Hey Robert,
Rez temps can affect pH if the temp is too high. This can easily allow slime or something similar to form, which well definitely cause pH fluctuations. What are your rez temps like?
Hey Jin.. just wanted to tell you one of the things I am thankful for is your time and knowledge.. to share with 'strangers'. I have enjoyed watch'n ur results and wish you very happy holidays ! Can u wrap up steph and put her under my tree ?? LoL.
This is the best I can do, pal. Not quite what you wished for, but it's better than nothing.
Pack'n on some weight .. lovely lady bumps ! Niiiiiiiiiiice.
It's all good ! I started to bend the girlz over yesterday .. within 4 hrs they'd turned back towards the light. Did you try any super cropping tech on any of ur grows ?
I thought 'super cropping' was just twisting the stems .. or is that LST ?
Emergency help !! There are little 'burn' spotz showing up on just a couple of old growth leaves closest to the hydroton (Pic 2).. it looks like calcium def from what RIU forum pics. (I'm only run'n 250 - 325 ppm on RO water)... should I add CalMag ?
other tips look like nute burn ? (Pic 3)
Also .. the tips of a few are still that irregular olive drab green color at the tips .. and spread'n back towards the main stem. (Pic 1)
How much of this could be moisture problem ... or root issues with temp/ slime/ etc... ????
It's all about the Pet Shop Boys, innit?
A reformed soccer (football) hooligan, huh? Why does that not surprise me? And just how reformed, I wonder? Lol.
Today, we fight!
Keepin' em low, keepin' em dense.
Dig the crystal love on the underside of the leaves.
I have not rested my head on a plastic pillowed police cell for many years now....the beast still lies within though....
Great stuff Jin. Frosty treats lie ahead.
As the football (soccer) fans say, " Oy, oy, oy!"
Police cells with plastic pillows? Wow, you guys have a more enlightened society alright. Last time I was in the tank, there was only cold cement... no pillows, and they took away my shoe laces so I wouldn't hang myself. The funny thing is, there was some joker in another cell pounding at his gate all night screaming, "This is a mistake... I don't belong here... you have to let me out of here" I yelled at him to shut the fuck up from my cell many times. Well, the next morning as I was picking up my belongings at the front counter, I ran into the guy crying all night. It turned out to be the star jock from my junior high/ high school. Mr. "most likely to succeed" was a few cells down from me crying for his mommy all night. We awkwardly greeted each other and I never let on that I was the one telling him to shut the fuck up. Lol!
What are friends for? They're for taking the big bag of weed out of your glove box before your car gets impounded. Whew! Lol.
I think 'supercropping' refers to any of the height control methods used to increase yield... topping, training, etc.
That looks like a mild case of nute burn. Is your new growth healthy? If you see even the beginnings of burn spots on newer growth, then it's most likely nute burn.
You're running AN? Reduce your nutrient concentration significantly and make room for Calmag. Try to get a total ppm of less than 200 with about 50ppm being calmag. I know that sounds super low, but I found that AN Sensi stuff to be super concentrated... easy to overnute. Don't be afraid to keep concentrations low with that stuff. And if your nute solution is constantly under 75f, ideally under 70f, you'll eliminate almost all possible problems.
Last time i was nabbed was on a thusday night ... so i had to stay in for the whole weekend before i could get out..
Wasnt as bad as i thought... more like a campout with the hommies for the weekend..
There were no pillows i tell u .... but spicy bologna sandwiches that were past out hourly ..
I made a pillow out of about 5 sandwhiches ...if that counts ..they were all plastic wrapped...
Bad part tho .. i was in the south la area and tooken to linwood in compton ....lol
and the next week went right back in .... for the same shit...
Since then i dont mess around anymore .. im as law abiding as it gets...
jin locked up??? how come u ?