Powdery Mildew in new Grow


Active Member

This is my first grow. I noticed kind of a musty smell when airing out my dome earlier today, it was pretty noticable because normally I sniff around in there because I quite liked the smell before. Checking on it again a little bit ago I noticed visible powdery mildew. I've been patiently waiting for a couple weeks for these babies to perk up and woke up to this today :(.

I watered maybe every 3 days or so, I keep a low level of water in the bottom of the tray to maintain humidity. I was completely emptying the tray every 3 days or so and replacing with fresh approximately PHed water around 6ish. My tap is closer to 7. That Humidity and temperature number in the pic will be a bit low, I had the lid off for 20 min or so before snapping the pic.

They are Clones in rockwool cubes. Had them about 12 days, just starting to root. There are 2 seperate strains here, 6 Juicy Fruit on left, and 6 LA Confidential (supposed to be a mold/disease resistant version) on the right. The close-up leaves I took a picture are the most noticable, however I can see signs of it on just about everything.

I guess I have several issues and questions:

1. I got these cuttings from a friend. In passing yesterday he had mentioned doing a neem oil treatment to some Vegging plants he was planning on bringing over, however I didn't think anything of it at the time, and will clarify with him when I get a chance. I've had these cuttings from him about 10 days, I'm assuming hes running into the same issue at his place.

2. These are my first clones, I haven't even finished building out my flower room yet, but was planning to move some vegging versions of these from a friend to flower within 2 weeks so I could clear some of the money I've invested in equipment. Should I just ditch these or should I try to treat. I've looked up various treatments, and pretty much anything I've read is within my means to find. But I guess what I wondering is if it is even worth trying to fix, or should I Try to find new cuttings from another grower or something. If I do treat, what treatments are reccomended?

3. I was lucky to not have a flowering room set-up yet and other plants to infect, however there is one issue. I recently installed the fan/MH light for my veg with ventilation in this same room. I had been doing a day or 2 of temperature and fan testing, and blowing air from this room into my flower room and main basement area. Am I going to be dealing with these spores in the air all over now anyway?

4. Money is kinda tight, and starting over from scratch will hurt, but I will probably survive it. I was looking forward to getting those 5 vegging plants my friend has asap to flower to cover some of my initial investment.

Any help from anyone would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
You will have to leave lid off all together ,dont let water pool under clones, dont saturate the medium just dampen, asap or you will lose the lot. Also consider a light fan.


Active Member
when ya got it, ya got it and you got it. I got it 4 weeks from harvest, I cried.

You can either treat / manage the symptoms or kill it. If I were you, I would throw everything that might be infected in a tent and sulphur bomb the lot. Scrub ya walls, floors, corners, pots everything that may have spores on it. You ony need a few spores to reinfect. Really you should bin ya crop especially as its so young.

The thing is with mildew, ya think your ontop of it but ya not, it gets into your bud big time, I had 1/2kg that looked the bollox but when you crack the buds open it's there, everywhere.

You may have better luck but I tried everything on the market without joy. Even tried watered down mik. Everything treats the symptoms but not the cause and the end result is still the same. I was to far gone for sulphur bomb but I have been told it works with younger (none flowering) plants. Good luck my friend and I feel your pain.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
Do you have first hand experience with this stuff?
Can it be used during flower (most can't)?

Would be nice to be equiped should I be unfortunate enough to get again.


Active Member
Just to try and get a jump on things I drained the water tray, and left the dome off. I'm on a heat mat to hopefully maintain temps. Got a small space heater and a heat mat. With no dome could possibly hold in the 70s. Until I could find a solution tom commit to I wanted to try something as non invasive as possible to start. I sprayed it down with a milk/water solution with a splash of PH up and a tiny pinch of cinnamon. I can spray scrub my cinder block walls, but a lot of my walls and ceiling is bubble mylar insulation and a lot of the ceiling is exposed joists with all kinds of electrical and stuff as well as some pink insulation around the upper area of everything. How bad of shape am I in starting this new grow? How to nip this in the bud before I start bringing in the more expensive equipment I was planning on buying.


Well-Known Member
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This is my first grow. I noticed kind of a musty smell when airing out my dome earlier today, it was pretty noticable because normally I sniff around in there because I quite liked the smell before. Checking on it again a little bit ago I noticed visible powdery mildew. I've been patiently waiting for a couple weeks for these babies to perk up and woke up to this today :(.

I watered maybe every 3 days or so, I keep a low level of water in the bottom of the tray to maintain humidity. I was completely emptying the tray every 3 days or so and replacing with fresh approximately PHed water around 6ish. My tap is closer to 7. That Humidity and temperature number in the pic will be a bit low, I had the lid off for 20 min or so before snapping the pic.

They are Clones in rockwool cubes. Had them about 12 days, just starting to root. There are 2 seperate strains here, 6 Juicy Fruit on left, and 6 LA Confidential (supposed to be a mold/disease resistant version) on the right. The close-up leaves I took a picture are the most noticable, however I can see signs of it on just about everything.

I guess I have several issues and questions:

1. I got these cuttings from a friend. In passing yesterday he had mentioned doing a neem oil treatment to some Vegging plants he was planning on bringing over, however I didn't think anything of it at the time, and will clarify with him when I get a chance. I've had these cuttings from him about 10 days, I'm assuming hes running into the same issue at his place.

2. These are my first clones, I haven't even finished building out my flower room yet, but was planning to move some vegging versions of these from a friend to flower within 2 weeks so I could clear some of the money I've invested in equipment. Should I just ditch these or should I try to treat. I've looked up various treatments, and pretty much anything I've read is within my means to find. But I guess what I wondering is if it is even worth trying to fix, or should I Try to find new cuttings from another grower or something. If I do treat, what treatments are reccomended?

