The juvenile names of cannabis strains are becoming risable, and reflect badly

Are the names of most strains ridiculous?

  • The names are fine, and reflect finely on the grower community

    Votes: 18 72.0%
  • the names are no good, and reflect negatvely on the grower community

    Votes: 7 28.0%

  • Total voters
I realize its just reefer madness at work but at the same time why give them more ammo? :)
I do however disagree, green crack is much worse than catpiss or skunk. Only the first hints towards HARD drugs, and only the first goes by a more 'legitimate' name in respectable collectives.

When it comes right down to it those are the only names i really disagree with, everything else is free game ;)
I realize its just reefer madness at work but at the same time why give them more ammo? :)
I do however disagree, green crack is much worse than catpiss or skunk. Only the first hints towards HARD drugs, and only the first goes by a more 'legitimate' name in respectable collectives.

When it comes right down to it those are the only names i really disagree with, everything else is free game ;)

I see what you're saying...

But from the breeders perspective ""This IS some strong shit. Let's call it ..." Then comes Green Crack or Herijuana. It's just breeders with big heads...
Some of them are truly stupid and bear no relation to their origins or genetics. However some reflect positively on the good-humored and laid back stoner community, rather than us being sad, stern Hard Drug Users conducting SRS BIZNESS if you understand what I mean.
I don't think they reflect badly.

Just because a strain is called green crack doesn't mean it's laced with crack. It's just a fucking name
U know they have a strain called ice..... So that makes green crack, ice, LSD, herojuana, Bunch of dopeattics..... Lol...
That settles it. My next grow is Herijuana, and if i get an outstanding momma to clone she will be Intra Venus. cn

If you get any males, TRY to save some pollen and get it too me.

I want to make a "Mexican Herijuana" strain or something:lol:...

I'll give you money for pollen, or a pipe if I'm blowing good by then, or seeds from the resulting breed :)
Shakespeare said, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet".

But think about some 60ish grandmotherly type going to her oncologist for the side effects of her cancer treatment and he walks in and recommends she use Alaskan Thunderfuck for nausea. Now substitute Sativex for Alaskan Thunderfuck.

What we call things does make a difference, even though it doesn't change the nature of the thing. Advertising is a billion dollar business and products live or die on name recognition alone. That is why brands are so fiercely protected by big business. I think we are playing into big pharma's hands on this one. It doesn't matter to the people who are already familiar with marijuana's uses and benefits what it's called but those people aren't who you have to evangelize to. You are trying to get the 'serious' professionals on your side. The professionals of all kinds have to not be embarrassed to admit to using this stuff.

I think it would be a lot easier to stand up in congress and state that Sativex is useful for this or that and the CSA should be changed then it would be to lobby for Alaskan Thunderfuck or Cat Piss etc........
isnt cheese a u.k strain?

then it might mean anything.

uk slang,apples and pears, going down the stairs, pears and stairs rhyme so now stairs are pears :) or something like that, had it explained by a uk guy once, but the logic escaped me :)

dont find the idea of smoking cheese very appealing though.

but maybe the dude that made the strain, just loved cheese or something :)