Happy Thanksgiving All!


Well-Known Member
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, may our blessings in life be our focus. Please travel safely, enjoy time with family, and remember there are always those less fortunate than us.

Whoa I knew that there was story's on the real thanksgiving but never really cared to read till now and pilgrims were some brutal motherfuckers.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Please be careful out there driving, remember watch out for the other guy. We don't want to lose anyone.
My advice is just take it for what the holiday is today, a chance to feel thankful (personally) and a great chance to pig-out and sleep on the sofa.
And as a Native I'm not so sure how I feel about today.

I know what's been taught to me but I know its not true.

Not sure what to be thankful about either as I've always done everything for myself.

I guess I'm thankful I have my health and I wasn't born into slavery.
My advice is just take it for what the holiday is today, a chance to feel thankful (personally) and a great chance to pig-out and sleep on the sofa.
I still celebrate it as turkey day, my wife's Mexican so it's not a real big thing for her family either.

Just something we're surrounded by so we go with it, besides my daughter loves the holidays.
I feel that the holidays are for the children, I love seeing the wonderment in their eyes. I can remember Thanksgivings at my grandma's home, the smell, the noise, the stuffing (I love stuffing), getting to sit next to her. Oh yeah, the holidays are for making memories that will last a lifetime. Love 'em while you have 'em.
I still celebrate it as turkey day, my wife's Mexican so it's not a real big thing for her family either.

Just something we're surrounded by so we go with it, besides my daughter loves the holidays.
i'm sitting here on my couch when i hear doors slamming at my neighbors house. then his truck starts and he leaves. then he comes back. then doors start slamming again. then i hear voices yelling, door slamming, yelling, ... then the shatter happens. sounds like the back window just got taken out. then yelling, then more glass breaking. at this point i get off the couch and head for my backyard. dudes right on the other side of the fence from my sons bedroom, fighting with his GF. slams the door opens it slams it. everyone here is still in bed. i had to yell at him, ... "hey, you have neighbors. show some respect".

now i sit here feeling guilty for being a dick to him.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. i love you all. :hug: