Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
there are definatly some amber trichs in there and from what i understand amber means the THC has begun to degrade? if this is the case, less amber is better right? i mean nice milky full potency trichs in majority and a few amber shows that she is on her way to degrading and you should defo CHOP THAT BITCH :)

i support ya either way bossman. keep us posted


Well-Known Member
Hi SmeLLyTreeZ, Cheer's dude.. & Thanks for the +REP! it's been a while since I received +REP! so thats always nice to see :) :) .. Hmm 15 oZ just under a lb .. I dunno man.. she is a beautiful big girl.. but I am still thinking lower numbers as long as its over 7 oZ I will be happy :) :) the buds do weigh well from just wiggling the stem/s back and forth and they are pretty dense (Thanks to ROX nuitrient) ..

On the topic of lighting.. I still have not managed to run the 600, due to insane running temps.. Now the weather temp has dropped it may be do-able between now and the early months of next year.. At the moment I am running:-

1X 18W UV-B at 20W

2X 6500k 40W CFL

2X 6500k 125W CFL

1X Dual-Spec 400W HPS/HID + 15% Boost

So that's a total of 730W + (15% - HID Boost) of lighting (Full-Spectrum). As and when I can run the 600 that'll bring my Max. total wattage up to approx. 930W :) :) and I do plan to add a couple of extra UV-B lamps in there so call it 1000W Max... But I can use any combination of lamps & Kelvin rating.. and custom set the brightness & heating for the Cab as well as the Wattage... Good times eh?!! :) :)

The dimensions are 4' Wide X 2' Deep X 7'.3" Tall

But the actual grow space inside the Cab is :- 4' Wide X 2' Deep X 5'.4" Tall (ex-cluding Grow-Shelf and Air-Cooled Reflector) , 3' Tall (including Grow-Shelf & Air-Cooled Reflector)

So that's : 4' Wide X 2' Deep X 3' Tall of actual growing space.. But because I use SCROG method the 3' of height is more than enough :) :) .. or just right :) :) !! - STELTHY :leaf:
Thanks for the info brotha!! You helped me out more than most could seeing we are working with similar spaces! So if you took all the cfl's out do you think you could get away with the 600?

What are your ambient temps looking like when you had it hooked up and what where the temps in the cab?

Looking forward to the bud porn btw :)


Well-Known Member

I have only just finished.. its taken over 7 hours of non-stop work and I am nakered.. I took loads of pics, some blurry some not but either way you'll all get a good idea of whats happening! :) :) She propper "STANK" my room out SO BAD! ...that it was great :) !!

I smoked 2X Finger-Hash doobs and was buzzed for at least 3 of those hours :) ... I will upload the pics to my computer now and will most likely add them to this thread some time tommoz... am so F-ing tired lol :) I will leave you with a taster though :) (see above) ^^^

...That dream of a "lb" could really be a possibility :) :) :) .. the buds will hang and dry for 4 - 5 days then they will be inspected and trimmed...then Jarred up and cured... Keep watching there is still shit-loads to come :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ok thats all my pics loaded into my Folder.. I'll begin adding them tommoz with a step-by-step walk-through :) I'am off to blaze another fatty n then go to bed :) Stay tuned...tommoz is a big day :) :) :) I have over 70 pics to add :) !! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
.................................................. ..........UPDATE-MONDAY #9................................................ ..................

................................................................AKA HARVEST !!.......................................................................

Firstly I'd like to say that this was a far bigger plant than what I first thought... I had handful upon handful of ripe buds in my hands! The smell was overwhelming and very STRONG! I'am going to add my pics but there are loads... I will sort the order of them, as well as delete a few and add text after they're all up :) I really hope ya'll enjoy my 9th MONDAY-UPDATE :) please feel free to add comments etc, cheers :) - STELTHY :leaf:

Here's the Big Bushy Women before she had was slayed :) !!

This is an average sized bud took at random !! Pretty tasty eh?!! - STELTHY :leaf:

So many Bud-Sites..... where to start? hmm decisions, decisions :)

There are so many Dank looking buds :) :) :)

This small pile of buds soon grew bigger and BIGGER :) :) :)

Only a small portion, maybe a quarter of the plant done still 3/4 to go :) !!

There were so many buds... I was trying to imagine how long its gonna take me to blaze it all ?!! I am gunna be sorted for ages :)

After the main bulk of the canopy had been removed.. I uncovered a shit-load of 'Pop-Corn Buds' which can only mean 1 thing :) :) Gotta make some Kick-Ass 'Royal-Haze Hash' :) :)

There were huge mountain like piles of buds spread over multiple sheets of News Paper.. (Prob. the most interesting thing I've seen in a News Paper for quite a number of years! lol

There were carrier bag's full of sexy Pop-Corn buds being bagged up ~ and put in the Freezer, ready for when I make the Hash :) !!

I chopped up the wood-like stems and bagged them up ready for my mate who like to make soup/broth with them :)

I do want to apologise for the blurryness of some of the pics :( :( :( ... I dunno what happened there ?!! :( :( Stupid camera .. lol, oh well.. I'll take a few more snaps this morning and add them shortly.. I am no-where near as stoned/high as I was last night so I hope I can get some clearer shots of the buds hanging..

Hope ya'll like the pics.. I will begin adding text etc shortly :) - STELTHY :leaf: