Must Know


Well-Known Member
Royal Bluematic,Royal AK Automatic,Northern Light Automatic,Northern Light Automatic can I grow them outdoors?



Well-Known Member
Is grow it indoors those temps are kinda low especially if those are the hottest months. Wait a tick, did you mean farenhieght.


Well-Known Member
Um thats cutting it close. At around 50 degrees plants stop the intakemof nutes... Autos might just be up your alley, or research some fast flowering photos


Well-Known Member
my plan is:
after sprouting about 2 weeks put the plants under T5 or sth and then outside for those 2 months
is it alright?


Well-Known Member
Northern Light Automatic 9-10 weeks after sprouting

Royal Critical Automatic 9 weeks after sprouting

Royal Bluematic 8-9 weeks after sprouting

Royal AK Automatic 9-10 weeks after sprouting