • What is the normal amount of time that a plant should stay in vegetative state (24/0 Cycle) with a hydroponic setup going from rooted clone to becoming being ready to flower (12/12 Cycle)?
  • If the previous question is strand specific for the appropriate amount of time you should veg a crop, what signs should you look for that would tell you that the crop is ready to be sent into flowering?
My roommate has only ever grown in soil before and myself learning everything for the first time I am just now starting to see if what we did was a good idea or not. The plants have already started to show whether they are male and female and it has only been 5 days. We’ve already pulled 4 males out of the 12 plants we’re growing. The 8 remaining plants haven’t quite shown enough to determine the sex, except for 2 which we think are female but could be hermaphrodites.
  • Did we induce flowering too soon? Could that cause some of the plants to become hermaphroditic?
  • What is the normal amount of time a plant should stay in flowering (12/12 Cycle)?
  • If the previous question depends on the strand I am growing, how do you know through observing the plant when it is ready for harvest?
In the other room we have set up a T5 (6 Bulb) fluorescent light using the same flood and drain setup just a little bigger tray (3ft. x 3ft.), but the tray that the plants sit on is quite a bit shallower than the tray in the other room. Initially I was planning on using this room to veg the crop using the 24/0 cycle using clones cut from mother plants. The tray we have in the veg room under the T5 doesn’t fill up as much as the one that is under the HID light. It is a much shallower tray with the same size reservoir.
  • If the clones (once rooted) are transferred to bigger rockwool cubes can they still sit in the shallower tray where the water reaches about halfway? (compared to when they are in the flowering room where the water can reach ¾ of the way before it hits the drain). Should I get rid of the tray I bought for the veg room and get one that is consistent with the flowering system or does it not matter?
My roommate had a plant that he was growing in soil that we had sitting next to the plants we sent into flowering 5 days ago. We had to move the plant because we wanted it as a mother so we put it under the T5 fluorescent lights next to the tray like we had it sitting when it was under the HPS light. Our idea was that we would cut clones from it and use those when mature enough to send into flowering to the other room under the HPS light. The day the plant made the transition from the HID light to the T5 fluorescent lights we cut 6 clones from the plant, dipped them in water (the water had been set out for 3 days and we adjusted the pH to be around 6 & 6.5), then we dipped the plants in a powder rooting hormone and put them in the same type of rockwool inserts we germinated the seeds in.

Now we have 6 clones sitting in the tray under the 24/0 cycle fluorescent lighting with the main plant in the soil to the side under the same light. We aren’t flooding the tray to feed the clones; rather we mixed a diluted solution of food for the plant and let the rockwool soak up food/water mix when we see they are getting dry. The T5 light is sitting approximately 1 foot above clones while they try to take root and 2 inches above the mother. I was told that once the clones take root, to drop the light 2 inches above them like I already am doing with the mother.

