Laughing Buddha 600w Powergrower Scrog (first grow)


Well-Known Member
yeah ... because of this thread .... im doing it to see how it works. i got a big 8 outlet pump , im gonna do 4 bucket w rings and each will also have an airstone. i just took a batch of clones so sometime next week im setting up, got everything but the coves for the buckets, ill keep ya posted. btw yeah thats some fast growth, im gonna play with this but im a dirt man.


Well-Known Member
yeah ... because of this thread .... im doing it to see how it works. i got a big 8 outlet pump , im gonna do 4 bucket w rings and each will also have an airstone. i just took a batch of clones so sometime next week im setting up, got everything but the coves for the buckets, ill keep ya posted. btw yeah thats some fast growth, im gonna play with this but im a dirt man.
thats the way im heading with this aswell im thinking as soon as i have some spare cash lying around im going to run 9 waterfarms under the big screen all off 1 res and probably run 2 maybe 3 powergrowers under the small screen. depending how they fill out, the screen may not even be needed. im just thinking im wasting too much time vegging this long looking at my girl i could flip her now and still get a decent yield so if i had 9 and flipped em all at 3 weeks my screen would be full of bud sites by 5 weeks. much more efficient but i will probably have to do a grow or three first. oh and of course all 9 would have to be clones so that i wouldnt have issues with varying ppms and different heights etc. i would probably experiment with different strains in the 3 powergrowers and not link there res'. thats all way in the future though.


Well-Known Member
well guys im afraid today is the day im going to let plant 2 go. she has had a very hard struggle dealing with my lack of skill and knowledge. first she was burnt by the hydroton then i burnt her with nutes then i never flushed properly and she got salt lockout thenshe looked to be coming good but was showing some signs of a calcium deficiency which i presumed were from the lockout and then by the time i realised what was going on it was too late i tried another flush and bumped up my micro a little but i think it was just to late. she is too weak. rip plant 2

today im going to attempt to clean out the whole powergrower and transplant in a little vannilla kush i have growing. this in itself could be a problem though and im expecting the transition to be a little bumpy but fingers vrossed that by tomorrow i will have a new addition to my grow room ready for the update tomorrow


Well-Known Member
yeah so did i then what im fairly certain was a calcium deficiency just decimated her. no biggy i had a vanilla kush sitting on standby. im fairly sure the transplant went smoothly i dismantled the whole powergrower and sterilized everything. then i prepped a very weak nute solution of about 80ppm with some gh florablend which helps young seedlings and cuttings develop healthy roots and a very mild dose of nova grow (1ml). then i removed the vk from its pot (it was in soil) set the hose head onto shower at a low pressure and very gently rinsed the roots off until they were free of all soil then i placed it into the hydroton and covered it up. gently poured the solution over the roots to help them settle and i now have it sitting in place bubbling away. i dont have any cfl's or anything so its under the 400w but the light is at maximum height and i have a bucket sitting on top of the scrog screen between the light and the seedling so it doesnt get any direct light. fingers crossed it all goes smoothly. i will be home all day to monitor it so if it looks like its getting too stressed i can switch the light off and leave it in the dark. hopefully the nute solution isnt too hot for it after a transplant but i dont think it will be i mean my standard tap water is hotter than that at 110ppm so i think it should be ok.


Well-Known Member
well good news so far. the vk hasnt shown any signs of stress so far in fact i would go as far as to say its loving the new envirnment. its only early days though so i probably shouldnt speak to soon. and the main reason im here is to say i have bumped the buddha up to 850ppms. she is really getting hungry for nutes i think its a good thing though.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Happy thanksgiving FORGETiWASHERE...keep up the good work, positive attitude and please more pictures.. rip plant lookin foward to this vk. You do know of Dayzts Vk waterfarm grow? cant remember if i saw you over there. if not, i highly recommend you take a look at this master gardener and photographer grow a most beautiful plant. take it easy


Well-Known Member
hey amb's yeah im definitely aware of dayzt he is doing a top job, if my vk ends up even close to looking as good as his i would be super pumped. and yeah im actually feeling really good with the way things are going now and excited for the chance to grow some vk so in the end it has all turned out ok i guess. more pics tomorrow on the 3 day update.


Well-Known Member
ok so here is where im at. all followers will already know that poor old plant 2 after a long struggle was finally let go so from now on plant 1 will be known as "the buddha" and plant 2's replacement will be known as "the vk".

