Joining the Military


Well-Known Member
Seriously considering this. I'd like to hear from some people who've already been there and done it. What branch did you join, why? What were the benefits and negative aspects of military life? Looking back on it, are you glad you made the decision? How is the pay? How are the living situations? What's an average day like in the military? How much time do you have off? Anything at all about your military experience is appreciated.

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Spend a good amount of time in the Marine Corps infantry, with numerous deployments. Its what you make of it, don't listen to people that tell you other wise. Its mostly people that never joined because they are to fucking lazy to get off their fat ass, or the unfortunate few that are to disabled or maybe just born with a gold spoon in their mouth dunno don't care. College is a great alternative as well.
Also these are questions a recruiter can answer ;)


New Member
My Dad was military for 20 years, he came out extremely depressed, extremely brain washed (in my opinion), he gets flashbacks constantly, they made him wear gear twice his weight size while running which ruined his back and knees, you get paid very little for putting your life on the line, the housing they give you is SHIT, you're constantly away from your family (your wife might as well be raising the kid single, it'd be less fucked up for the kid) and drugs are extremely rampant among kids on military bases. It's not a good place for a family at ALL.


Well-Known Member
There are two types of military people I've met in my life...

1) The ones who make a career of it and get set up in a cushy office job after a few tours recruiting or something that are "conservative" in their views that enjoy the military and what its doing overseas regardless of how fucked up it is...
2) The ones who once they got in wish they had never signed up, come home with horror stories of being over in Iraq or Afghanistan...have 6 months left on their "contract" to be in the military then be given a choice...go back over to Afghanistan for another 18 months or do another job in the states for the same period of time locking you into an additional year...nobody gets out when they are suppose to anymore.

Chose your destiny man...just think of the shit the US military will be doing in the next 5 years...because that's the shitstorm yer walking into son...


Well-Known Member
My step-sisters husband is in the military, and works as a dog handeler in the bomb unit. He has worked on several checkpoints in the middle east.

He likes it, he was higher ranked because of college degree, and speaks 3 or 4 languages (always helps) which makes his pay pretty stable to support her and the son. as suTraGrow said, it's what you make of joining the fire dept, police or any other job like that.


Active Member
first off why are you considering this? because of lack of work or home life n ot going good?
the military isnt a job its a life,
i wouldnt sign up, not because im a coward but because half the battles we're involved in we shouldnt be fighting.
i think every politician should have served at least 5 years before being allowed into any party.
dont take this decision lightly my friend, its possibly the rest of your life.


Well-Known Member
The way I see it is I've been doing menial shit jobs the past 6 years, making peanuts, paycheck to paycheck. Sick of this lifestyle. I feel like I need a dramatic change, something better with more opportunity to grow and advance. I've never had a job that made over $10/hour, I figure just about any job in the military would be better than that. The 6 years feel like a waste, all I've been doing is getting older. I can do 4 years, I would be 29 when I got out and I'd have a little money to plan the next stage of my life with. I can't afford college, can't stand working everyday for hardly nothing to show for myself. I plan on choosing a job with little risk of fighting in war or being sent overseas, not sure how that really works but that'd be the plan. My options right now seem dire, limited, desperate.


Well-Known Member
beneifts pretty much suck, pay sucks. bf was a marine, he couldn't wait to get discharged. i'd say it's his biggest regret. i didn't knw him when he joined so it had nothing to dow ith me.

no point unless you're in for the long haul and you're going to try to get the pension in 20 years.


Active Member
its not too late to learn a trade, is it?
over here inthe uk we have some cheapih fast track trade qualifications.
not sure if they have them where you are.


