How long in flower to tell sex of plant?

I have 6 plants that I took two clones of each, to tell sex of plants. Clones are doing great. Just got their roots and put them in flower. About how long in flower to tell the sex of plants? I want to flower my main 6 plants starting December 1 or a little later depending on how far the plants are in their SCROG. So the clones will be at least a week into flower before main plants. In theory the clones should show sex first. Correct??
Would they show sex in 2 weeks? Or more like a month?
The plants are white window and northern lights.
Ask any question you like.
Really? 2days?
This is only my second grow. My first was a shity set up and shitty seeds. But don't remember how long it took to tell sex on the first.
Now got 4x4 tent with 600w light and scrog.


How old are the plants (not the clones)? This will make the biggest difference, they need to reach a point of sexual maturity before they attempt to flower, so if they are at an age they are ready to flower they will willingly, if not they will hold back a little.


Well-Known Member
i said it was bean specific m8, if you want the god's honest truth i had the fucker in it's first night of 12/12 and i went in the room in the morning and it showed sex within the first 12 hours of lights off, but i figured you couldn't handle the truth. I remember it was a crazy coincidense because i had fried a lot of my beans and the night i put the survivors in I actually prayed to god to please let some of the remaining beans i had be female, then i woke up and one already showed......Devine intervention? fuckin blew my mind for a sec but what's even weirder is i don't believe in god...... now WTF is up wit dat shit :? Maybe i should reconsider my faith


They should come around fairly fast then, i highly doubt you will have to wait to see many females before the 1st, however the males will hold out sometimes, and i had a hashberry once that didn't show she was a girl until my white rhino had formed buds. So most likely you will meet your time crunch, but there is a remote possibility you will have a hold out.
Really? Like 13/11?? Have never heard that before. If I don't see results in a lil over a week I will try that.
Thanks everyone for all the input.


Active Member
all depends on each specific plant or clone. if they're ready to show sex then it'll only take a day or two but if they are still too young it'll take em a little while longer. just be patient and dont try to rush anything. happy growing bro and good luck. oh and asways, stay smokey :weed:
Been 1 week today in flower. Still no signs from plants to determin sex. I had just fluorescents on them. Now I have halide going with fluorescents. Hope they like it better.