"the buddha"

ok so the buddha has really taken off and gotten super hungry too shes been jumping 100ppm a day and is now on 850ppm but today im jumping her straight up to 1000ppm. for all those that like to keep there ppms low dont think im doing this on purpose i litterally have to keep up with this girl. u can see some slight yellowing of some of the fan leaves on the top. that is the result of me not realising at first just how hungry she was getting. shes gotten tall now too and will be dropping my screen on today i think she will be touching it by tomorrow. i will post some more pics once its up. oh and shes showing preflowers already too and my algae problem i was having has been eradicated by the constant res changes so they were a blessing in disguise really.

"the vk"

well not much to report she is what she is. transplant couldnt have gone smoother she didnt stress at all and she seems to be loving the new environment cant wait for this thing to start firing. i feel like im going to have a better shot at success this time now i have it all dialled in a bit better. oh and im waving goodbye to the 3 part formula. just too complicated for a beginner like me im going to stick to the nova grow for now im seeing great results with the buddha and its just too easy.

kevin murphy

New Member
love it mate the growth on that is rapid subbed for a soil man myself but ill help in any way i can if u need here for the long haull..keep it up bro ill rep u when i can tomoz..peace


Well-Known Member
love it mate the growth on that is rapid subbed for a soil man myself but ill help in any way i can if u need here for the long haull..keep it up bro ill rep u when i can tomoz..peace
thanks kev good to see your on board.

a few notes while im here. scrog is on shes not touching it yet but she will be in a day or 2. ppms ended up staying at 850ppm today she seems to have levelled out at that point so now i will just watch her and see what she does.

Chem Dawg

New Member
What kind of vibes would I be spreading throughout the universe if I didn't join u on this ride sir?!? Not good ones.... So I'm subbed!

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
thats the way im heading with this aswell im thinking as soon as i have some spare cash lying around im going to run 9 waterfarms under the big screen all off 1 res and probably run 2 maybe 3 powergrowers under the small screen. depending how they fill out, the screen may not even be needed. im just thinking im wasting too much time vegging this long looking at my girl i could flip her now and still get a decent yield so if i had 9 and flipped em all at 3 weeks my screen would be full of bud sites by 5 weeks. much more efficient but i will probably have to do a grow or three first. oh and of course all 9 would have to be clones so that i wouldnt have issues with varying ppms and different heights etc. i would probably experiment with different strains in the 3 powergrowers and not link there res'. thats all way in the future though.
You Post Made Me Chuckel Forget.I Too Am Planing My Next Project And I'm Only 7 Day's From Seed On My 1st Grow LMAO.Growing in WF Is Addicting!!!!!Your Girls Are Looking Mighty Fine.Peace


Well-Known Member
You Post Made Me Chuckel Forget.I Too Am Planing My Next Project And I'm Only 7 Day's From Seed On My 1st Grow LMAO.Growing in WF Is Addicting!!!!!Your Girls Are Looking Mighty Fine.Peace
it sure is lol. but i guess its good to have goals so i can gradually work towards it in the items i upgrade rather then just upgrading willy nilly and then in the end just having some sort of cnfusing mess. im in no hurry i just know here i want to be in a yr or two


Well-Known Member
the buddha

well folks it looks like this just wasnt meant to be easy for me. the buddha has reached the screen and all looks to be going well. still hungry as hell i bumped her up to 1000ppm last night and this morning shes already brought them down to 750ppm. so another increase is in order this afternoon.
BUT she has been throwing pre flowers and im afraid its not looking good. im switching her to 12/12 today its earlier than i would have liked but if i have a hermie on my hands i dont want to waste any more time on it.

the vk.

the vk also seems to have stalled but really its only been three days since the transplant s its probably still in shock. its not looking dead yet thats the main thing. i guess.

on another note im not sure where to go from here. if indeed these too plants fail again and i have to start over to pop some laughing buddha or should i go for something new. i do stil want some of those delicious looking big red buds that it looks like u can get from the buddha but i dont want the long flowering time anymore. i dont know im feeling a little discouraged right now


Well-Known Member
Fucken hell man, sorry to hear that. I hope that it's not a hermie and that it'll be allright. And the other one will grow up, it's the shock that's keeping it back.


Well-Known Member
well i ordered a pack of satori so if all goes wrong i will be popping them. funny this little bit of retail therapy made me feel a bit better lol