DWC and Hempy, Parabolic Mini ScrOG!


Well-Known Member
Week 5

Fifth week and so far so good, noticed a touch of nute burn so I stepped back on the nutrients for a few days, keepin 'em normal strength for a while.

Just waiting for the buds to fill out, I reckon harvest will be around week 7 give or take a few days, especially seeing how fast this strain is developing!

Brought some more seeds in prep for my next grow, doing 1 large plant in the scrog, and 4 strains in 2 litre hempy coke bottles:

1x GHS Super Silver Haze
1x Dinafem Blue Widow (freebie)
2x GHS Exodus Cheese
1x Bomb Seeds Berry Bomb (I really want to try this strain as the last one didn't get further than germination/sprouting)

Heres some bud porn for anyone who's still interested and or following this thread, comments welcome you know! XD



And a random clone on the left in soil, only really there to save the AK-48, gonna harvest the top and take a nice clone from 1 node down to re-veg.


Well-Known Member
Week 5 - Day 4

Started flushing for 2 weeks, and this girl is only a week or 2 from the chop now XD

I put all my seeds in the dirt on the Thursday night and all but the Super Silver Haze has popped the surface as of today, hopefully they'll get 1-3 weeks veg before I transplant them into the 2 litre hempy's for an extra week or 2 and then flower again :) Im going to build a mini veg box soon lightproof it and jam it in a bit of spare space I have in the cab. Going to try and keep a small mother of something I think maybe the Berry Bomb and/or Super Silver Haze see how it goes...

All in all I'm well looking forward to the next go round!

and here's some pics:

Seedlings as labelled and the clone is AK-48:

Bud Porn XD:

Compared to last Thursday: (just for my piece of mind) XD

I think they're starting to fatten up now XD I think this will be a harvest I'll be proud to post pics of lol


Well-Known Member
Week 5 - Day 4

Started flushing for 2 weeks, and this girl is only a week or 2 from the chop now XD

I put all my seeds in the dirt on the Thursday night and all but the Super Silver Haze has popped the surface as of today, hopefully they'll get 1-3 weeks veg before I transplant them into the 2 litre hempy's for an extra week or 2 and then flower again :) Im going to build a mini veg box soon lightproof it and jam it in a bit of spare space I have in the cab. Going to try and keep a small mother of something I think maybe the Berry Bomb and/or Super Silver Haze see how it goes...

All in all I'm well looking forward to the next go round!

and here's some pics:

Seedlings as labelled and the clone is AK-48:
View attachment 1909202

Bud Porn XD:
View attachment 1909203View attachment 1909209View attachment 1909210

Compared to last Thursday: (just for my piece of mind) XD
View attachment 1909211

I think they're starting to fatten up now XD I think this will be a harvest I'll be proud to post pics of lol
I wouldn't flush just yet. Wait until you see the signs of pistils turning brown rapidly then start flushing then, You will hurt your yeild if you flush too early. I personally only flush a week give an take a few days. I don't believe the hype with tasting nutes. It all is in the dry and cure process.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough, they're starting to go a little brown here and there though I'll have a look into that, I'm using relatively organic nutes so I'm still adding half strength with the flush so they're getting something out of it and not going without!

Thanks for the tip and for stopping in!


Well-Known Member
looks great matchbox, i think i'm gonna give that scrogin thing a shot :-)
Definitely go for it man, it's well worth the time the only bad thing about it is how much foliage I end up chopping off so air can circulate better and prevent 'moist spots' that promote bud rot.

I think in my Grow 2 thread I referenced someguys parabolic scrog with a link, definately worth checking out, I learned a lot from it.

heres the link just fished it out: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/192292-someguys-perpetual-parabolic-scrog-cabinet.html


Well-Known Member
Week 6 Nearly there!

Right so last time I updated wasn't too long ago but I just built a new mini veg cab and thought hell I'll post up another...

1 week left by the looks of it, hairs are going brown quite quickly! Imma check next Thursday and see whats what but I'm guesstimating the end of next week/early the week after for harvest.

