Florida Growers Thread

Whats up long timers? Hows it going new people? Been a while my pc still busted... UPDATE!! My four footer Whom I dubbed big birtha has been Snatch out of my grasps!!!!!!!!! It was a Fu*king garden troll. She had some big fat dank nuggets and now she is Gone!! My baby was in a wetland restoration site right by my place. I mean not more than a half city block away. Here is what happen... This cuban guy come up to my place and said ima drive a truck through here I seen the plant. At first i hesitate. He said dont worry i wont say anything. I said ok I wont say anything about the truck. everything was fine, he came and left.... Well about a week later she was gone....!! Fresh tire tracks right up to were by girl lived. I followed the tracks right to the cubans place. I mean right up to there back yard and then the tracks stop by a four wheeler... How fu*kinf obvious can you be Einstein. I will chock that up to a loss and do nothing as I have a lot to lose just over one plant....... My little 2 footer is elsewhere and her buds look amazing to me. The crystals have started going amber. I named her Bushido. After the old game Bushido blade for ps1. Because it was badass and so is she. Farewell until next time my friends.
hey smoochies, yes apparently that person is a mod, i don't know how, kinda scares me :-) i asked that person to stop giving bad advice several times, and he denies his advice is bad and just calls me names instead. LOL i have pages and pages of potential sigs from him to use at any time he's full of 'em.

did you get some of that lovely rain today? it gave my outside girl a nice fresh drink and she loved it :clap:
Outdoor is a lot of work, but it has its moments and this is one of them. Great weather for the finish this year dude. I haven't had a good sativa in a while and I'm getting impatient, lol.

hey smoochies, yes apparently that person is a mod, i don't know how, kinda scares me :-) i asked that person to stop giving bad advice several times, and he denies his advice is bad and just calls me names instead. LOL i have pages and pages of potential sigs from him to use at any time he's full of 'em.

did you get some of that lovely rain today? it gave my outside girl a nice fresh drink and she loved it :clap:
we had an outdoor girl that got chopped early so it was just so-so in the taste department, was ugly as hell when it dried. but i really didn't have to do anything to her. this outdoor was started indoors and just looked too puny and wilted, you know the weather got a little cooler so the air wasn't kicking on and it got a little warm for her in the house. she's still in her 5 gallon bucket. will be a lovely sativa when finished :-)

started some cheese, will keep them inside. i hope to have some nice girls to set outside when the frost is gone in the spring tho :clap:
Until the DEA helicopters scope that shit out. I wonder how prevalent the fly-overs for marijuana are in Florida. Anybody got any ideas or experince?
One flew over just last week. Small choppers with black IR equipment antennae. This when they are out. You have to stealth grow them, split them up, and slow grow them in 4 hours direct sun on the edges of fields/clearings.. Autos can be planted out of season, so they are less likely to be seen. Happy growing!

Until the DEA helicopters scope that shit out. I wonder how prevalent the fly-overs for marijuana are in Florida. Anybody got any ideas or experince?
Until the DEA helicopters scope that shit out. I wonder how prevalent the fly-overs for marijuana are in Florida. Anybody got any ideas or experince?
it depends on how much money your county has. say for instance collier county has more money and can fly over around the end of september when the weather starts to cool off. and say levy county may not fly unless absolutely necessary considering they have a lot smaller budget then some counties. but usually most counties will fly september and october because the popo knows to get the growers at the end of the cycle cuz theres more weight and it hurts you more getting busted in flowering then it does in veggie. if you grow only a few plants most likely they wont pick up on it. but if you have ten or more you want at least three sites.
and if you want to hide a few you can put them around tomato plants. mj plants give off a small amount of heat and it takes probably 5 plus plants to give off a signature. tomatoes absorb heat so it can help hide a cluster of them. but if you dont want to get busted... grow 5 or less. dont plant green plants around a bunch of brown pine needles. hide them in cabbage palms or other thick green brush. and remember the three L's no smell no tell no sell. if you follow those rules you wont get busted
i actually just moved to another county here in florida and im about to buy a house and once i do that im going to start scouting. i had some ideas for soil this year. the region i am in has black nutrient rich soil underwater in the lakes. im actually going to wait till the water levels go down this winter and get some black dirt from the lake beds and add some perlite and soil and go from there. im also going to upgrade from 5 gal buckets to something larger. i had a problem i had 5 ft plant outgrow the 5 gal bucket so im gonna change it up a lil. i have 19 "crippy" seeds. i got lucky and got a batch from tennesse that is second to none and went back to my man and bought the few seeds he had so this year should be great
Yeah, I keep my plants spaced out at least 10' apart and stealth grow. Tomatoes are ok, but they attract a lot of bugs so I plant cane around them, the leaves/stem blend well with a sativa. Bird netting will also break up the christmas tree pattern from a distance (and keep deer from munching!). If in pots, bury them in the ground. Happy growing!
Yeah, I keep my plants spaced out at least 10' apart and stealth grow. Tomatoes are ok, but they attract a lot of bugs so I plant cane around them, the leaves/stem blend well with a sativa. Bird netting will also break up the christmas tree pattern from a distance (and keep deer from munching!). If in pots, bury them in the ground. Happy growing!
yeah i bury my buckets too. i had problems with deer 2 years ago. so i shaved my head and put all my hair around the grow sites and the animals smelled human scent and wouldnt come around