Anger managment needed


Well-Known Member
So I just took my desktop and printer and threw them across the room. Then I took what was left of the printer and smashed into a mashed potato type substance.
I was fuckin pissed!
My dog is hiding now, i can't find him.
I managed to fix the comp., but the house is upside down.

Now I go smoke and clean.


Ursus marijanus
If that printer is still under warranty (or if you can pull off making the good folks at MegaCompMart think so) just imagine putting Cream O'Printer in a Rubbermaid container and bringing it to the store for repair/exchange. Freak the customer service counter dude. "I think it's a manufacturer defect ... just look at this."

Bummer about the dog. Fresh bacon is an instrument of peace and healing. cn


Well-Known Member
Ha! Have I ever been there! I'm on the verge of doing that 24/7, it's another reason I smoke so much weed...gotta stay happy and calm somehow.


Well-Known Member
their are holes in my walls from the last time i got a virus and nothing i tried seemed to work. i wanted to smash my laptop into a bunch of little pieces, i did hit it but pulled my punches cuz i realized i'd completely destroy it like i did my last one if i didnt. so instead i headbutted and punched the walls a bunch.


Well-Known Member
tbh i kind of like getting into a pure rage once in a while. I can do and break things i could never do when im calm. it would be fun to get in a fight when im like that but i think i'd probably try to kill them before i realized it. its actually happened before. thank goodness i didnt actually strangle the guy to death and my friends pulled me off him.


Well-Known Member
who won ?................
Believe or not, I'm, acually using the desktop right now. The rainbow colored screen is kinda cool. like a tie-die thing. The printer, on the other hand, could fit in a beer can. It's in 3 milllon pieces.Ikickedit'sass....nowmyspacebarisnotworking!!!I'mfucked.


Well-Known Member
poor dog. i dont break shit bc i dont like cleaning it up.


Well-Known Member

un named

Active Member
lol i actually got a hole in the wall right next to me from head butting it. the laptop that i have now plays up sometimes and i get fair angry but i can restrain myself but do smack it around sometimes my goal in life is to buy a new laptop and just have it uptill this one decides to play up my plan is to just walk out the back door real calmly and smash the thing to peaces i feel like this would make me feel so happy its un true.