Ron Paul 2016


Well-Known Member
I agree and disagree with him on somethings. But, I have to give him some credit......He doesn't give up.


Well-Known Member
No shit it would of happened no matter who was in office, the president is just a PR man. Everything goes as planned no matter who is in the chair. Unless Ron Paul thats why they don't want him there! Obama stated "I want to be held accountable" so im fucking holding him to it, maybe you should do the same.

Yeah your assuming alright. Im talking about banks being forced to receive TARP funds, which Bush did if i recall, obama not being too eagar to collect as well as giving AIG shit tons of TARP money.

Green energy jobs where??? Where they at? Where are any jobs at??? Oh thats right, Obama hasn't done shit for jobs other than bump his dick suckers about the need for jobs. No I don't expect him to fucking walk, what kind of retarded ass assumtion is that? I do, however, expect a high profile figure, who states participation in a day to not pollute the Earth so much, to not plan on burning jet fuel in his plane all damn day! Take the day off! Fuck whats one more day playing golf? He already spent more time golfing than Bush in 8 years. Says alot about ones character. Something you must choose to ignore.

I took economics in college, you? If we would have let the free market do its thing already we would already be in recovery instead of still fighting to keep our heads above water. Pretty simple logic, unless you're one of the dumbasses that think we can spend our way out of this.

Keep assuming shit, it cracks me up! Especially when you call me the "tard" afterward. That list is so vague and void of explaination its a wonder how you assumed so much of me. ;-)
i don't give a shit if you took economics in college, your proving to me that you failed. your free market assumptions are absolutely fucking stupid man. your a simple minded person. its bigger and more complicated that. your the one with the stupid assumptions about free market saving the country. I sit here and laugh at people like you who are like "all they had to do was this, and everything would be smarter than the government blah blah blah" wrong bro, just fucking wrong. and PS dude, drop the fucking golf thing it makes you sound very very uneducated. like he's the fucking president he's gonna play golf, get used to it. and AIG is paying the money back.

you ron paul nuts are fucking priceless. you actually say the president is nothing more than PR man and in the same paragraph say ron paul would change all of that. you are absolutely fucking numb to reality. just hold shinny things in your face and you bow down in worship...........and ron paul isn't even shiny. he's old and crusty. i've said it at the point right now that i pray for ron paul to be president so in 3 years i can start this thread for you ron paul lovers, i think i'd call it..............YOUMADBRO???


King Tut
i don't give a shit if you took economics in college, your proving to me that you failed. your free market assumptions are absolutely fucking stupid man. your a simple minded person. its bigger and more complicated that. your the one with the stupid assumptions about free market saving the country. I sit here and laugh at people like you who are like "all they had to do was this, and everything would be smarter than the government blah blah blah" wrong bro, just fucking wrong. and PS dude, drop the fucking golf thing it makes you sound very very uneducated. like he's the fucking president he's gonna play golf, get used to it. and AIG is paying the money back.

you ron paul nuts are fucking priceless. you actually say the president is nothing more than PR man and in the same paragraph say ron paul would change all of that. you are absolutely fucking numb to reality. just hold shinny things in your face and you bow down in worship...........and ron paul isn't even shiny. he's old and crusty. i've said it at the point right now that i pray for ron paul to be president so in 3 years i can start this thread for you ron paul lovers, i think i'd call it..............YOUMADBRO???
i never said he CAN fix it but he is the only one with the courage to even TRY. Everyone else (with exceptions i'm sure) sees the enormity of the task at hand and chooses to push it off and get rich instead of at least TRY to change it.


New Member
i never said he CAN fix it but he is the only one with the courage to even TRY. Everyone else (with exceptions i'm sure) sees the enormity of the task at hand and chooses to push it off and get rich instead of at least TRY to change it.
Ron Paul Wants to Try and Fix it?

Ron Paul wants to Destroy us


New Member
lol destroy us.......yea......

Its difficult to put into words briefly that Dr. Paul is not your typical politician. So just one reason its different with Ron Paul is because he has been consistent for 30 years...hes stood by his word...and hes stood by the to say he is just another politician is a short sighted and unfair...Id say its obvious that you really haven't looked into Ron Paul if you think hes just another politician. You really have no business talking about Ron Paul if you haven't even looked into it.


New Member
lol destroy us.......yea......

Its difficult to put into words briefly that Dr. Paul is not your typical politician. So just one reason its different with Ron Paul is because he has been consistent for 30 years...hes stood by his word...and hes stood by the to say he is just another politician is a short sighted and unfair...Id say its obvious that you really haven't looked into Ron Paul if you think hes just another politician. You really have no business talking about Ron Paul if you haven't even looked into it.
You mean like Pick and choose the parts of the constitution he wants to follow
And vote NO on bills with Pork he put in becuase he knows the bill will pass without his vote anyways?


