How long are seeds good for?


Active Member
Ive got about 30 good club seeds but are about a year old and they wont germ.someone told me they go dormant and was wondering if i shud just keep them germinating they have been in there for about a week.any suggestions


Well-Known Member
ive heard that seeds can survive last for up to 2 years. everyone has their own method of germinating seeds. do a search on germinating and try a few different ways since you have so many seeds. maybe you will have some luck....


Well-Known Member
One method I have been told is called scuffing. Get an empty match box. Put some sand paper inside. Put seeds in. Another piece of sandpaper on top. Close matchbox and shake. This is to wear down a bit of the hard shell to make it easier for the root to break through when you germinate.


Well-Known Member
I've germinated seeds that are a few years old. I think it more depends on the individual seed. I've had some that were 5 years old germinated in a couple days, and a few that I pulled out of a bud 3 days earlier, and only the older one germinated. just try all of them with a few different methods and I'm sure you'll get a few.


Well-Known Member
There is a dude on RIU who has a thread that claims he is growing a seed from 78'... So take that with a grain of salt...


Active Member
wow thanks fur the idaes the other 8 still havent sprouted but ill try the scuffing thing.and is it bad to check the seeds to much or be to wet?


Well-Known Member
wow thanks fur the idaes the other 8 still havent sprouted but ill try the scuffing thing.and is it bad to check the seeds to much or be to wet?
try not to disturb them too much. as for being wet I soak mine till the root shows then keep moist in wet tissue. I would use rock wool but the supposed hydro shop near me never heard of rockwool (wtf I know)


Well-Known Member
in the newest ht...they supposedly grew plants from 10 year old seeds.....ive heard of people storing them for a couple years no prob.


Well-Known Member
I have a bag of seed I've been saving for 5 years....They germinated ok.

I soak mine in a cup of water until they split.

Carribean Blue

Well-Known Member
I heard of puttin a half a tea spoon of 20-20-20 NPK into a pint of water and that soposedly germanated a few 7 year old seeds


Active Member
realy.the others have not germinated still.fuck.i got sum new seeds and theyv already sprouted so im all ready to plant them


Well-Known Member
I had some seeds saved up from more than 8 years ago, no good. A few sprouted tails but none of them took off. The trick to keeping good seeds is to keep moisture out. They can easily store for twice as long as normal if you vacuum seal the bag and keep the temp constant.


Well-Known Member
When your paying $10-20 a seed you want them to work. I recently tried using a germination heating pad and wow what a difference! A little dome over the tray and the heating pad beneath makes for a perfect environment. The sprout so fast that in 72 hours they must be transplanted into something.