Joesoaps 400w coco ak48 and bagseed grow


Active Member
Well everybody after two pathetic failed indoor soil grows because i stupidly never thought of checking my ph runoff and blamed it on bad water , nitrogen def etc. im back with a coco grow as ive heard great stuff about it. Fingers crossed this time i get it right and hopefully i will with the help of the community here, esp looking to hear from coco growers who hand water. I did however have a great outdoor grow this year and I live in IRELAND, yes I said rainy fuckin Ireland. I got 3 oz off six clones i took off a bagseed mother and only fed TWICE! So anybody who says u cant do outdoor grows here doesnt know shit. Anyway enuf shit talk heres my setup:

4 AK48 nirvana seeds.
Maybe 15 or 16 bagseed from an unknown strain.
1.2x1.2 meter grow tent (veg chamber on the way).
Extraction fan and oscillating fan.
400w hps/mh and 200w cfl.
canna coco professional plus as my medium.
canna coco A and B nutes


Active Member
sorry about the shitty pic quality, trying to find my girlfriends camera in a room which is full to the brim of all kinds of crap to make the rest of the house look clean and spacious lol. Anyway to explain the pics above , they are on day 1 after germination (although some had not germed as fast as the others so i just planted anyway. had to double plant some of the bag seeds as i diddnt have enuf pots but I can just seperate them easy enough if both poth pop out by being gentle with those tiny roots. I have them in 100% canna coco professional plus , watered with plain ph`d water (runoff 5.8-6.0) and have them under the 200w cfl running 24/7.


Active Member
DAY 5 veg

Not much really happening, a few more sprouts. Looks like they need a watering so ill do that tonight with some 5.8 ph rainwater untill I see their first four true leaves then I can start low on the nutes. Anyway heres some pics.grow 002.jpggrow 003.jpggrow 005.jpggrow 001.jpggrow 004.jpg


Active Member
DAY 12 veg

Looks like im not getting much intrest yet but i guess its still early, I do however need the help of experienced coco grower as im noticing changes in color, growth etc. of the seedlings. Since my last post ive fed them twice giving 1ml of a+b canna coco nutes and the next watering will be a plain ph water flush, Im using a guide by a mod called zoolander on another forum but im not sure if im allowed to mention it on here.Anyway basicly his guide states to feed 1ml of a+b as soon as the spouts pop but i waited a little longer to be safe anyway he says to give just ph`d water on the third watering to stop salts building up. So far ive just been using the liquid ph tester which i dont think is great but my runoff looks between 5.8 an 6.0 to me and im using rain water so i should have nearly no ppm until adding some nutes. Im seeing some light coloring on the leaves and some look light brown on the edges, not sure if its slight nute burn or my ph is out of range or if its that they are hungry. I got an electronic ph tester and ppm/ec meter off ebay for my next watering.

My biggest question is: judging by the pics should i flush now or just wait and see what happens as i fed them only two days ago and the pots are still heavy. Id like to just leave them but i dont want it progress any further and kill the seedlings. It seems the ak`s in the square pots are the ones most affected by the light brown tips , but all are a little bit pale. Anyway here are the pics. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


hey joesoap i also am going to be starting a coco grow mine will be in a 4x4x76 tent with sleestack x skunk under two advanced ds200 led's nute's will be biovega bioflora bioboost canna13/14 and am open to any suggested mixes as soon as it all arives {as i have just ordered it} i will be posting pics hopefuly we can compare and get some good results.


Active Member
hey joesoap i also am going to be starting a coco grow mine will be in a 4x4x76 tent with sleestack x skunk under two advanced ds200 led's nute's will be biovega bioflora bioboost canna13/14 and am open to any suggested mixes as soon as it all arives {as i have just ordered it} i will be posting pics hopefuly we can compare and get some good results.
Hey kilo thanks for stopping by. Ive always wanted to see how good led's are so now ill get a chance. As for advice on mixes, im no expert but I think 80% coco 20% would be a mix but some people prefer to use 100% coco, as for me im still kind of undecided. Id be happy to compare grows if I can get this latest problem under control.


Active Member
I don't see any brown on them?
That coco looks super wet for being watered two days prior, how big are those plugs that they are in?
Hey blunt master flex yeah sorry the tips arent brown there more white to be honest but still crisp. The plugs are about 2x2 inches and id say the medium is staying a bit wet beacuse the temps are only getting to a max of 18 celsius. Do you think i shoud just flush them?


Active Member
I don't see any brown on them?
That coco looks super wet for being watered two days prior, how big are those plugs that they are in?
Hey blunt master flex yeah sorry the tips arent brown there more white to be honest but still crisp. The plugs are about 2x2 inches and id say the medium is staying a bit wet beacuse the temps are only getting to a max of 18 celsius. Do you think i shoud just flush them?

Blunt Master Flex

Active Member
Do they look the same now? Or worse? I don't see anything that would imply too much nutrients and flushing young plants (especially seedlings) can be bad for roots due to overwatering. I've had a lot of weird looking seedlings that turned out to be just fine.
I'm not sure how strong Canna nutes are, I use House and Garden nutrients (very similar, the guy who makes H&G helped with Canna nutes) and they recommend 2.5 ml of each base nutrient per gallon of water for young cuttings and seedlings. My seedlings have never had a problem with it and I give my cuttings about 6ml per gallon as soon as I see roots and they take right off.


Active Member
Do they look the same now? Or worse? I don't see anything that would imply too much nutrients and flushing young plants (especially seedlings) can be bad for roots due to overwatering. I've had a lot of weird looking seedlings that turned out to be just fine.
I'm not sure how strong Canna nutes are, I use House and Garden nutrients (very similar, the guy who makes H&G helped with Canna nutes) and they recommend 2.5 ml of each base nutrient per gallon of water for young cuttings and seedlings. My seedlings have never had a problem with it and I give my cuttings about 6ml per gallon as soon as I see roots and they take right off.
Hey man they are looking pretty much the same (slow growth) but some are worse than others (aks). I diddnt flush but gave a light feed of 0.5ml and used bottled water phd at 6.0 two days ago but not much difference. Im thinking that maybe your right and they are not getting enough nutes, also I was feeding with rain water which has nearly 0 ppm so maybe they were lacking cal and mag? Anyway im going to get some calmag and some rhizo and maybe bump up my nutes a bit for their next watering in a few days and see how it goes. Ill post up some pics tonight on how they look now

Blunt Master Flex

Active Member
They're also probably ready to come out of those cubes. The plant will only grow as big as the roots allow it to, roots act as an anchor. If there is not a big enough root system to anchor the plant to the ground then it just won't grow.
Good luck bud!


Active Member
DAY 28 veg

Ok things are pretty bad , hardly any growth after 28 fucking days and i just cant seem to figure out whats wrong. Since my last post I tried upping the nutes a bit to 2.5 mls of a+b per gallon and added 5mls rhizotonic per gallon all at 5.8ph , nothing much happened a bit of growth but no greener colour on new growth and the edges seemed to keep getting worse. On their next watering i gave them plain water at 5.8 ph in case i over did it with the nutes. Yesterday I gave them just 1ml of a+b and 3ml rhizo per gallon at 5.8ph. I really dont know whats wrong with them ,and i checked to see if they are rootbound but they are nowhere near it. My temps were a bit low at 17 celsius so i took away the 200w cfl and put in my 400w mh 4 feet away from the seedlings to get the temps up. Judging by plant problem photos it looks like a mag deficancy but not calcium so im going to foliar feed them some epsom salts and plain water tonight and see how they get on. here are pics of how they look now. Please can somebody give me some input?