New Member
You mean like Pick and choose the parts of the constitution he wants to follow
And vote NO on bills with Pork he put in becuase he knows the bill will pass without his vote anyways?
you mean to make shit up off the top of your fucking head? please show some evidence...


New Member
you mean to make shit up off the top of your fucking head? please show some evidence...
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was one of only four House Republicans to break rank from the party and request earmarks despite a Republican Conference earmark moratorium. Paul sent 41 earmark requests totaling $157,093,544 for the 2011 Fiscal Year. His largest single request was $19,500,000 for a naval training ship at the Texas Maritime Academy in Galveston, followed by a $18,126,000 to provide maintenance on the Matagorda Ship Channel.

For Fiscal Year 2010, Paul requested 54 total earmarks, adding up to $398,460,640 in pork that the former presidential candidate sought to bring home to his district. These requests were made prior to the House Republican Conference’s voluntary ban on filing earmarks.

Paul’s largest request in 2010 was $51.5 million in federal money to be spent on “Reconstruction of Bluewater Highway Hurricane Evacuation Route Between Brazoria and Galveston Counties in Texas.” He requested another $50 million to be directed to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and $46 million for deepening the Texas City channel. The majority of Paul’s requests were for projects related to various ports and channels, though other sectors of his district also received attention, such as $20 million for a hospital in Chambers County. Even smaller projects received attention from the libertarian representative, such as $2.5 million requested “to redevelop historic downtown area and to purchase trash cans, bike racks and decorative street lighting” in Baytown.


Taxpayers for Common Sense released a database Tuesday of all the earmarks requested by members of Congress for Fiscal Year 2011. Over $130 billion was requested across 39,294 earmarks. With most House Republicans abstaining from the process, the majority of those requests came from Congressional Democrats. House Democrats requested over $51 billion, outpaced by Senate Democrats with just under $55 billion. On the other hand Senate Republicans only asked for $22 billion, with the four House Republicans accounting for a little over $1 billion in earmark requests. Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu had the highest request total for the year at around $4.5 billion.

From 2008-2010, the average Texas congressman brought back $74 million in earmarks, according to an analysis of data from the Center for Responsive Politics and Taxpayers for Common Sense, as the Texas Independent previously reported. In those three years, Paul sponsored/co-sponsored 45 successful earmarks totaling nearly $120 million. That was the sixth-greatest total among U.S. House members from Texas.

Of the five U.S. House members who brought home more total earmarked money than Paul, three were defeated in the November elections — Democratic U.S. Reps. Chet Edwards, Solomon Ortiz and Ciro Rodriguez (who all have large military installations in or near their districts.)


