When using RO(reverse osmosis) water you must use CALMG? T OR F?

I am using the Lucas Forumla and every time I feed I don't add CALMAG.

I have heard that when you use RO water you must add CALMAG...Is this true?

I have General organics CALMAG+



In my endeavors, I have researched and surmised the following: it depends on your grow medium and whether or not your plant will get the magnesium it needs because RO water does not contain any(thing). For instance, FF Tiger Bloom has magnesium so there would be no need to add anything elsewhere if using that nute (unless your plant showed a need). However, you don't necessarily need Calmag. You can add epsom salt to your water.

Mostly, you need to determine if your plant can get Mg from anywhere. You'll have to read your nute labels to see what amount, if any, Mg is available. If your in soil, find out everything you can about the soil. I can't comment about hydro setups- I don't know.

Additionally, you can watch for signs of a Mg deficiency if you are concerned and treat accordingly if needed. You'll have to do specific searches for more insight into some of the things I mentioned.
Thanks for your input tkd

Anybody have any more thoughts on this? Please reply with answers if you know. I will be transplanting today and I will be watering so I need to know soon. Thanks


Active Member
I had the same question, You can find just as many people saying you do that say you don't... I use Dutchmaster Gold series nutes in Hydro... this is what they said, and i really am not too sure if they are committing either way.....

Thank you for your interest in Dutch Master products. The Gold line is formulated with CaMg in the base nutrients. There should not be a need to use and additional CaMg supplement. Many growers are using the Gold line without the use of a CaMg additive. In some cases, growers will add CaMg to their nutrient schedule, as the feel they need more than is supplied. If this is the case, I would recommend applying the additive seperate from your base nutrient. Mixing them together may cause a lockout. Some growers will add CaMg in a seperate soluton once a week if they feel they have deficiency. I hope this answers your question, if you have others let us know. Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
I am using the Lucas Forumla and every time I feed I don't add CALMAG.

I have heard that when you use RO water you must add CALMAG...Is this true?

I have General organics CALMAG+

This isn't a simple yes or no question. If your fertilizers are complete (meaning they contain all elements needed for growth, INCLUDING Calcium and Magnesium) you may not need to add any. Most hydro ferts contain plenty of Calcium and Magnesium so you may not need it but it may not be enough for a particular strain or phenotype. Many soil ferts do not contain Cal and Mag, so depending on the composition of your soil and the specific requirements of YOUR strain, you may or may not need to add any. Hope this helps.:bigjoint:


YES, you do. Normal tap already has cal/mag minerals in it. The tap out here is about 160 ppms, so I supplement under 200 ppm for RO. And doc111 is right, it depends on the type of nute balance (brand) you get but most nutes won't hurt much under 200 ppm of cal/mag.


if there's no cal/mag, it will start lookin like that
Thanks guys very helpful! Thanks a ton.

I use the Lucas at 0-8-16 I guess I don't need the CALMAG since it already has it in the formula. Gets that feeding part out of the way.

Now in flowering I heard you continue to use the feed,water,feed,water schedule. When using just plain water, will this plain RO water need CALMAG?:confused:
Well IMHO its very hard to over do calmag...I use R/O and have always added calmag. I had to use more calmag when using GH compared to BC nutes. When I first got my RO I didnt use calmag and it showed...
*beware of calmag+ in hydro especially DWC.When I used it it made root slime break out...contains molasses
GH has a new calmag product called CALiMAGic works better with DWC/hydro because its non organic and will not clog your system up.


Well-Known Member
Well IMHO its very hard to over do calmag...I use R/O and have always added calmag. I had to use more calmag when using GH compared to BC nutes. When I first got my RO I didnt use calmag and it showed...
*beware of calmag+ in hydro especially DWC.When I used it it made root slime break out...contains molasses
GH has a new calmag product called CALiMAGic works better with DWC/hydro because its non organic and will not clog your system up.
Botanicare's Cal/Mag doesn't have any molasses. I believe you are thinking of the General Organics line from GH. The Organic Cal/Mag has fermented molasses to help break down and chelate the inorganic Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate molecules. The Botanicare Cal Mag contains Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate and Iron EDTA I believe.:weed:
Botanicare's Cal/Mag doesn't have any molasses. I believe you are thinking of the General Organics line from GH. The Organic Cal/Mag has fermented molasses to help break down and chelate the inorganic Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate molecules. The Botanicare Cal Mag contains Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate and Iron EDTA I believe.:weed:

yea thats the stuff im talking about called camg+ from GH or gereral organics. camg+ calmg+ wuteva