Club 600

My first beans were planted on July 15th, 2011. I had around 100 subs and I cleaned out some and I am down to 68. Going through more to clean them down. About 10 of them are active.
I started growing in 2006 , had no clue what to do tried this and that got some bonsai plants of pot of gold..:) makes me smile now.. I was following others for a few years untill i started researching for myself -jorge crevantes dvds-growells blue guide and any other dvd /mag i could get.. The came stoner forums ..good but not the one .
Found this site and i couldn't believe what i didnt know!! Never looked back.
Im subbed to 14 threads at the moment -i think atleast 5 are active ,but i do drop out of grow journals when theres more talk than pics..
:) you an a few others get execptions!! I told ya before i've been showing that casey scrog off ..
people do the same that i did when i first seen it there " like wtf ,wheres the plant" "i dont get it" "how"..
then smiles all over.. I like showing it to people who think they know it all about growing, just to expand there mind a little..
Whats happening gang ! Just into drop a Pic of my DOG side by side with 2 Liver's. Cant wait for this one to come ready, with all the starting/stopping and up's n down's she will be a pleasure to chop, dry n enjoy im sure :)

Nice Cinders,

I started with a 400 watt in 95. Stopped after being busted and then got back into it in 2007 and the rest is history....96 threads, not sure how many are active though.

pic update of day 3 coming up....
I started in march of 09', subbed to fourteen threads and drop in on about five. I constantly delete threads where I only post once or twice
heres a casey jones and a dog kush bout 3ish weeks in. The dog has something im a bit concerned about on its leafs, any idea?
Casey Jones.

Dog kush with dodgy leafs.

I said it b4 and I'll say it again lol.
wooow i almost forgot about her dst that was freaky shit man at first i thought she had your special bong mix lol but then was told she has them fits al the time :(
Anyway people its big out here everyone is getting fucked up high on the SOS stand lol i will post pics soon, dst can show you some of what he has taken so far.
seaofseeds is filming the event so the film should be ready to watch in a couple weeks on our site and on utube. Breeders Boutique is selling quickly which is a very good sign cup entry next year is a must :)

i think this cup will be a very tight call as devils harvest seeds have push out a nice strain strawberry sour diesel (t-line) it is in the grey area if any one is in dam try it i have heard big things :) we are also the only ones selling it so check them out @ !!!!!

Peace out.
Sound's good man, i caught your post earlier on westy's thread about the promo's for the cup.
My cousin was in the Greay Area a few week's back and tried the strawberry sour diesel, and gave good report's on it.
Good to hear the B.B strain's are selling well, when i think back to reading strain info before buying seed's and all the crap and hype i now know, it would have been a god send to be able to see them getting grown and all the info here from the people involved. Its got to make a diff. eh!

I'll mabe get over for it :)
I started growing March of 2010 and currently have 56 subs but only a few are active. I spend most of my RIU time right here in the 6 double 0, where I should be, hehe ;)