New Member
Ron Paul’s earmark requests for FY2009

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-3][/SIZE][/FONT]​
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2]Ron Paul has disclosed his earmark requests for 2009.
The deadline has passed for House members to submit their requests for earmark projects for fiscal year 2009.
We’ll post the requests by the Houston delegation as we receive them. Here they are for Rep. Ron Paul, R-Lake Jackson:
Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science:
• $250,000 for Galveston Economic Development Partnership, for Galveston Center for Business and Technology Development to help spin off private investment at National Lab of the University of Texas Medical Branch
• $500,000 for City of Bay City for NuBlac Rehab Center (youth rehabilitation)
Subcommittee on Defense:
• $3.5 million for study of health risks of exposure to vanadium
Subcommittee on Military Construction:
• $2 million for City of Bay City for NuBlac Rehab Center (serving minority veterans)
Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development:
• $41.073 million for Army Corps of Engineers to deepen and widen Texas City Channel
• $21.6 million for Army Corps of Engineers to dredge and reconfigure jetties at mouth of Colorado River
• $7.02 million for Army Corps of Engineers to dredge Freeport Harbor
• $16.021 million for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Galveston Harbor
• $1 million for Army Corps of Engineers for construction at Cedar Bayou
• $3.297 million for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Texas City Channel
• $200,000 for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Cedar Bayou
• $13.038 million for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Matagorda Ship Channel
• $42.018 million for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Gulf Intercoastal Waterway
• $3.026 million for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain channel to Victoria
• $600,000 for Army Corps of Engineers for feasibility study for Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay
• $400,000 for Army Corps of Engineers for feasibility study for Feeport Harbor
• $100,000 for Army Corps of Engineers for feasibility study for Lower Guadalupe River Basin
• $400,000 for Army Corps of Engineers for preliminary engineering and design study at Freeport Harbor.
• $21.7 million for Army Corps of Engineers for construction at Houston Galveston Navigation Channel
• $2.165 million for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Trinity River
• $6.979 million for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Wallisville Lake
• $1.3 million for Army Corps of Engineers to study flooding around Colorado River
• $11 million for Army Corps of Engineers for construction at Wharton and Onion Creek
• $3.026 million for Army Corps of Engineers for Chocolate Bayou
• $533,000 for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain channel to Port Bolivar
• $41.623 million for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Houston Ship Channel
• $1.01 million for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Double Bayou
• $3 million for Army Corps of Engineers for construction at Clear Creek
• $500,000 for Army Corps of Engineers to maintain Port Palacios
• $100,000 for Army Corps of Engineers to study sand placement near Brazoria County shoreline
Subcommittee on Interior and the Environment:
• $5 million for Fort Bend County for City of Kendleton water and sewer improvements
Subcommittee on Homeland Security:
• $10 million for Coast Guard to improve Galveston Rail Causeway
• $8.8 million for FEMA for drainage at Cove Harbor in Aransas County
• $2.2 million for FEMA to reconfigure and stabilize Capano Causeway Pier
• $500,000 for FEMA for Aransas County drainage master plan
• $35 million for FEMA for drainage in Friendswood
• $10 million for FEMA for drainage project for Friendswood/Clear Creek
• $10 million for FEMA for drainage project for Friendswood/Clear Creek
• $5 million for FEMA to recycle household hazardous waste in Friendswood
Subcommittee on Transportation:
• $1.96 million to replace buses in and around Victoria
• $2 million to renovate transit maintenance facility in Galveston
• $5 million to reconfigure Texas Clipper training ship
• $25,000 to install security cameras at Fox Run Apartments in Victoria
• $2 million to beautify Galveston Seawall and support Transit Access Program in Galveston
• $3.6 million to construct inter-modal transit facility in Victoria
• $3.5 million for analysis of commuter rail alternatives in Galveston
• $10.3 million for City of Bay City for NuBlac Youth/Community Center
• $2.2 million for City of Bay City for improvements to electrical wiring in low and moderate income housing
Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education:
• $90,000 for Victoria Chamber of Commerce for business/career-related education for youth
• $248,942 for UTMB for employee wellness program for small businesses
• $1.748 million for University of Houston-Victoria for DNA testing and genetic diagnostic lab
• $300,000 for Bay City MEHOP for fund reinstatement of mobile unit
• $200,000 for Bay City MEHOP to recruit nurse practitioner
• $1.92 million for UTMB to study muscle mass loss in aging vs. microgravity (NASA related) at International Space Station National Lab
• $750,000 for Houston Memorial Hermann HealthCare system for Life Flight operations center
• $26 million for Washington, D.C. “Reading is Fundamental” program
• $10 million for Boston, Mass., “Reach Out and Read” national center


Lol. To be honest, if he were actually elected i don't think a damn thing would get done. Nobody would cooperate with him probably. I will still vote for him anyway. Way better the all the other jagoff sleeze balls.
Funny thing is the best thing the government could do right now is almost nothing, shit has a way of fixing itself when your not constantly fu**ing with it

And honestly most of our economic down turn and decrease in manufacturing is because of the EPA, who is responsible for the loss of millions of jobs in the U.S. due to liberal nit picking over shit that china will pollute anyways.

That is why I support anyone who will work to get rid of such a tyrant of an agency.
That is why I support Ron Paul!


New Member
Funny thing is the best thing the government could do right now is almost nothing, shit has a way of fixing itself when your not constantly fu**ing with it

And honestly most of our economic down turn and decrease in manufacturing is because of the EPA, who is responsible for the loss of millions of jobs in the U.S. due to liberal nit picking over shit that china will pollute anyways.

That is why I support anyone who will work to get rid of such a tyrant of an agency.
That is why I support Ron Paul!
Then Go move to China
We dont want to Poison our Children here


New Member
Now respectfully

Shut THe FUCK Up
Thats not very respectful. I would still like some evidence. You haven't provided any.

Your making up stories again and reaching for straws, there is nothing bad there. What's your one story you made up about Ron Paul De-regulating the mining industry? lmao why don't you tell us that one again.


New Member


------------------------BEGIN UNCIVILIZED CHILDISH RANT-----------------------------------

I must say that as a so-called liberal or progressive you should be ASHAMED if you support Obama.

Obama has surrounded himself with Wall Street, The very men that de-regulated Wall Street to begin with have been put in charge of re-regulating in obama's whitehouse. Obama has also not supportive of civil rights issues like the drug war and medical marijuana, the environment in that hes done nothing to forward environmental objectives in the interest of humanity, he kept the patriot act, he bailed out banks and corporations when he could of bailed out the people....Yes we could each be sitting on 10's of thousands of dollars and we would spend it and Bank of Fucking America would of survived. GE who pays NO TAXES and corporate 'TAX HAVENS' thrive! The bush tax cuts are still in place, he didn't send the troops home, consistently violates the constitution, the rule of law, UN agreements, he allowed for medical marijuana raids....I can go on forever...

You don't even know what it means to be a real liberal your nothing but a sucker for the the biggest marketing sham in history....BARRACK OBAMA...KING EMPEROR RULER OF THE WORLD

Give me a fucking break, Obama is a media creation, a PRODUCT...Of the CORPORATE WORLD and you say you support obama as a liberal or progressive...How naive. You've been sold a corporate lie, wake the fuck up. Yes obama got the most contributions from individuals in history but he also got the most corporate contributions in history.....Thats the name of the game, whoever has the most money to throw at marketing and propaganda can win...Obama the corporate logo puppet man...thats your man? You might as well have voted for pepsi or mcdonalds.

I Voted for OBAMA - I admit it - I fell for it - But after what has happened - id write in Big Bird or the Hamburger before I would vote for Obama again. Id rather have a fictional character as president because it would be the same damn thing.

and before your write this off as me being racist somehow in your twisted mind just a little FYI: I am black/arabic/latino/white/Hawaiian and I have lived in the Detroit and Flint ghetto all my life and never been a victim or a instigator of racism as my family is all of different ethnic backgrounds and I have lived with every race at one time or another.

and before you write this off as me being a Conservative or a Republican speaking rhetoric or mesmerized by talking points....again you would be wrong, I am a liberal.....

Really man, Look into this obama character and wake up and smell the coffee. Obama couldn't care less if you are DEAD!

------------------------END UNCIVILIZED CHILDISH RANT-----------------------------------

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

That has to be the funniest thing I've read in a long time!

I got a respectfully shut the fuck up message from him too. Guess he learned a new phrase other than, "you're racist."


New Member
LOL :)

Do I even need to mention OBAMA started more wars and deployed more troops around the world.....and Mercenaries! some fucking liberal....Murdering and Torturing People Goood GOD! The man couldn't be any less of a liberal. He is a damn republikrat authoritarian centrist from the pits of fascist hell!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
LOL :)

Do I even need to mention OBAMA started more wars and deployed more troops around the world.....and Mercenaries! some fucking liberal....Murdering and Torturing People Goood GOD! The man couldn't be any less of a liberal. He is a damn republikrat authoritarian centrist from the pits of fascist hell!
Obama is a tyranical socialist. Fascism takes away private ownership and places it with the government, which is the definition of socialism. There are two types of socialism, direct and indirect. The most talked about is direct, or the Marx version. The indirect method is also called fascism.

Fascism is socialism because of the government regulations. Businesses can't perform how they wish.

Both methods are still an ends to the same means. The only ones who win are those on top.


New Member
Fascism is kind of socialism in many ways it relates and you can also have socialist fascism, but to say FASCISM is socialism is mincing words. I give your theory credit and respect, its not nearly as bad as the "democrats" who think fascism is extreme right wing. Fascism is an extreme form of authoritarianism, not necessarily socialism. Fascism can lean right or left to a very small degree and it can exist in both socialism and capitalism but your right, its more likely going to happen in a socialist society. It would take a lot more for a capitalist society to become fascist.

I can see how you can think of it as socialism as they do have a lot in common.

Fascism (
/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2] Fascists seek to rejuvenate their nation based on commitment to the national community as an organic entity, in which individuals are bound together in national identity by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood.[3] To achieve this, fascists purge forces, ideas, people, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration.[3] Fascists advocate the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, discipline and family policy (such as eugenics).[4][5] That state is led by a supreme leader who exercises a dictatorship over the fascist movement, the government and other state institutions.[6] Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition.[7]
Some examples , Italy Musolini and Germany Hitler. The united states and president obama is authoritarian centrist which is exactly 90 degrees from fascism so its a direct parallel, however, fascism is MUCH MUCH more extreme form of authoritarianism. I can't emphasize that enough...much more extreme. In fact its nearly polar opposite as far as government is concerned, but at the same time you can connect a lot of dots because our government is authoritarian as is fascism and becoming more and more authoritarian every day moving closer to fascism but we have a really really long way to go to be fascist and a lot of corruption mountains to climb lol...and I don't think we would ever go that far. It would be nearly impossible.

I think the repubicrats like it just fine how it is. The police state is very facist-like though and there is that direct parallel. So thats why I like to compare the two when I want to emphasize my hatred for authoritarianism, its meant to communicate my intense emotions for authoritarianism and to insult it.