Ron Paul 2016

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

Once given option of economic freedom and political freedom, the two have little difference. This sums it up:

"It is true that fascist systems permitted property ownership, while socialist ones did not. However, fascist 'property rights' were only nominal: A businessman (such as Oskar Schindler) would retain legal title to his goods, but he would not retain any control over them. Because he was not politically free, the government could order him to use his property as it desired (such as by using it to produce war implements) -- even if it was _his_ property that was being used. Just as there can be no split between mind and body, there can be no split between political freedom and economic freedom. Man cannot exist without a mind and a body, and he cannot be free if someone else controls either."



Well-Known Member
i still end up paying them in a roundabout fashion, as i can not leave the house for even a day without having someone stay here (you don't leave those lights on unattended unless you are a daredevil). so imagine being tethered to your house with a hefty price to pay anytime you want to leave for even a day. hence why i am home alone on thanksgiving as my family in arizona and evergreen gorges themselves.

i have no idea what i'm gonna do for christmas, either. operations will be in full swing then and i have NO ONE that is able to look after things here for the 5+ days i will be away. it's not quite as easy as it appears at first glance.
**sniff**:-( im sure we all shed a tear for u bro

try working a full time manual labor job
if you had even the slightest idea of what that is like
you would not say shit about sitting at home

and the sad thing is that the honest people who work their asses off trying to make a decent living
have much bigger problems on their plate than finding a house sitter so they can go on holiday vacation


Well-Known Member
If RP doesn't win in 2012, there may not be 2016 election. The MFers in charge are full-speed-ahead to WW III, cause they can't fix the world-wide financial mess they created. And since a major goal of theirs is population reduction, quite likely it's all part of their evil plan. Wake the fuck up people


Active Member
And honestly most of our economic down turn and decrease in manufacturing is because of the EPA, who is responsible for the loss of millions of jobs in the U.S. due to liberal nit picking over shit that china will pollute anyways.
That is the most insane thing I have ever heard.


New Member
If RP doesn't win in 2012, there may not be 2016 election. The MFers in charge are full-speed-ahead to WW III, cause they can't fix the world-wide financial mess they created. And since a major goal of theirs is population reduction, quite likely it's all part of their evil plan. Wake the fuck up people
-Conspiracy Freaks

All Ron Paul Supporters are 2 of these


New Member
I dont smoke weed
i am not a racist
I dont buy into all the bullshit conspiracy theorys you put out

I am not qualified to be a Ron Paul supporter


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you voted for Bush
If they are no different Why didnt you Vote for Obama?

Was it the Dark Skin?
You are the biggest moron I have ever come across, in an earlier thread you highlighted someone else to the fact that he is from Ireland and here you make this comment...?????

Stupid stoned moron!!


Well-Known Member
I dont smoke weed
i am not a racist
I dont buy into all the bullshit conspiracy theorys you put out

I am not qualified to be a Ron Paul supporter
If you don't smoke weed then why are you always on this forum and in particular the politics section all the time???? Either you are lying because you are a split personality or you are simply a provocateur. I can smell the shit coming off of you from across the pond loser!


New Member
If you don't smoke weed then why are you always on this forum and in particular the politics section all the time???? Either you are lying because you are a split personality or you are simply a provocateur. I can smell the shit coming off of you from across the pond loser!
Whats it to you?
Show me the Rules that say i have to smoke, Live here or even answer your stupid ass hateful posts?

Your Messiah Ron Paul is a hypocrite, charlatan and Racist


King Tut
They call him that because they know they cant call him a nigger
LOL! i'm sure that there are a few opponents that would call him just that.

Guess it depends on your definition. Is it skin color or attitude/actions?

Can't even get a straight answer from many.


Well-Known Member
Again, GETTING there.

Remember the boiling pot/frog analogy?

Obama isn't the creator of the problem nor is he the final solution. Just a pawn in the system.
I was to say the boiling pot/frog analogy too, good stuff, lol.

Dukeanthony, seems the only person using racial slurs is you.