Well-Known Member
The way I see it is I've been doing menial shit jobs the past 6 years, making peanuts, paycheck to paycheck. Sick of this lifestyle. I feel like I need a dramatic change, something better with more opportunity to grow and advance. I've never had a job that made over $10/hour, I figure just about any job in the military would be better than that. The 6 years feel like a waste, all I've been doing is getting older. I can do 4 years, I would be 29 when I got out and I'd have a little money to plan the next stage of my life with. I can't afford college, can't stand working everyday for hardly nothing to show for myself. I plan on choosing a job with little risk of fighting in war or being sent overseas, not sure how that really works but that'd be the plan. My options right now seem dire, limited, desperate.
1) don't expect to get out in 4 years...they don't let you out in 4 years anymore even though they say they will up and down...
2) don't expect a job after doing your "4 years"...its not what you know anymore, its who you know...without connections and kick ass letters of recommendation from people that the person hiring you knows for good jobs, forget it.

Don't do it man...seriously...I have a good friend who just finally got done(had to do the 5 year bullshit)...he sleeps with a gun and carries one with him all the time now because of fucked him royally up in the prepped for it ;)


Well-Known Member
its not too late to learn a trade, is it?
over here inthe uk we have some cheapih fast track trade qualifications.
not sure if they have them where you are.
yeah dude...go get a certificate in machine tool'ing or welding...they make anywhere from 15-25/hr easy.


New Member
The way I see it is I've been doing menial shit jobs the past 6 years, making peanuts, paycheck to paycheck. Sick of this lifestyle. I feel like I need a dramatic change, something better with more opportunity to grow and advance. I've never had a job that made over $10/hour, I figure just about any job in the military would be better than that. The 6 years feel like a waste, all I've been doing is getting older. I can do 4 years, I would be 29 when I got out and I'd have a little money to plan the next stage of my life with. I can't afford college, can't stand working everyday for hardly nothing to show for myself. I plan on choosing a job with little risk of fighting in war or being sent overseas, not sure how that really works but that'd be the plan. My options right now seem dire, limited, desperate.
seriously, if you want to join the military and be out of the fight join air force. They always need people repairing planes and stuff like that. It's a great skill to have, my Dad knows several people who started their own engine repair companies after retiring from air force.


Well-Known Member
1) don't expect to get out in 4 years...they don't let you out in 4 years anymore even though they say they will up and down...
2) don't expect a job after doing your "4 years"...its not what you know anymore, its who you know...without connections and kick ass letters of recommendation from people that the person hiring you knows for good jobs, forget it.

Don't do it man...seriously...I have a good friend who just finally got done(had to do the 5 year bullshit)...he sleeps with a gun and carries one with him all the time now because of fucked him royally up in the prepped for it ;)
LOLwhat the hell?? have you ever been in the service. Because to me it seem like you are talking out your ass here...
1st. I was given the choice to get out after my 4 no question asked but decided to stay in to get a another combat deployment under my belt. COMPLETE MY CHOICE...
2nd I was offered plenty of jobs making 45-65k starting a year once i got out. Just got another job opportunity 115k a year only available to combat deployments veterans, and that would consist me of getting my CDL 6 week course, Then driving a truck near my state moving oil from rig to refinery. Bearly any manual labor. Not gonna do it because the military also pays be 2grand to go to school to get my med degree sooo umm yeahhhh no job hmmm.

I also experienced PTSD from combat deployments most of us grunts do, umm so ITS VOLUNTEER people know what the hell they are getting them self into and they still sign the paper no body forced them to do it COMPLETELY free will.
Also to the ones experiencing ptsd symptoms. Coming back there is a LOT of help is offered at free of charge as well. I took advantage of it and can once again be back in public place with no problem at all.


I was in a similar position of school, staying in the dead end town I was in and end up someplace bad, or the military. I couldnt afford school, couldnt afford to stay where I was and couldnt afford to wind up in the military. But I got my shit together, moved across the country, got an entry level automotive job and worked my way up, all on my own. A year and a half later, Ive learned quite a bit about the trade, im making plenty of money to support myself and go to school for what I really want to do. Piece your way through it day by day man, if you want something you just have to do something about it and get it. Colleges have so much aid that they will GIVE you. No need to pay it back, you just have to be proactive and they will practically put you through school. Learn something in the meantime, or go to trade school, and I have to agree with Massah from what ive seen from people that return, stay the hell out of the military -- its not worth what it CAN do to you.