The Hempy Collective

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for an outdoor container i would get a ruber maid type least 18 gal..ina long outdoor season you want as much room for roots as possible...hempy yeilds always..indoors or out...peace az
you can use pvc glue to attach screens..but i'd go with a lil bigger piece just to overlap to the bottem an cover it in place...i personally wouldn't use the glue but i know people who have an had no seen problems...peace az
alright thanks for the info bro. gonna be a lot more people using hempy on here cuz of this thread.:hump::hump::peace:
ina situation like would want to work up to that container..start with 1 gal...then to a 5...then on to the final size....note you will have to water frequently...but you could hook up a drip irrigation system to run it that way...peace az
edit here's what i mean
Can you put more than one plant in each bucket/tub? Say you had square 3gal containers, you could put 4 plants in each and sog em? My thoughts are doing a small grow where you have 5 small plants in a single several gallon rubbermaid. Like this pic: but with hempy bucket system instead of dwc (or whatever mtnjohn has).
yep..i did a grow about 4 months ago where i started some mexi sats in a 18gal rubermaid...i used 5 plants....this idea can also be put forth in an e&f place the container's on a flat surfacethen flood the basin an let the water seep threw the holes on the side....peace az
i surly hope so...imo this is one of the best systems you can use...peace az

Excellent thread,ive completed a few sucessfull soil grows but ive yet to do hydro,this system will be the one to pop my cherry,i hope you dont mind me calling on your experience within the comming weeks,i'll be setting this hempy ststem up real soo.

Excellent thread,plus rep.
no problem...if you can post your pics an experience's within this that others may learn as you learn an as i do as well...peace az
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wait so you put a smaller pot filled with perlite mix with holes in the bottom for the roots to through into the larger tubberware container filled with perlite mix?
well at that point you could eather cut a couple bigger holes...cut the bottem off...or compleatly transplant outside the container then place inside bigger tub....more of a prefrence at that point...peace az
with those clones your gonna take why dont you give hempy a whirl....cant hurt right...peace az
Hi Az, I would have posted my pics of my Hempy grows had I taken some :( but I can answer questions too if need be. (I am growing some hempy blueberries outside) I am using Autopots now which work really well.

Another option that I use with my Hempy setup is Turface. The media has the aeration qualities of perlite, and the water holding properties of vermiculite.

Because it holds water very well, you actually don't need to have the res hole drilled up so far. Another plus for Turface is that the media is completely reusable. Generally you have to discard the perlite after a grow.

With turface you can sterilize and re-use.
could you use rocwoll in this set up?? if I have a seedling in a rocwool cube couldnt I just put it in a pot as describe, fill the rest in with rocwool and go from there?? also how often do you water this?? is the goal to maintain the water level just below the hole?? sorry for all the questions
I would think rockwool would retain too much water...because you pour your nutrients until you get a slight overflow out of the hole. It would saturate the rockwool and then some. Quick draining medium like perlite doesn't actually saturate like rockwool does.

You do not water constantly. The plants roots still have to breath. The reservoir is there so you do not overwater when you do actually water it...and provides so you don't have to water daily. 100% Perlite requires watering slightly more frequently because it doesn't retain as much water as a vermiculite mix.
yea...i dont care for rock wool very just like coco you need to rinse it down with warm ph'd water...the rw ph is wrong..this is why i go with 100%perlite...peace az
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