Now the shitty part, both the clones sitting in the tray and the mother that is sitting to the side do not look good at all. The clones don’t seem to be taking root at all and the leaves are droopy and on some of the clones turning yellow. The mother plant is very droopy and has many yellow leaves as well. When the mother plant sitting in soil needed water for the first time we poured the same diluted plant food/water mix to feed her and have been feeding her regular regulated pH water there after.
  • Should I have waited for the mother plant to adjust to the change in light going from HID to Fluorescent before taking a clone from it? Do you think maybe the plant is suffering from shock?
  • What is the proper technique in transferring a plant from one light spectrum to another without causing shock damage?
  • When taking clones should I put them in the cylindrical inserts with the slit in the side or should I just cut small blocks out of a slab of rockwool for my clones?
  • Should I be using powder rooting hormone for hydroponics or should I us the gel rooting hormone when trying to root my clones?
  • What growing conditions should clones be in while they are attempting to take root? How should I be feeding clones?
  • Can I immediately start flooding once all of the clones have taken root?
Here is the dilemma I am facing right now… I wanted to take one plant from each strand (White Widow & Northern Light) that are currently in flowering (12/12 Cycle) once the sex is determined to be female and place it in the veg room (24/0 Cycle) and use them as mother plants. The problem we are facing is that I don’t know what kind of problems I could be facing by taking mature plants that are rooted in rockwool sitting under an HID light source and moving them under the T5 light.
  • Will my plants revert back to vegging within a few days? What kind of problems am I up against?
  • Should I continue to keep the plants in the rockwool cubes and put them in the T5’s tray letting them veg with the clones? The problem I see with that is my lighting situation… I don’t see how I would keep the light 2 inches from the clones with a 2-3 foot mature plant in the tray.
  • Would it be smarter for me to take the two selected females I will be using as mothers and drop the rockwool into soil and let them grow through the rockwool into the soil or will that cause more problems with shocking the plant?
Instead of transferring two mothers to the vegging room, I have also thought that maybe I could just take clones off the plants that are flowering once I identify that they are female. I would only feel safe doing this if I actually know how to clone a plant and get it to take root. I could cut as many clones as I need putting most in the tray and a few in soil to grow mother plants from the clones.
  • Is it smart for me to want to have my mother plants in soil or should I be keeping them consistent with hydroponics like the rest of my crop?
  • Is it ok for me to take clones from a flowering plant and put them under a completely different spectrum of light while they take root and veg? Will they grow correctly when put under the T5 light with a 24/0 cycle even though they have for all their life been under the HID light source?
I have a veg room and a flowering room as stated earlier and I’m trying to figure out how to properly grow my plants through a smooth transition from rooting the clones, vegging the plant, then moving to flowering. I want to make sure I have a proper setup to ensure that once one thing is done, I can make the transition with the next set of plants with ease.
  • Should I have a completely different setup for rooting my clones, vegging, and flowering? Or is a veg room and flowering room adequate enough for my intended purpose?
The setup I have is only temporary, I’m taking the next 4-5 months to learn and become acclimated to understanding hydroponics and growing. The system I’m using now I intend on changing dramatically when I am able to move to a house where I can dedicate an entire room to growing. Instead of T5 fluorescent lights for vegging and HPS lights for flowering, I hope to be using T5 fluorescent for rooting clones, metal halide for vegging crops, and high pressure sodium for flowering. I would love to hear any takes or suggestions on setups I could use when I have a full room to use as space. Like I said ideally I would be using a completely different setup, but while I learn I’m using what I have to work with. Thanks for taking the time to read this, any information at all will be helpful to helping me understand.


Active Member
I don't mean to offend anyone in saying this, but please only post a reply if you are 100% positive you are giving me accurate credible information. I have seen a lot of stuff posted through different sites that I have used and really learned a lot from... On the other side of the coin, I've seen complete bullshit posted that I can only shake my head at. I just need some honest advice to help me get through some of the shit you deal with when your just starting off as a grower.


Here are a series of questions I have that I am finding vague information regarding when searching for answers in the sources I have here at home. I really appreciate anything information wise anyone can throw my way. I know some questions may be strand specific, but any information I can get will help a lot!

Ok so here we go...

We bought our seeds online (un-feminized); 10 White Widow (Sativa/Indica blend) and 10 Northern Light (Indica). We germinated 6 of each strand in 12 rockwool plugs until they were mature enough to place inside bigger cubes.

The system we are using is the “Flood and Drain” simple hydroponic setup that holds 14 plants with a 600w HPS bulb. As stated earlier, the soiless medium we are using is “rockwool”.

The plants sat under the light for a 24/0 cycle during their vegetative state. At about 3 weeks of growth we realized that we had made a mistake in growing two different strands at once. The White Widow being a Sativa blend is growing to be an overall taller plant than the Northern Light is. Due to the space we had, we were required to induce the plants into flowering.
  • What is the normal amount of time that a plant should stay in vegetative state (24/0 Cycle) with a hydroponic setup going from rooted clone to becoming being ready to flower (12/12 Cycle)?
  • If the previous question is strand specific for the appropriate amount of time you should veg a crop, what signs should you look for that would tell you that the crop is ready to be sent into flowering?
My roommate has only ever grown in soil before and myself learning everything for the first time I am just now starting to see if what we did was a good idea or not. The plants have already started to show whether they are male and female and it has only been 5 days. We’ve already pulled 4 males out of the 12 plants we’re growing. The 8 remaining plants haven’t quite shown enough to determine the sex, except for 2 which we think are female but could be hermaphrodites.
  • Did we induce flowering too soon? Could that cause some of the plants to become hermaphroditic?
  • What is the normal amount of time a plant should stay in flowering (12/12 Cycle)?
  • If the previous question depends on the strand I am growing, how do you know through observing the plant when it is ready for harvest?
In the other room we have set up a T5 (6 Bulb) fluorescent light using the same flood and drain setup just a little bigger tray (3ft. x 3ft.), but the tray that the plants sit on is quite a bit shallower than the tray in the other room. Initially I was planning on using this room to veg the crop using the 24/0 cycle using clones cut from mother plants. The tray we have in the veg room under the T5 doesn’t fill up as much as the one that is under the HID light. It is a much shallower tray with the same size reservoir.
  • If the clones (once rooted) are transferred to bigger rockwool cubes can they still sit in the shallower tray where the water reaches about halfway? (compared to when they are in the flowering room where the water can reach ¾ of the way before it hits the drain). Should I get rid of the tray I bought for the veg room and get one that is consistent with the flowering system or does it not matter?
My roommate had a plant that he was growing in soil that we had sitting next to the plants we sent into flowering 5 days ago. We had to move the plant because we wanted it as a mother so we put it under the T5 fluorescent lights next to the tray like we had it sitting when it was under the HPS light. Our idea was that we would cut clones from it and use those when mature enough to send into flowering to the other room under the HPS light. The day the plant made the transition from the HID light to the T5 fluorescent lights we cut 6 clones from the plant, dipped them in water (the water had been set out for 3 days and we adjusted the pH to be around 6 & 6.5), then we dipped the plants in a powder rooting hormone and put them in the same type of rockwool inserts we germinated the seeds in.

Now we have 6 clones sitting in the tray under the 24/0 cycle fluorescent lighting with the main plant in the soil to the side under the same light. We aren’t flooding the tray to feed the clones; rather we mixed a diluted solution of food for the plant and let the rockwool soak up food/water mix when we see they are getting dry. The T5 light is sitting approximately 1 foot above clones while they try to take root and 2 inches above the mother. I was told that once the clones take root, to drop the light 2 inches above them like I already am doing with the mother.

Now the shitty part, both the clones sitting in the tray and the mother that is sitting to the side do not look good at all. The clones don’t seem to be taking root at all and the leaves are droopy and on some of the clones turning yellow. The mother plant is very droopy and has many yellow leaves as well. When the mother plant sitting in soil needed water for the first time we poured the same diluted plant food/water mix to feed her and have been feeding her regular regulated pH water there after.
  • Should I have waited for the mother plant to adjust to the change in light going from HID to Fluorescent before taking a clone from it? Do you think maybe the plant is suffering from shock?
  • What is the proper technique in transferring a plant from one light spectrum to another without causing shock damage?
  • When taking clones should I put them in the cylindrical inserts with the slit in the side or should I just cut small blocks out of a slab of rockwool for my clones?
  • Should I be using powder rooting hormone for hydroponics or should I us the gel rooting hormone when trying to root my clones?
  • What growing conditions should clones be in while they are attempting to take root? How should I be feeding clones?
  • Can I immediately start flooding once all of the clones have taken root?
Here is the dilemma I am facing right now… I wanted to take one plant from each strand (White Widow & Northern Light) that are currently in flowering (12/12 Cycle) once the sex is determined to be female and place it in the veg room (24/0 Cycle) and use them as mother plants. The problem we are facing is that I don’t know what kind of problems I could be facing by taking mature plants that are rooted in rockwool sitting under an HID light source and moving them under the T5 light.
  • Will my plants revert back to vegging within a few days? What kind of problems am I up against?
  • Should I continue to keep the plants in the rockwool cubes and put them in the T5’s tray letting them veg with the clones? The problem I see with that is my lighting situation… I don’t see how I would keep the light 2 inches from the clones with a 2-3 foot mature plant in the tray.
  • Would it be smarter for me to take the two selected females I will be using as mothers and drop the rockwool into soil and let them grow through the rockwool into the soil or will that cause more problems with shocking the plant?
Instead of transferring two mothers to the vegging room, I have also thought that maybe I could just take clones off the plants that are flowering once I identify that they are female. I would only feel safe doing this if I actually know how to clone a plant and get it to take root. I could cut as many clones as I need putting most in the tray and a few in soil to grow mother plants from the clones.
  • Is it smart for me to want to have my mother plants in soil or should I be keeping them consistent with hydroponics like the rest of my crop?
  • Is it ok for me to take clones from a flowering plant and put them under a completely different spectrum of light while they take root and veg? Will they grow correctly when put under the T5 light with a 24/0 cycle even though they have for all their life been under the HID light source?
I have a veg room and a flowering room as stated earlier and I’m trying to figure out how to properly grow my plants through a smooth transition from rooting the clones, vegging the plant, then moving to flowering. I want to make sure I have a proper setup to ensure that once one thing is done, I can make the transition with the next set of plants with ease.
  • Should I have a completely different setup for rooting my clones, vegging, and flowering? Or is a veg room and flowering room adequate enough for my intended purpose?
The setup I have is only temporary, I’m taking the next 4-5 months to learn and become acclimated to understanding hydroponics and growing. The system I’m using now I intend on changing dramatically when I am able to move to a house where I can dedicate an entire room to growing. Instead of T5 fluorescent lights for vegging and HPS lights for flowering, I hope to be using T5 fluorescent for rooting clones, metal halide for vegging crops, and high pressure sodium for flowering. I would love to hear any takes or suggestions on setups I could use when I have a full room to use as space. Like I said ideally I would be using a completely different setup, but while I learn I’m using what I have to work with. Thanks for taking the time to read this, any information at all will be helpful to helping me understand.
Every one of these questions have been answered on this forum. Just spent some time looking around and try the FAQ. Also it seems to me you are taking this wayyy too serious. Its just a weed man. :roll:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
What is the normal amount of time that a plant should stay in vegetative state (24/0 Cycle) with a hydroponic setup going from rooted clone to becoming being ready to flower (12/12 Cycle)?
the amount of time writing this would have been better spent reading. that being said, i'll give a few a stab. regardless of your grow style, you have to consider your limitations when vegging. if you have unlimited headroom then it doesn't matter. i agree, you goofed when you grew 2 diff. strains. you have one rez and 2 diff. strains, could be a problem. a 600 watt light will only penetrate so far into the canopy. keep that in mind too.

If the previous question is strand specific for the appropriate amount of time you should veg a crop, what signs should you look for that would tell you that the crop is ready to be sent into flowering?

as i said, this depends on your vert. limitations and light wattage.

My roommate has only ever grown in soil before and myself learning everything for the first time I am just now starting to see if what we did was a good idea or not. The plants have already started to show whether they are male and female and it has only been 5 days. We’ve already pulled 4 males out of the 12 plants we’re growing. The 8 remaining plants haven’t quite shown enough to determine the sex, except for 2 which we think are female but could be hermaphrodites.

doubt you'll see any herms. things happen quickly in hydro, be prepared!

Did we induce flowering too soon? Could that cause some of the plants to become hermaphroditic?
What is the normal amount of time a plant should stay in flowering (12/12 Cycle)?
until the trichomes are where you want them.

If the previous question depends on the strand I am growing, how do you know through observing the plant when it is ready for harvest?
again, trichomes.

In the other room we have set up a T5 (6 Bulb) fluorescent light using the same flood and drain setup just a little bigger tray (3ft. x 3ft.), but the tray that the plants sit on is quite a bit shallower than the tray in the other room. Initially I was planning on using this room to veg the crop using the 24/0 cycle using clones cut from mother plants. The tray we have in the veg room under the T5 doesn’t fill up as much as the one that is under the HID light. It is a much shallower tray with the same size reservoir.

good idea! use this for your clone/veg area.

If the clones (once rooted) are transferred to bigger rockwool cubes can they still sit in the shallower tray where the water reaches about halfway? (compared to when they are in the flowering room where the water can reach ¾ of the way before it hits the drain). Should I get rid of the tray I bought for the veg room and get one that is consistent with the flowering system or does it not matter?

do some readind and decide what would work better for you.

Now the shitty part, both the clones sitting in the tray and the mother that is sitting to the side do not look good at all. The clones don’t seem to be taking root at all and the leaves are droopy and on some of the clones turning yellow. The mother plant is very droopy and has many yellow leaves as well. When the mother plant sitting in soil needed water for the first time we poured the same diluted plant food/water mix to feed her and have been feeding her regular regulated pH water there after.

just before clones root, the start to yellow. the mother sounds hungry.
Should I have waited for the mother plant to adjust to the change in light going from HID to Fluorescent before taking a clone from it? Do you think maybe the plant is suffering from shock?

plants always need time to adjust to new environments. you could have waited a few days.

