Are Intelligent Women Sexy?


Well-Known Member
if the girl is basically a walking head, then no, not sexy.

you need to have a bit of oomph in the crotch area to be sexy (that is, you enjoy sex and the thought of sex and arent afraid to show it or share it)

the sexiest people have though at least a bit of heart and head along with it.


Well-Known Member
ok , lemme explain,

the duckface is a common misconception about being sexy.

see, you gotta feel sexy, to be sexy.

let yourself feel those sexy vibes coming from your crotch and if you want a sexy mouth,

well, you gotta feel the sex in the mouth (imagine you are kissing someone and feel that in the lips (feel how they go bit like the duckface? (the mouth expands bit in anticipation of the kiss (there is nothing ducklike about a true kissy sexy mouth)

its not the clothes , its not the body (Though a good body helps)

its how they hold themselves, (look at some sexy pic and feel how the body changes bit in composure)

and btw, people that look like that, all the time are either actors that have studied how people look and then imitated it

or are in therapy because of sex addiction lol :)

feeling sexy, show it (if you wanna look sexy)


RIU Bulldog
I agree. In much the same way as you may love your family members equally.

But It seems the majority of relationships (or at least those of people in my own age category) seem to be just two people having sex, arguing alot and being a pair for the sake of having a girlfriend/boyfriend. True, it would have been nice to have had a prom date, but I guess I would have been just as sad going with someone I knew didn't love me.
I don't get how someone like you can have som much relation trouble already. I think it says something about the UK if girls like you are unremarkable. Is there something you're not telling us? Are there no 'nice guys' where you live? Is it possible that you're as vain as the man who you say treat you badly?
By that I mean do you only go after 'hot'/model looking type guys, or would you lower you standards a little?
You should move to the US. We love UK girls. You'd be treated just as badly as you would in the UK but at least you'll be worshiped by nerds!

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I don't get how someone like you can have som much relation trouble already. I think it says something about the UK if girls like you are unremarkable. Is there something you're not telling us? Are there no 'nice guys' where you live? Is it possible that you're as vain as the man who you say treat you badly?
By that I mean do you only go after 'hot'/model looking type guys, or would you lower you standards a little?
You should move to the US. We love UK girls. You'd be treated just as badly as you would in the UK but at least you'll be worshiped by nerds!
She is a sweet young woman...

If she is judgmental about looks she's already lowered her standards by talking to me... joking...

but not really...

I didn't have any girl to take to my highschool end of year so I took something else... not gonna say what, cause if anyone from my highschool is in here they would know who I am...


Well-Known Member
hmm a girl who loves calc and over achieving who can sleep unless her mind has been working on something strenuous, makes my heart melt.


Well-Known Member
Beansly, I've had a few crushes but they've always been the guys NO ONE liked, and desperate as they were, no one wanted me. I've had deep feelings for 2 guys (irl btw) but only truly even in love with one. I live with him and his girlfriend half the time, she was one of my closest friends and so was his ex before that. He still won't let me leave even though It kills me to be so close but it can't happen and he cavorts with her in front of me -_-

Honestly, beggars can't be choosers. I'm not 'punching above my weight' if that is what you're implying, sir.

Shan-Shan-cake is a pretty fine goat though.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
If he knows that you love him and he does that it sounds like he is using his hold over you to get a twisted sense of pleasure from his power over you...


Well-Known Member
He's a wreck when I don't see him for like a week though. His girlfriend called me up damning I come home to him or she though he was going to kill himself 0_0