They got their last feed yesterday (its organic so I'm hoping it wont affect taste) and started her on the last week flush, for definate this time (:

Anyhoo heres the new veg cab:

I built it so that it would fit in the bottom left hand corner of the flowering cab, once I've harvested the AK. It's completely lightproof bar the fan which I have to make a light trap for and it's big enough for 4 quite nicely sized clones or 1 well lst'd mother... The plan is to keep a mothers for a while, take 2 clones off of each then put the mothers into flower to allow the clones to root, then take clones off the clones and put the older ones into flower etc, tryna go perpetual with this one!... I'm not particularly worried about genetic destabilization i.e a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone etc... as if it does start to happen I'll just get some new seeds lol...


And an update of the AK at exactly 6 weeks:


There's one awesome thing about this strain, its ridiculously fast growing excellent for a quick crop! and one bad thing its not the frostiest biatch you've ever seen. I've yet to try a sample so I don't know how stoned she gets you yet but give it a few more days and I'll let you know from the popcorn nugs!


Active Member
Looking tasty man. I like your label on the box ;). How big is that new veg box? I'm thinking about converting lil cabinet drawer (about 1'x1') into a mini veg/clone cab, looks like it'll be about the same size as yours I just need to pick up another PC fan before I get started on it.


Well-Known Member
thanks man lol yeah I just cut it up, was gonna do some shiny drwaings on it just 'cause I've been sooooo bored today lol...

The approximate dimensions are; depth x 24cm (9.4 inches) height x 38cm (15 inches) width x 35cm (14 inches) give or take a cm here and there...
I only have one PC fan venting it with a passive intake and so far over the course of today It's stayed at a constant 18-20 degrees Celsius, you just gotta make the box pretty airtight to get a decent negative pressure and start by cutting a small passive intake, then another until your fan sounds like its struggling a little bit but not enough to break lol.


Active Member
That was my plan haha. I'm gonna be running 2 maybe 3 23-26 w bulbs max so it wont have to be too strong of a fan.


Well-Known Member
Plant looks great. :D All your grows looked great :lol:.. I need to get a veg box going also. I like that setup. I think you gave be a weekend project. :leaf::leaf: Looks amazing matchbox!


Well-Known Member
Fair enough!

Harvest is so close, got pistils all over the place browning off, trichs milky slightly ambered... Soo tempted to go to town but alas I must wait lol.

Took a popcorn nug the other night... From 1 joint between 2 of us this shit fucked us right up, a lot of the time I couldn't physically move the couch lock was that intense lol was a pretty harsh not great taste but he'll from a quick dried popcorn WTF do you expect :)

And I feel a need to complain about attitude seeds simply because their deals are too awesome lol jus. Brought the following:

2x Pure Power Plant
1x Big Bomb
1x Bubblelicious
And got these free:
1x skunk Amsterdam
1x lemon skunk
1x sour cream
1x reserva privada rks

This deal is if you spend £20 and expires tomorrow night.

All fem seeds and a free t-shirt lol at least Im set for seeds for a while :)


Well-Known Member
Fair enough!

Harvest is so close, got pistils all over the place browning off, trichs milky slightly ambered... Soo tempted to go to town but alas I must wait lol.

Took a popcorn nug the other night... From 1 joint between 2 of us this shit fucked us right up, a lot of the time I couldn't physically move the couch lock was that intense lol was a pretty harsh not great taste but he'll from a quick dried popcorn WTF do you expect :)

And I feel a need to complain about attitude seeds simply because their deals are too awesome lol jus. Brought the following:

2x Pure Power Plant
1x Big Bomb
1x Bubblelicious
And got these free:
1x skunk Amsterdam
1x lemon skunk
1x sour cream
1x reserva privada rks

This deal is if you spend £20 and expires tomorrow night.

All fem seeds and a free t-shirt lol at least Im set for seeds for a while :)
Awesome man. Must be nice :D. I'll order some seeds one day. Would be nice to see the difference between named seeds vs. unnamed.


Active Member
It sure is a great deal, i want to hit it up. Do you know what time ( and time zone... im on central time) it ends? I wanna try and order some up tomorrow but I need to pick up a prepaid visa first...


Well-Known Member
ummm I have no Idea what it is in any other timezone, but it says 5pm GMT if you go on the site it may change to your timezone or just be 5pm in any timezone so long as its the 5th december.