What is the proper technique in transferring a plant from one light spectrum to another without causing shock damage?


When taking clones should I put them in the cylindrical inserts with the slit in the side or should I just cut small blocks out of a slab of rockwool for my clones?

that's up to you. you have to find what works best for you.

Should I be using powder rooting hormone for hydroponics or should I us the gel rooting hormone when trying to root my clones?

i didn't know they made hydro specific rooting hormone. i grow in coco, and i just use regular old shit.

What growing conditions should clones be in while they are attempting to take root? How should I be feeding clones?

put them in a clone dome. fresh cuts don't really need anything. some people use a mild superthrive mix.

Can I immediately start flooding once all of the clones have taken root?

yes, but watch your nute strength.

Here is the dilemma I am facing right now… I wanted to take one plant from each strand (White Widow & Northern Light) that are currently in flowering (12/12 Cycle) once the sex is determined to be female and place it in the veg room (24/0 Cycle) and use them as mother plants. The problem we are facing is that I don’t know what kind of problems I could be facing by taking mature plants that are rooted in rockwool sitting under an HID light source and moving them under the T5 light.

no prob. just do it. mothers are better kept in soil.

Will my plants revert back to vegging within a few days? What kind of problems am I up against?

reverting back to veg can take a while. (read)

Would it be smarter for me to take the two selected females I will be using as mothers and drop the rockwool into soil and let them grow through the rockwool into the soil or will that cause more problems with shocking the plant?

i've done that. cubes to soil is fine.

Is it ok for me to take clones from a flowering plant and put them under a completely different spectrum of light while they take root and veg? Will they grow correctly when put under the T5 light with a 24/0 cycle even though they have for all their life been under the HID light source?

i've taken clones from flowering plants. they get mondo bushy.

Should I have a completely different setup for rooting my clones, vegging, and flowering? Or is a veg room and flowering room adequate enough for my intended purpose?

i would, but you can get away with using your veg area for cuttings.

i've run out of gas. i've never seen such a huge post. good luck dude. i think you'll find that it's pretty easy to grow dope.


Well-Known Member
You know man, a lot of people game me shit for posting all these questions... I more than appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I know you said the main thing is to read and that is what I have been doing from day one... Its just hard to find answers to specific questions when reading through what seems to be a never ending display of information.

I feel a lot more comfortable about my grow thanks to you. I really do appreciate it. I'm currently reading "Marijuana New School (Indoor Cultivation)" & "The Cannabis Grow Bible" both books are pretty much what has taught me enough to even formulate the questions I asked. I know I sounded a little too serious in my post, I just had direct questions I needed to find answers for fast. I take pride in things I do, growing is a new hobby to me and though I know I wont perfect it first try, I'm trying to grow to the best of my ability and learn all I can. I take pride in being successful with anything I put my mind to.

Thanks and I will keep you updated on how everything is goin... Oh and if its alright with you man, would you at all mind if I throw random questions your way when I hit walls throughout my process?

Take care and let me know.


Well-Known Member
i was gonna send you a pm, but there isn't that option. i never knew that shit! ^^^ you fukin funny man^^^ i had to edit my post cause of you!!!^^^ i'll be around if i can be of help. there's a lot of knowledgeable people here.


Well-Known Member
Some people like big ass trees and some people want petiet little girls. Those who grow SoG or Sea of Green want plants about 8" tall when they go to 12/12. That size and anything bigger is acceptable.

As others before me have said, read the posts and threads on this site for more information.


Well-Known Member
1. 24/0 is okey i prefer 18/6 ( clones need 24/0 light for 5 day then put em back to 18/6 IF ROOTED )

2. You can put your marihuana plant into flowering at week 3 - 12 ..... Guess it depends on how big you want it....

3. Nr. 2 answers Nr. 3 ! ^^

4. Flowering time can vary between 6 - 14 Weeks !!!!! Depends on strain look it up on the internet ;) Google

5. Depends on how you like your trichomes..... do u like a real stoned stoned high ? then leave them untill 80% of all trichomes are brown.... if u want a nice high like me leave em @ 35% :P:P:P ^^

