So how many people still have ladies in the garden?


Well-Known Member
Does look a bit similar, more like my diesel strain that purpled (first pic, right side)

How's the smoke?

And oddly enough the only strain I still have out that I planted before august is afghan kush, been flowering well over 10 weeks now..those purp plants were little clones I put out in September.


Well-Known Member
ive got a juicy fruit still out in the greenhouse, got maybe another few weeks to go but may have to take her down next week as its getting frosty outside some nights


Well-Known Member
Does look a bit similar, more like my diesel strain that purpled (first pic, right side)

How's the smoke?

And oddly enough the only strain I still have out that I planted before august is afghan kush, been flowering well over 10 weeks now..those purp plants were little clones I put out in September.

I haven't tried it yet. Its still drying. I does smell really good though.


Well-Known Member
update nov 27th.......this thing is still going, its getting more purple by the day. Im thinking at least a week or maybe even 2 before chop.100_2742.jpg


Well-Known Member
i have 2 outside, i'm in s fla, i think they could go another 2 weeks, the trics are mostly cloudy, some still clear. i love growing outside :peace:


Well-Known Member
my tangerines finally came in after some cold and rain - but, the later ones are not sticky!! they lack resin in a big way.. i am worried that those two plants are going to be very weak smoke.... my friend suggests that the cold made the glands fall off like when you make hash.. i tend to think that perhaps their final growth phase was stunted by my cold climate..


my biggest plant is still outside, got a few more weeks before ill harvest it, you can see it in my profile pic. its weird its been through a few cycles of rain and held strong when 2 of the 3 i had in my room got a little bit of bud rot. might have been over ripening....but still lol


Active Member
I was planning on harvesting this week but went and checked my ladies wednesday and all be damned my homeboy who had helped me all summer fuckin ripped me for one sativa who had about a week or two left and an indica hybrid which I had pulled off a few branches a couple weeks ago... Ended up harvesting a qp off three plants first week of Nov... Its my own fault for trusting fake ass (homies) but consider it lesson learned. But he"ll get his sooner than later... Hope everyone has better luck than my ending harvest this year....


Well-Known Member
I was planning on harvesting this week but went and checked my ladies wednesday and all be damned my homeboy who had helped me all summer fuckin ripped me for one sativa who had about a week or two left and an indica hybrid which I had pulled off a few branches a couple weeks ago... Ended up harvesting a qp off three plants first week of Nov... Its my own fault for trusting fake ass (homies) but consider it lesson learned. But he"ll get his sooner than later... Hope everyone has better luck than my ending harvest this year....
wow that sucks, karma will get him :peace:


Well-Known Member
My Willie Nelson sativas have been a lesson in patience. The 10 footer is ready, the 11 1/2 footer has aboGrow 2011 019.jpgut 2 weeks to go. I am fortunate that the weather has turned warm in the North Bay. It looks like I'll make it to past the full moon with those.Grow 2011 015.jpg


Well-Known Member
100_2828.jpgI think the cold is starting to get to it, might chop in a few days...The plant didn't look so swell today, looks like it is crowning or foxtailing.........not sure.


Active Member
I pulled my last plant on Nov. 29 while it was snowing!!! My girl was healthy but wasn't going to survive that. I think she was finally ready and just in the nick of time!!