One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats are a pain, they are one of the main reasons I no longer run soil grows.

Fox farm makes a spray that works pretty well, just wet the top layer of soil with it for a few days and any reproducing gnats will die as they emerge from or burrow into the soil, the rest can be picked off by the traps.
From what i can see, most flies are emerging and running about the sides of my air pot, not on top. It's real windy up top and completely the opposite on the sides so they obviously prefer attacking my roots from the biggest face!

This is the first time i've ever encountered any pests or anything, and i'm putting it down to 3 things, organic grow, bigger intake and air pot. If only i'd invested in a £35 particle filter! Never saw this coming. I'm thinking i might even have to take her out of the airpot, clean her up by removing a cm or so of soil from her sides, spray down the clean soil/exposed roots and repot her, or something along those lines. And get a filter for the intake while i'm at it


Well-Known Member
One way I have found to get rid of any pests in a closed system, would be to drown it in CO2. You can do a do it yourself CO2 boost system with Baking Soda and Vinegar, Sugar and Yeast, or some other CO2 system, and just turn off your exhaust overnight, let your CO2 flood the closed system, and all the pests are dead the next morning, and your plants get a nice shot of CO2 love bright and early when they wake up. Do this over a few days and nothing lives.
Havn't heard of this one before, gona look into it and see if i can find other similar experiences to your's. In fact, either way i wouldn't mind flooding her with co2 every now and again through home made systems. Got plenty of spare water bottles, could hose them up right into the thickness of the canopy after ive got rid of this problem.

i'm fucking sick of these flies already..


Active Member
look into it. just think about it... they breathe oxygen. there is a video on youtube to make a homemade CO2 generator just for the purpose of killing off pests...


Well-Known Member
I tell you what you can do if you never ever want fungus knots again.

Sprinkle diotomacious earth on top of all your pots. Refresh a day or two after each watering. They won't be able to get in to breed or get out once they hatch. Two weeks, $10, problem solved


Well-Known Member
Btw, I ran 11,000 ppm for over two hours and it didn't kill the spider mites I had. It may kill knats, but not mites. I have a NG burner and I needed a tank as well to get that high.


Active Member
Diatomacious Earth does work really well as well. Doesn't harm the plants at all, just the pests... safe for use around animals and kids as well.


Well-Known Member
But how am i meant to effectively cover the sides of my pot where they're breeding? They're literally crawling in the airpot holes, laying eggs, and flying back out


Active Member
well the diatomacious earth is very... light... spreads like dust... and a little goes a long way. If you are gonna use CO2, then you just wanna flood the whole unit, no exhaust.


Active Member
After 4 days of on and off reading this thread I've finally got to the end, and what a journey its been! Curious as to the dimensions of your space, Im sure its been posted but I finally got to the end haha


Well-Known Member
I tell you what you can do if you never ever want fungus knots again.

Sprinkle diotomacious earth on top of all your pots. Refresh a day or two after each watering. They won't be able to get in to breed or get out once they hatch. Two weeks, $10, problem solved
Wish it was that ez. Covered my pots with 1/2 cup DE each... Using yellow sticky traps...and BTI in all rez's... I can't fuckin win, driving me crazy. There aren't many, but they aren't gone that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
Then they are breeding somewhere else. House plants maybe? The DE worked like a charm for me. Sorry to hear your wrestling with them


Well-Known Member
Havn't heard of this one before, gona look into it and see if i can find other similar experiences to your's. In fact, either way i wouldn't mind flooding her with co2 every now and again through home made systems. Got plenty of spare water bottles, could hose them up right into the thickness of the canopy after ive got rid of this problem.

i'm fucking sick of these flies already..
flooding the cab withco2 works pretty well

kush groove

Active Member
For everyone battling fungus gnats i too had the battle which lasted several weeks until i tried the one solution i was avoiding for some strange reason, which is covering the topsoil with works like a charm and i havent seen a fungus gnat in almost 6 weeks now


Well-Known Member
For everyone battling fungus gnats i too had the battle which lasted several weeks until i tried the one solution i was avoiding for some strange reason, which is covering the topsoil with works like a charm and i havent seen a fungus gnat in almost 6 weeks now
that works bt he has an airpot where the entire thing is exposed


Well-Known Member
Just ignore them, all they want to do is buzz around wondering what the fuck all these boxes and flat surfaces are. They just want some earth, man:leaf:

(Get a Preying Mantis..)


Well-Known Member
Then they are breeding somewhere else. House plants maybe? The DE worked like a charm for me. Sorry to hear your wrestling with them
Everything is covered. I think they are breeding around my sinks and drains. I always see those lil fuckers in my tub or sink when I turn the water on one always seems to be coming out. I think I'm going to buy some bleech and start pouring a little in each drain nightly.


Well-Known Member
well the diatomacious earth is very... light... spreads like dust... and a little goes a long way. If you are gonna use CO2, then you just wanna flood the whole unit, no exhaust.
Careful with CO2, plants become addicted.
If your levels suddenly drop, the plants will just stop.
Wish it was that ez. Covered my pots with 1/2 cup DE each... Using yellow sticky traps...and BTI in all rez's... I can't fuckin win, driving me crazy. There aren't many, but they aren't gone that's for sure.
For everyone battling fungus gnats i too had the battle which lasted several weeks until i tried the one solution i was avoiding for some strange reason, which is covering the topsoil with works like a charm and i havent seen a fungus gnat in almost 6 weeks now
Had a long chat with someone a little more experienced than me, ran all my ideas past him and he advised me to use a combination of sticky traps and "gnat off", and that anything else probably wasn't worth doing. So thats what i've decided to do! I'm also going to substitute my canna flowering feed for something called "Ripen", used it last grow with good results.

"Ripen is a superb late bloom feed that has the perfect nutrient formulation for the end of flowering/fruiting. Due to its unique composition, Ripen accelerates the final stage of flowering to provide a fantastic finish to your fruits and flowers before flushing. It can also be used to speed up the flowering process for an early finish - which proves very useful if you're struggling from a mite infestation or pest problem. A complete replacement for your normal bloom nutrient, Ripen is a pure flowering feed which we highly recommend in all growing media. Use at 4-5mls per Litre for 2 weeks maximum prior to desired harvesting date"

How long i actually flower this plant for before chopping will be decided in the next week. It all depends how effectively i can rid my plant of this gnat problem. If i can't get rid of it and only keep it at bay, i'm gona be forced to harvest her maybe at the end of week 9. If i can get rid of pretty much everything, ideally i'd like to harvest her at the end of week 11, bang in the middle of the 10-12 week suggested flowering time. That would mean 5 more weeks of growth... i cannot even begin to imagine how she's not gona suffer a huge mould outbreak if i let her go that long, her buds are HUGE already! Concentrating whole branches worth of growth into the top 6-9 inches works WONDERS, along with something else i've done this week but i'll include that in tomorrows update.

Anyway, appreciate all the advice and suggestions big time, thanks u lot. Fungus gnats are without a doubt the longest issue i've come across in my growing career so far, preventative measures are gona be taken without fail every grow from now on...

Check these sticky traps, 24hrs after being placed in my cab. I've got like 2 and a half packs hung around my cab, will replace them once a week unless they literally get completely covered in flies..

So yeh one more week of Canna nutes + Gnat off, then i might switch to ripen, time will tell. Will use ripen for 2 weeks, then maybe a week of flushing with water to suck all nutes out of the leaves ect.