6. Be consitant with your plants, dont allow them to feel stress'd

  • Should I have waited for the mother plant to adjust to the change in light going from HID to Fluorescent before taking a clone from it? Do you think maybe the plant is suffering from shock?
Nope not really.... unless they are over stressed with to much lumens... i guess 2 fl's @ 2000 lm - 7800lm would do the trick...
  • What is the proper technique in transferring a plant from one light spectrum to another without causing shock damage?
hmm guess that what i just said ???
  • When taking clones should I put them in the cylindrical inserts with the slit in the side or should I just cut small blocks out of a slab of rockwool for my clones?
Depends on how u like to grow..... I would cut small blocks.. ^^
  • Should I be using powder rooting hormone for hydroponics or should I us the gel rooting hormone when trying to root my clones?
GEL !!!!!!!!!!
  • What growing conditions should clones be in while they are attempting to take root? How should I be feeding clones?
Dont fert them.... Only use water.. Put plastic container over the lid of the grow box so that it stays nice a moisture .... and nice and warm........

They will love for it.. ^^
  • Can I immediately start flooding once all of the clones have taken root?
TBH i dont know what u mean by flooding ?

  • Will my plants revert back to vegging within a few days? What kind of problems am I up against?
Loads of em.. some clones will just die on you, some will revert fine.. i had 16 clones in flower time and 5 made it ;) well 12 made it but i didnt like the other 7....

  • Should I continue to keep the plants in the rockwool cubes and put them in the T5’s tray letting them veg with the clones? The problem I see with that is my lighting situation… I don’t see how I would keep the light 2 inches from the clones with a 2-3 foot mature plant in the tray.
that your problem... ^^
  • Would it be smarter for me to take the two selected females I will be using as mothers and drop the rockwool into soil and let them grow through the rockwool into the soil or will that cause more problems with shocking the plant?
never ever heard someone do that... but maybe possible i would not do it ! Maybe you will get moldy soil...

  • Is it smart for me to want to have my mother plants in soil or should I be keeping them consistent with hydroponics like the rest of my crop?
Sure man, you personly should take care of that girl ;) you know what i mean.. it like giving your girlfriend a dildo and saying, here play with it :P:P

heheh sure man love's allways nice.. but i guess you could still do it... :D
  • Is it ok for me to take clones from a flowering plant and put them under a completely different spectrum of light while they take root and veg? Will they grow correctly when put under the T5 light with a 24/0 cycle even though they have for all their life been under the HID light source?
Yes they will grow fine..... Just dont make to big clones... ^^ like 5 cm's max...

Should I have a completely different setup for rooting my clones, vegging, and flowering? Or is a veg room and flowering room adequate enough for my intended purpose?

Again you must decide whats right for you, I am happy with my 3 Clone lights.... 4 600 Watt Hps's ..... ;)

Guess it up to you..

Hope i could help... Its what i know and i think my plants turn'd out ok. !

I dont like CFL's they totally made my life misrable... anyway i got 16 clones out that cfl shit :(:(


Well-Known Member
there is a plethora of conflicting information and advice. Even the "experts" don't agree on a many basic things - let alone more advanced topics.

Good thing it is a weed. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
you really should spend some time reading actual journals and asking question in them many more people will help you when you show that you are making a concerted effort to gain the information and you do that by participating in our little grow community.....i am so surprised that anyone answered all of your questions but then again the one who did first really likes to share but as email468 said it isnt an exact science, you can get all the facts you want but you have to spend a great deal of time really watching and understanding your plants...


Well-Known Member
you really should spend some time reading actual journals and asking question in them many more people will help you when you show that you are making a concerted effort to gain the information and you do that by participating in our little grow community.....i am so surprised that anyone answered all of your questions but then again the one who did first really likes to share but as email468 said it isnt an exact science, you can get all the facts you want but you have to spend a great deal of time really watching and understanding your plants...
yep - the unfortunate thing is if weed were legal - it would be an exact science just like orchids and tomatoes. Grrrrrrr :fire:


Well-Known Member
Some people like big ass trees and some people want petiet little girls. Those who grow SoG or Sea of Green want plants about 8" tall when they go to 12/12. That size and anything bigger is acceptable.

As others before me have said, read the posts and threads on this site for more information.
+1......also- some of your questions have more than 1 right answer depending on the situation, and you probably wouldve gotten better result without posting a novels worth of questions that to answer correctly would take someone alot of time type out. the growfaq here does wonders for alot of these types of questions.