Well-Known Member
What about Molokai deer meat?
Do you ever make sausage out of it?....My favoite part is the saddle with a frosty beer...(the loin and tender loin)
What about Molokai deer meat?
Wot, you no like Frank Delima's Bagoong breat mint?
Do you ever make sausage out of it?....My favoite part is the saddle with a frosty beer...(the loin and tender loin)
It would be totally cool if we could put together a shin-dig in a neutral location and chew the fat all day, itd be amazing to meet you guys, obviouslythis is shitty timing with the holidays just about to crawl up our asses (Jesus Fucking Christ I hate the holidays!) honestly i really dont care about the holidayseason, I dont have any crumb snatchers so its always a good time for ole cooty lol anyone into it? Maybe after the holidays? Maybe start our own 420 daything each year on a different island?
something I dare not touch is balutyou couldn't pay me to eat that shit, lol
I don't think I would eat it either, and I'm part Filipino.
Maybe if I was super fucked....
something I dare not touch is balutyou couldn't pay me to eat that shit, lol
Nice Dr.G....balut really makes my butt pucker up..lmao!...I think I rather prepare a meal out of a dumpster than take a nibble from that lovely specimen...I love the flip's but my god they eat some nasty shit!
We can't help it, we're poor! lol
Nice Dr.G....balut really makes my butt pucker up..lmao!...I think I rather prepare a meal out of a dumpster than take a nibble from that lovely specimen...I love the flip's but my god they eat some nasty shit!
nothing like good 'filipino food. But it's best eaten blindfolded. I partial to "chicken feet". I love the way the chinese do it in a peanut soup. Just grab a foot in one hand tilt head back and drop them slowly into your mouth. Once you feel the dangling little toes in your mouth. Then proceed to suck the skin right off the bone, broke da mouth!