Does Marijuana lose potency when it is traveled from places like california>Georgia?


Active Member

When weed is shipped that far, does it lose any major potency? Or is it minor if anything?

Please discuss. :eyesmoke:


New Member
Theres vibrations in the traveling, crystals will fall off and quite a bit too depending on how far it is.


New Member
Does not decrease potency, just knocks the kief off for you. No big. Smoke it.
well usually when weed is travelling its in large amounts to dealers. You're not getting this so called kief. If you grow it your self you skip the traveling all together and it will be better weed.


Well-Known Member
if it was transported on top of the car and in direct sun light for long periods of time it'll lose some potency.


Well-Known Member
no it's not going to lose potency. if anything it will gain potency by curing will it is being transfered
Variable argument, there is a point where this is true, and a point where it is not, we don't have the needed data (i.e. age of bud) to make a conclusion like that.


Well-Known Member
suddenly everybody's a scientist huh??

what's the range of the THC content of a centigram of marijuana grown in california? how are you calculating the standard deviation? are you using the widely used, yet scientifically inaccurate approximation that begins by determining the variance in a sample size of n>30?? lololol... i hated statistics so much...


Well-Known Member
If it's airtight and away from the light, it will degrade no more than if you had it in a Kerr jar in a dark basically no degradation.

If it gets smashed or broken up, it could mildly degrade it


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the atmosphere in Georgia is intolerant of weed, and on the trip (as it gets closer to Georgia) it will lose potency.

What the fuck are you asking. NO IT WON'T LOSE POTENCY.

Unless you knock a bunch of trich's off.

If anything the bud may have been too fresh, and might cure :)


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying, it depends more on the age of the bud and the conditions in which it's been kept than from where to where it's going, see.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying, it depends more on the age of the bud and the conditions in which it's been kept than from where to where it's going, see.
I mean why does "Where to where" matter?

Like, get a Gyro-movement thing if he's THAT worried about it, and 0% of ANYTHING will be knocked off :)

But that's just ridiculous :)
A friend of my mind just flew down from portland to san francisco with 8 grams and I asked him the same question and he said it was just a s potent as before he flew.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
potency is proportional to the inverse square of the distance from where it was grown. Cali weed will still be on par with locally grown georgian brown by the time it gets there. Trust me, i'm on the internet.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
potency is proportional to the inverse square of the distance from where it was grown. Cali weed will still be on par with locally grown georgian brown by the time it gets there. Trust me, i'm on the internet.
yes the inverse square law... effects the potency just the same as the light that grew it :)
