germination quiz


New Member
Once my seeds have been placed in moist paper towels ,sprouted their taproots and then placed one centimeter deep in the potting mix and lightly covered i need to..

A) Keep them in a dark place until they sprout ,if they sprout in the dark they can survive for a good while.

B) Put them under lights because you don't want them to sprout and not have any light..



Well-Known Member
most people just keep a light on them for warmth. You can put them on a heating pad or in a warm room, as long as you are keeping the soil warm. Warm soil = happy roots.

psychedelic son

Well-Known Member
If you have them under light they have a tendency to dry out which isn't good so I'd put them in a ziploc bag cracked open a bit to hold in the humidity. The important part I've found is to make sure their warm. About 80 degree F and they sprout quick. Be careful with the ziploc in the dark though cause i had mold grow on my seeds once doing that.


Well-Known Member
for me i place in paper towel and keep warm till tap root shows then i plant them under 24hours light and put plastic over pot to hold in moister then take plastic off once its popped out of the ground


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA your trying to give me advice and you cant even plant a seed without help BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA


Active Member
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA your trying to give me advice and you cant even plant a seed without help BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
I think he's trying to generate interest in a thread.....I KNOW he knows how to germ a seed....I've seen his grow...Quit being a hater Ocalli