Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
is it harvest day today....
It sure is :) :) !!! ~ I can't wait to get started, just gotta nip out to get some heavy-duty masking tape to seal my room shut.. then I can open my Cab. and get on with cutting/trimming the buds etc.. without concern for excaping smell etc..!! I will also keep all leaves (except fan's) for some Hash making.. I will most likely freeze them in a carrier-bag until my mate (dude that took 2 clones from my Royal-Haze) .. has his leaves at the ready & we can make some delicious Hash! ... Until then I'll have Scissor and Finger Hash to give me a buzz for todays efforts! :) :)

This day has been a long time coming, only a few hours to go and I'll get started :) .. I may take some Trich-Shots now, just to tie ya'll over until this evening :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yo stelthy heres that article
idk who originally posted it but i copied it when i seen it
some food for thought before the big cut
cant wait to see

Drying is the most key part of the whole smell and flavor department,
not flush.

Smell and flavor are related to the chloraphyl in the plant matter, while
the harshness, and burning of the throat and lungs is described when
smoking herb which hasn't been flushed properly.

You need to allow all of the chloraphyl to release while drying, but the problem
is that chloraphyl is only released at a certain rate, which is much slower
than water is allowed to release,you must allow adequate time to dry, and
the humidity needs to be around 35-45%, this allows the buds to stay moist
long enough to allow the chloraphyl to escape. It should take around 8 days
for the stem between the buds to be dry enough to snap when bent.

Do not cut up individual branches when harvesting and hanging, this
allows the moisture to escape too quickly!

Do not trim the buds of their leaves before they are completely dried,
this also allows moisture to escape. Also this is KEY for the curing process,
a properly dried bud will smell MAGNIFICENT right after it is done being
trimmed. Trimming allows the terpenes to really expose themselves and
this causes excess moisture within the leaves and buds to allow the bud
to "sweat" and this is needs to happen right before the buds are jarred,
if you do this before you dry them, what happens to the terpenes? They are
released in to the air and dissipate, you need to do this before you jar them
and then the buds sit and bask in their own dankness..... This is how the
curing process begins. The dispenseries here in boulder buy my meds the
same day that I trim them because they smell as if they have already been
cured, but really, they were dried properly.


Well-Known Member

Ok .. I'am not sure....... But I can't see as many 'Amber' Trichs as I thought I would ?? I could really do with a second opinion! .. I dunno if I should wait longer (plants already had 48hrs of darkness) ???

I'll upload a load of pics from the USB Microscope below:-

I am hesitant to Harvest with out hearing your thoughts/suggestions 1st !!

Please post your thoughts asap, many thanks - STELTHY :leaf:

kevin murphy

New Member
i wouldnt worry about the triches mate they will change more in dry and cure plus they look dripping in it mate dont worrry pal they look really good mate


Well-Known Member
Very nice stelthy!! Those usb pics are awesome! +REP

First I'm going to guess 15oz's on the yield.

I have a few questions for ya homie, are you still running the 600? whats the dimensions of your box? thanks brotha!


Well-Known Member
yo stelthy heres that article
idk who originally posted it but i copied it when i seen it
some food for thought before the big cut
cant wait to see

Drying is the most key part of the whole smell and flavor department,
not flush.

Smell and flavor are related to the chloraphyl in the plant matter, while
the harshness, and burning of the throat and lungs is described when
smoking herb which hasn't been flushed properly.

You need to allow all of the chloraphyl to release while drying, but the problem
is that chloraphyl is only released at a certain rate, which is much slower
than water is allowed to release,you must allow adequate time to dry, and
the humidity needs to be around 35-45%, this allows the buds to stay moist
long enough to allow the chloraphyl to escape. It should take around 8 days
for the stem between the buds to be dry enough to snap when bent.

Do not cut up individual branches when harvesting and hanging, this
allows the moisture to escape too quickly!

Do not trim the buds of their leaves before they are completely dried,
this also allows moisture to escape. Also this is KEY for the curing process,
a properly dried bud will smell MAGNIFICENT right after it is done being
trimmed. Trimming allows the terpenes to really expose themselves and
this causes excess moisture within the leaves and buds to allow the bud
to "sweat" and this is needs to happen right before the buds are jarred,
if you do this before you dry them, what happens to the terpenes? They are
released in to the air and dissipate, you need to do this before you jar them
and then the buds sit and bask in their own dankness..... This is how the
curing process begins. The dispenseries here in boulder buy my meds the
same day that I trim them because they smell as if they have already been
cured, but really, they were dried properly.

Thanks for the info dude... I may cut larger branches and hang them instead of cutting just the buds and an inch or so of stem.. When it say's not to Trim until its time to cure.. does it mean leave "ALL" the leaves on the plant or are there some that I can still remove without effecting the plant and bud potency etc.. ?? - (I was planning to remove all the yellow leaves for starters) .. Only most of the 'others' seem to trim off a large majority of the leaves and just leave a few here and they're sticking out of the buds until after its all dried...then 'they' trim them nicely before Jarring them up ready for the cure?!!

My main concern at this time is whether she is ready to be Harvested yet ?? I am still not shit-hot when it comes to reading the Trichs... I've already given her (Royal-Haze) 48 hours of darkness...and she has drunk over 10L of Flushing Solution for around a week already...

Should I chop now ?? or wait a bit longer.... ?? I am also wondering if I do need to wait longer whether I should re-apply lighting..(prob not?) ...and/or will more than 48hrs of darkness would do her any good/harm ??

Decisions eh?!! ...... Man... HELP lol :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
man right now is the perfect time i say
she had her darkness now just saw that bitch down
and yeah i mean i would just give her a good hand trim first and maybe and hanging leaves
but it means dont trim the leaves on the buds til dry
right before curing


Well-Known Member
Very nice stelthy!! Those usb pics are awesome! +REP

First I'm going to guess 15oz's on the yield.

I have a few questions for ya homie, are you still running the 600? whats the dimensions of your box? thanks brotha!
Hi SmeLLyTreeZ, Cheer's dude.. & Thanks for the +REP! it's been a while since I received +REP! so thats always nice to see :) :) .. Hmm 15 oZ just under a lb .. I dunno man.. she is a beautiful big girl.. but I am still thinking lower numbers as long as its over 7 oZ I will be happy :) :) the buds do weigh well from just wiggling the stem/s back and forth and they are pretty dense (Thanks to ROX nuitrient) ..

On the topic of lighting.. I still have not managed to run the 600, due to insane running temps.. Now the weather temp has dropped it may be do-able between now and the early months of next year.. At the moment I am running:-

1X 18W UV-B at 20W

2X 6500k 40W CFL

2X 6500k 125W CFL

1X Dual-Spec 400W HPS/HID + 15% Boost

So that's a total of 730W + (15% - HID Boost) of lighting (Full-Spectrum). As and when I can run the 600 that'll bring my Max. total wattage up to approx. 930W :) :) and I do plan to add a couple of extra UV-B lamps in there so call it 1000W Max... But I can use any combination of lamps & Kelvin rating.. and custom set the brightness & heating for the Cab as well as the Wattage... Good times eh?!! :) :)

The dimensions are 4' Wide X 2' Deep X 7'.3" Tall

But the actual grow space inside the Cab is :- 4' Wide X 2' Deep X 5'.4" Tall (ex-cluding Grow-Shelf and Air-Cooled Reflector) , 3' Tall (including Grow-Shelf & Air-Cooled Reflector)

So that's : 4' Wide X 2' Deep X 3' Tall of actual growing space.. But because I use SCROG method the 3' of height is more than enough :) :) .. or just right :) :) !! - STELTHY :leaf: