week 2 after breaking soil, what do you think RIU


Well-Known Member
looking real nice and right on for 2 weeks mine was a beast at 3
so these are my babies, week 2 after breaking soil. they had already started to shed lower leaver and damn do they smell. the on on the far right got heat sickness so i had to trim a few leaves off the bottom but is doing alot better. leaves seems to be some what light in color. what do you think RIU?


Active Member
well im runnin 3 23 actuall watt 5000k cfls. and yes i have this is my first grow im pretty sure its either ph or nute burn.


Active Member
I was just wondering bblzs,

Where do you see the burn?

I see a overwatering/ph problem. They dont look burnt at all, Just hungry and by

correcting your PH they will get the nutrients that they need.

Well waffles696 hopefully everything turns around for you.

And as far as scotts brand soils, I just grew some a+ Dank this last summer from a bag seed with MG organic. Its not the soil thats bad,

Its the people that try and feed the plants to much to fast!

Happy smokin and growin! Don't love your babys to death!



Active Member
my problem is this, if i give them nutes, then they will get nute burns, cause i used scotts potting soil with nutes already in it.


Active Member
well im probably going to finish my pc stealth box, only thing is tht i was thinking of converting to hydroponics, im more of a science type guy and this way doing this everything will be in my hands when it comes to PH ,Nute etc. i just dnt know how i would switch over, and when i was tlking to my local garden hyrdo store ( they are the weed product sellers for the area, yay queens) he was saying tht they dont need food for the first 3-4 weeks and it could be nute burn


Well-Known Member
Its definitely over-watering. I made the same mistake when i first started growing. You have to make sure the soil is drying out before watering again so the roots can actually breath. If not you will get root rot...and you will start to see the leaves die and it looks like nute burn...but its not. I literally had leaves go necrotic and get crispy and brown like they were burnt...but as soon as i started giving more time between watering...all new growth was perfect and healthy. Also with that slow release crap...every time you water it...its giving the plant more nutes....so its possible to burn them.


Active Member
i was thinking about doing a mini hydro setup if i can come up with the $ cause problem is i do it in my dorm, they dnt give a fuck my whole dorm smells like pot all the time but semester is going to be over soon and i have to bring them home, so i was thinking of a pc hydro stealth box. any ideas? i need a small carbon filter though cause my room cnt smell ( fuck me niot thinking ahead :x