Active Member
I have been doing a lot of reading on drinking poppy tea and it sounded like somehting I would enjoy. I wanted to make it with poppy pods, but those ar eimpossible to find around here so I decided to make some with the seeds instead. I used roughly 1 kilo of poppy seeds to make my brew. I put all of the seeds in an empty gallon jug, added the juice of 4 lemons, and enough hot tap water to cover the seeds by about 1.5 inches. I shook the shit out of the mixture for about 10 minutes, let it sit and steep for another 20 minutes, then shook again for another 10 minutes. I filtered the mixture and disgarded the seed mush. I drank half of the tea and in about 30 minutes or so I could feel the buzz coming along. I waited another 20 minutes or so and decided I wanted to drink the rest of the brew. About an hour after drinking the last half I fealt like I was melted into my couch. LOL. It was a very nice, warm, fuzzy, happy high. I had a stupid grin on my face that I couldn't get rid of and my eyes were only half way open. It was very enjoyable. I will deffinately do it again. Has anyone else ever done this?