3. I was lucky to not have a flowering room set-up yet and other plants to infect, however there is one issue. I recently installed the fan/MH light for my veg with ventilation in this same room. I had been doing a day or 2 of temperature and fan testing, and blowing air from this room into my flower room and main basement area. Am I going to be dealing with these spores in the air all over now anyway?

4. Money is kinda tight, and starting over from scratch will hurt, but I will probably survive it. I was looking forward to getting those 5 vegging plants my friend has asap to flower to cover some of my initial investment.

Any help from anyone would be appreciated!
I have ecperienced PM myself before and they are pain in the ass especially near harvest. I have used this product and it works pretty good and its organic. Since your still cloning. These are cheap. I would start with fresh clones if you have access to them. That way your first grow will be an good experience rather than fighting the PM. I would try the Safer product first though.



Active Member
It's not so much what you can see but what you can't, the spores. You have to sterilise everything and I mean everything. Sulphur bombs work a treat but if your not air tight with decent filter its gonna smell rotten. If your ditching the crop, not ideal but advisable, there are plenty of sprays out there that will fight your cause.

It won't help with the mildew but will make you feel better....... slap the bitch that gave it to you.:twisted:


Active Member
I have ecperienced PM myself before and they are pain in the ass especially near harvest. I have used this product and it works pretty good and its organic. Since your still cloning. These are cheap. I would start with fresh clones if you have access to them. That way your first grow will be an good experience rather than fighting the PM. I would try the Safer product first though.
With all due respect, and you should know, ya can't go easy with mildew. Ya gorra get on top of it and blast it good and proper, no half measures as those spores can drop on a new crop any time and waste more time and money.


Active Member
Cause...the mother plant the starts came from had pm....


get some eagle 20 ...systemic fungicide http://www.ebay.com/itm/Eagle-20EW-specialty-fungicide-1-PINT-DOW-Agro-/330637825403?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4cfb8cd57b spray your plants

and a antifungal areo bomb fungaflor works like a sulfur vape but no rotten egg smell http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fungaflor-Total-Release-Fungicide-2oz-Excellent-Hydroponics-BASF-/330639868067?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4cfbac00a3
How safe is this stuff to bomb in my house. My grow area is relatively sealed though I've had the door open to the rest of my basement and open to my house. I wouldn't know how far to bomb and if it would possibly kill my dog or something.


Active Member
It's not so much what you can see but what you can't, the spores. You have to sterilise everything and I mean everything. Sulphur bombs work a treat but if your not air tight with decent filter its gonna smell rotten. If your ditching the crop, not ideal but advisable, there are plenty of sprays out there that will fight your cause.

It won't help with the mildew but will make you feel better....... slap the bitch that gave it to you.:twisted:
Kind of fucked up my boy did mention he was doing a neem oil treatment but didn't mention why. He does deserve a slap.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, and you should know, ya can't go easy with mildew. Ya gorra get on top of it and blast it good and proper, no half measures as those spores can drop on a new crop any time and waste more time and money.
I agree with you, They are a bitch to control. It would be better to start over, but since they are so little and could kill all the spores if he cleans it all around the room. I would prefer to start with fresh healthy clones regardless, but some people don't have an easy access to them in some areas.


Active Member
New clones is actually an option for me, there are many legal growers around like myself. However I want to make sure the effects of these clones don't effect new ones I bring in if there is any spores in the room. Also will there be any point in ditching these if I was going to bring in 5 plants from the same mother that are ready to flower? I would assume I'd have to treat those so should I just treat everything? Assuming I don't bring in any plants associated with this problem, trash my clones, and start fresh, how do I really insure I get all the spores? My grow area and basement outside of it is pretty big I dunno how I could really get treatment on every surface to clean up. I had a ventilation fan blowing air all over the place for a couple days.


Well-Known Member
New clones is actually an option for me, there are many legal growers around like myself. However I want to make sure the effects of these clones don't effect new ones I bring in if there is any spores in the room. Also will there be any point in ditching these if I was going to bring in 5 plants from the same mother that are ready to flower? I would assume I'd have to treat those so should I just treat everything? Assuming I don't bring in any plants associated with this problem, trash my clones, and start fresh, how do I really insure I get all the spores? My grow area and basement outside of it is pretty big I dunno how I could really get treatment on every surface to clean up. I had a ventilation fan blowing air all over the place for a couple days.
I would trash them and start over and just clean the ones nearby the plant. Usually the spores are everywhere no matter what. You just need plenty of air circulation and keep the humidity down under 60% and temps above 60 degrees. I didn't really clean that much after my PM occurance and never seen it again. Basically you just need to keep the air movement and they won't have time to land and spread as long as there isn't any mold or such laying around the room noticably


Active Member
I would trash them and start over and just clean the ones nearby the plant. Usually the spores are everywhere no matter what. You just need plenty of air circulation and keep the humidity down under 60% and temps above 60 degrees. I didn't really clean that much after my PM occurance and never seen it again. Basically you just need to keep the air movement and they won't have time to land and spread as long as there isn't any mold or such laying around the room noticably
Sucks but that is probably the best bet. My biggest concern is getting my room sanitized. Also I'm cloning in a dome which is high humidity and I thought that was intentional. I was planning next round to start using a home made aero-cloner which would allow me to clone uncovered and with a light fan on them. I just want to make sure if I start over I'm not just managing conditions with dormant PM living in my room. Also just to make sure I understand PM correctly. These plants are infected and will always be, and all I can do is manage symptoms ?


New Member
spray with 10% sodium bicarbonate they wont grow on leafs any moar ph wll b too high if u have in buds just dip the budz in solution 3% hydrogen peroxide when u harvest it will go away


Active Member
If I decide to start from scratch is a sulfur bomb Or fungaflor probably the way to get a fresh mildew-free start?