Round 3: Extrema & El Monstre DWC Cooler Scrog

Looks like things are coming along nicely Blu!


I'll be putting the screen in the cab within the next week or two.
LST is being done in the mean time. Simply by taking fishing line and tying them over.
The main reason I wait to install the screen is because I like to be able to maneuver around in there and also makes it easier to change the water without the screen.

El Monstre
Nice buds uc. Damn dude I might smash that if it was my birthday night and under the influence. I wonder what kinds of things have been in her pussy..
I will only be using LST to the plants on the left. The tray on the right sits about 2 inches lower than the left so if I LST the left I can keep them even and spread em out until they are tall enough for the screen. That's my theory anyways!
The screen will be set at 7-8 inches above the rez lids.
I was gone for a day and I come back to these Lil' Monsters!
They have really grown over the past day or so.

El Monstre is a monster compared to the other 3. Hope that's not the signs of a male. LST seems to be doing a good job at keeping the two on the left low and spreading out while the two on the right catch up in height.
I still have to set up the buckets with the auto fill float and then install the screen over the next week
Ahhh! I can't wait to see that screen filling up. 2-3 females would be Sweet!!
