3 Weeks flowering


Active Member
Im around 3 weeks into flowing with a 6 week strain. This problem ONLY pops up when im a day late with the water and let the ladies dry. Im assuming its a K def. b/c of the fact that it only happens when i dont water.

Im gettin brown almost burnt lookin spots on leaves and they begin to curl upward if they are really bad. It happened first about 2 weeks ago and i just trimmed out the bad leaves and didnt have any problem. Then lights went out sooner than i thought a few days ago and i missed a day and they got burned again. I removed the really bad leaves, but didnt wannna take too many this late in flower. Im wording if the damaged leaves will bounce back or if i should just go ahead and remove all of them?



Well-Known Member
Looks like she wants more...and you don't need to remove leaves as you'll see the longer you go into flowering the more shitty some will look as the plant is sucking nutrients back out of them to feed the flowers...pump that puppy with P/K and you should be fine.


New Member
well i would up your food intake flowering plants take alot of of nutrients and not so much nitrogen so you are right its late stages of K
as for your leafs there going to drop off you could i guess clean it up there as good as gone and it appears you will still have lots of leafs left what i dont understand is how and why dont people add more of the later P and K when in flower
so many growers add there flowering A and B with some bloom booster which is still weak like 1 4 6 something like that
in order to get bug yields you need stuff like this added as well with your flowering A and B's also adding supliments like cal mag



New Member
what happens is most people see this and start upping there nitrogen which then starts working against you to much N blocks P and K
uptake there such a fine line and thats what makes it hard plants need food to much your screwed to little your screwed then as his pics appear look at the leafs starting to get the tip folding down looking like the claw then you start chasing and i dont care what anyone says by the time you got it under control your harvesting a plant that could of done 3 times better :)

So if they were my plants what i would do is flush the plants till you get your runoff @ 6.5 to 6.8 let it go for a day then re apply nutes adding your flowering A and B @ 1 ml per litre and all other stuff your adding at the same rate keep giving them this mixture every watering making sure ph is 6.5 to 6.8 and hope for the best


Active Member
what happens is most people see this and start upping there nitrogen which then starts working against you to much N blocks P and K
uptake there such a fine line and thats what makes it hard plants need food to much your screwed to little your screwed then as his pics appear look at the leafs starting to get the tip folding down looking like the claw then you start chasing and i dont care what anyone says by the time you got it under control your harvesting a plant that could of done 3 times better :)

So if they were my plants what i would do is flush the plants till you get your runoff @ 6.5 to 6.8 let it go for a day then re apply nutes adding your flowering A and B @ 1 ml per litre and all other stuff your adding at the same rate keep giving them this mixture every watering making sure ph is 6.5 to 6.8 and hope for the best
At the moment the only nutes im using are AN Iguana juice bloom (4-3-6), AN Bud Ignitor, think the last feed was all im going to use of this though (0-1-2), and i have been gradually increasing the dosage of Atami's Bloombastic (0-14-15). Started out at 2ml/gallon and im up to 4.5 ml/gal on my next feed.

I have been using a 2.5 gallon container each time i feed, so each plant has been gettin about 1.2 gallons of water


New Member
i would still use the the juice 4 3 6 isnt to bad just lower it to 1 ml per litre and 0 14 15 add it with it should be good to go then i personally think as you notice your lower leafs are fryed and dryed up is that your adding to much of it per 2.5 gallons bringing your ppm up to a alarming rate
i dont have a digital PH meter, just using drops, so its usually around 6 - 6.5 but it isnt an exact science obv.
How do you know the ph if you don't have a meter? are you using test strips? i am asking because your issues look like they are being caused by lockout due to incorrect ph. If you're using test strips, thos things are wildly inaccurate for our purposes. I would not add any supplements or nutes until you know 100% what your ph is. If you just go adding stuff without knowing then you will make things way worse. I'd use a tds/ph pen if I were you. Start here... http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Meter-Tester-Hydroponic-Aquarium/dp/B004IYDEES/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1322509055&sr=8-6


Active Member
How do you know the ph if you don't have a meter? are you using test strips? i am asking because your issues look like they are being caused by lockout due to incorrect ph. If you're using test strips, thos things are wildly inaccurate for our purposes. I would not add any supplements or nutes until you know 100% what your ph is. If you just go adding stuff without knowing then you will make things way worse. I'd use a tds/ph pen if I were you. Start here... http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Meter-Tester-Hydroponic-Aquarium/dp/B004IYDEES/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1322509055&sr=8-6
Not strips, but virtually the same thing. Bottle with drops and a color code system.... .The ONLY time this problem pops ups is when the plant is super dry and needs water which is why i feel its less a lockout and more of a deficiency. When regular watering occurs and i dont miss a day the problem never happens so im not really worried about the exact accuracy of my ph. The drops have worked for the past 2+ months so far
If your growing in soil then what you see today actually happened days before. Not to be an ass but I don't see why you came here looking for advice if you already know the answer (which you don't). Someone please tell him what he wants to hear. I'm done.


Active Member
If your growing in soil then what you see today actually happened days before. Not to be an ass but I don't see why you came here looking for advice if you already know the answer (which you don't). Someone please tell him what he wants to hear. I'm done.
not trying to be an ass but what you say dosent make sense. This problem has shown itself 2 times and only 2 times. BOTH times i was a day late watering and the pots became extremely dry. This is the ONLY TIME I HAVE EVER HAD LEAF DAMAGE. So im not sure how PH is relevant in the given situation... I dont see how a ph problem would only manifest itself once there was not water and not any other time in the past 3 weeks of flower i have been giving them the supposed "off-balance" water


Active Member
I come here for advice, but just because you give some dosent mean im not going to question what you have to say and dig deeper. I come to learn not to fight, the only way to learn is to ask questions
Again, when ph issues are involved, whatever you see when growing in soil, the issue happened long before you actually saw it. You're spinning your wheels if you don't know what your ph is. Ph strips and stuff like that are crap, you need a ph pen. One other possibility is that you have bugs in your soil. Dig around in there and see if you find any (you may have to look at it under a scope or magnifying glass).


Active Member
Again, when ph issues are involved, whatever you see when growing in soil, the issue happened long before you actually saw it. You're spinning your wheels if you don't know what your ph is. Ph strips and stuff like that are crap, you need a ph pen. One other possibility is that you have bugs in your soil. Dig around in there and see if you find any (you may have to look at it under a scope or magnifying glass).
What kind of bugs would cause that damage and only be visible in the dirt and not on the plants? Also, what kind of bug would only show itself when the plants are lacking water? Because once again, THE ONLY TIME this problem popped up was the 2 times i missed watering...... and not the other 12 times i have watered since flowering.......