Stealthy CFL GRO Auto LST


Hello Community,

This is my first grow and first posting on this site, i have been doing some re search and using this site as a guide, there is so much good information and help available to all levels of growers. this brings me to the point, the grow journel since this is my first grow im just not sure what to look in the pants in terms of nutrient and watering needs.

DIY grow cabinet that i made out of an old dresser
Active exhaust and intake
2 13w led panels that i am still trying to work into the box
8 23w 7500k CFL's
Holding around 76-84 degrees F

The Baby's-
Super Automatic Sativa- Big Buddah
Thunder Bloody Mary Automatic- Samsara
The Food-
Organic Composted Potting Soil from a local farm
Advanced Nutrients Jungle Juice 3 part Micro-Grow-Bloom
The Game Plan-
Germination started on 10-10-11, Bloody Mary sprouted in 2 days and the SAS took 5.

I planted them into small solo cups and then moved them to 3 gallon pots after about a week, transplanting them both at the same time even though the SAS was much smaller.

I will be LSTing them in a circle around the inside of the pots with the goal of having many colas, so far it is working well and am just using sections of clothes hangers. I have not found much out there in terms of LST ing autos but i think that in principle it should work the same as if I just grew photos with a short veg cycle, but there isn't much information that i can find out there so this is sort of a test, but with high hopes.
Im running them 24 hours a day all they way through flowering because from what ive read there is no beneficial gains from night, it is just a lack of growth, Also just having it all on is very simple. Im growing the Autos to see how my set up is working, so please no bashing autos, i am growing them because they are fast.
ive been watering them lightly every day and more if the soil feels very dry,
just started using the jungle juice 2 days ago, and have been switching between water and nutrients.
The Problem
I dont know what im looking at, the main veins on the lower leaves of the SAS are yellowing and there is purple on the stems
the Bloody mary has spots on some leaves and the stems are also turning purple in places
IM not sure if it is the strain that woud cause the purple or a deficiency, please help, and feel free to comment on my set up i know there is more i could say but ill wait until it comes up.

-Time to Smoke a spleeefff
its taking too long to put the pictures in order here they are the white pot is the bloody mary and the black is the SAS by that you can tell the age by the size of the plant!



Here are some up dates built in white fan on bottom to add intake to try to control heat but now im thinking it is a lack of exhaust since i now have 2-3 time more intake than exhaust and i seem to be around 80-86 degrees , overall growth is well and healthy except for some spotting that im not sure the problem but growth is well, see for your self, and thanks for checking it out no replies yet but some day soon...
happy growin


Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
your doing alright there considering the cramped quarters and CFLs
dont sweat the plants they actually doing quiet well, not much more you can do
That soil looks good, how strange lol


your doing alright there considering the cramped quarters and CFLs
dont sweat the plants they actually doing quiet well, not much more you can do
That soil looks good, how strange lol
thanks for the support looking really healthy today will post pics probably tomorrow again i like to see the progress

So far i think the only thing that LST has done to the plants is dramatically increase growth in what would be the lower sections of the plant

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Good observation pal.
The growth will increase as the roots begin to get ahold in the pots so don't let the height catch you off guard, and flip accordingly


Nov 6 almost a month in temps are around 80 spiking occasionally to 90 when heat turns on, autos looks beautiful, sas is really catchin up, and the TBM is flowering and there are about 5 decent sized shoots from the LST plus the top cola, should be a great smoke already has some long white pistils. also started a Holy Grail 69 as well, she has sprouted and already seeming like it is gonna be a lot taller than the autos.


new pictures! 69 is looking great gonna be moving her to another place soon, but will eventually get a clone back in this box of her. the SAS is looking ver bunchey and growing well it could have something to do with the led light i have above her, maybe the strain, all looks well in the leaves on all three plants, flowering started on the sas. BM is stretchey and and i and i cant wait for her to fill in ,
switched out 2 6500k for some 2700k

you can never start growing yesterday


Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
new pictures! 69 is looking great gonna be moving her to another place soon, but will eventually get a clone back in this box of her. the SAS is looking ver bunchey and growing well it could have something to do with the led light i have above her, maybe the strain, all looks well in the leaves on all three plants, flowering started on the sas. BM is stretchey and and i and i cant wait for her to fill in ,
switched out 2 6500k for some 2700k

you can never start growing yesterday

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man i must be stned, i realise your growing all autos..
your making it look easy considering the resraints your working in. These look great. The 69 looked really good healthy growth. If you got a bigger set-up you could grow mean nugs, hopefully you can keep getting your hands on that soil again, some people think that soil growing is the most basic but it can be difficult to provide the right conditions. Please dont forget a good flush as i find bottled nutes in soil can give a harshness. Maybe consider amending your soil from the beginning and only feeding plain water or compost/worm/guano tea, dissolved humus granules, kelp fert once a week. 'weekly/weakly'.

bud picks, fillin up nicely seems to be growing well sas is bushy and also fillin in but proly a week behind, happy livin' :joint:

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straight up beautiful colas forming, id be stoked with those:mrgreen::blsmoke:
Love the draesser cab man, My buddy did the same thing and kept getting a heat problem and eventually just always had to prop the door open, pretty much defeating the purpose I guess?..Im diggin the incognitto grow though!


girls are looking good growing a thunder B also but she is not an auto..shes been vegging for about 8 weeks and she will be on her 3rd week of induced flower..shes 10 weeks old ATM and barely producing bud sites..believe i got a bad one..oh well shes 3ft tall and barely producing good grow karma your way brotha..