Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6693458 said:
nope, soon theres still some white pistils and those brown ones havnt receded yet. 2 weeks is my guess
shibby, you have at least 2 weeks, wait until there are less white pistils and the pistils start receding. Id say 2-3 weeks. come back in 2 weeks with pics
Thanks for the advice, be back w/pics in 2 weeks. ;-)


Active Member
So i got some questions about my g 13 haze plant... its on its 2nd day of week 9 an the buds are big but are still full of white pistols, leaves are turning yellow,some complete yellow can anyone help me??


Well-Known Member
let it do its thing. the plant is sucking up all the nutes and energy from those fan leaves. just feed with water.
soon they will all fall off. and your buds will be good to go.

if you still have white pistols, ive always been told, wait until theres hardly any white pistols then youre close to harvest.


Active Member
A general question: It seems that there is a recognizable progression during ripening -- trichs go from clear to cloudy to amber. Instead of just looking at the buds in a pic, is there maybe a more standard or scientific way of assessing ripeness, say, when the trichs are 10% amber, or maybe when there are more amber than clear? Because I think when you look at the pics, what you're seeing is mostly whether or not the pistils have turned orange or not, and it is my understanding that there isn't much THC in the pistils ...wouldn't using a trich color ratio be a better and more accurate way of determining if your plants are ready?
Thanx, Bob in Arizona


Well-Known Member
So i got some questions about my g 13 haze plant... its on its 2nd day of week 9 an the buds are big but are still full of white pistols, leaves are turning yellow,some complete yellow can anyone help me??
you should have been giving it more nutrients, im one week from harvest, no yellow on leaves at all, no falling leaves. They can stay on green as hell until the day you kill them.