-Bottle Grows-


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6698236 said:
ya im really liken those bottles, next grow i want to do my 30oz bottles like yours but a wider base instead of so tall out of some 2liters cut in half, give me more room height wise :D
That would be awesome. Its a little more work watering. But totally worth it:D

bet they like diet pepsi and or regular pepsi better! ;) how tall do they get when theyre finished? and what were you able to pull weight wise off each in the past? like i said, my mind is a racing... lol
I had a test run with a few clones. Ran into some soil issues so, they were not able to finish. Was using soil from my backyard. not good...These are the first i was able to get matured in the bottles. I'm mostly growing sativa. So far they have not gone over 20". :D Get some going :D At least one. Ill start one at the same time with you. Just fill me in on the bottle size. Will have a grow off. Maybe get a few growers in on it. :D

I'd grown seedlings in two liters outside for my garden back in spring. Unfortunately I don't have the small bottles around but plenty of 2 liters. looks good
Thx man. I would like to put a 2liter in there. Not sure if i have enough head room. Trying to keep the plants under the 24" mark. The seeds im using like to grow tall. :D :leaf:

Impressive Brotha!! Def making the most of the situation for sure. I have been using 3liter bottles with great success.

I use 3 liter pepsi bottles with Organic Pro-Mix feeding Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom, Beastie Bloom, Cha Ching, and love Potion. 12/12 from seed. Under 300 watts of 2700k cfl's.
My worst strain yields 9 grams and my best is 15 grams. I grow ten plants every cycle and have enough smoke and hash to make it till next harvest. Its very cheap and easy way to being the self
reliant medicinal user. I bet if you bump those up to 3 liter bottles you will have very close yields if not higher.

Best of luck to ya, and keep us posted. Im on the couch on this one

Peace and Pot
Crazy. Sounds great man. Would love to pull 9 grams per bottle. Still have to see. Have yet to harvest any. Soon though :D They rest of mine will be going 12/12 from seed. Just easier that way because i haven't setup a veg box yet. Would love a 3liter bottle in there though :D.. Thx for the comment. Happy Growing! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I had a test run with a few clones. Ran into some soil issues so, they were not able to finish. Was using soil from my backyard. not good...These are the first i was able to get matured in the bottles. I'm mostly growing sativa. So far they have not gone over 20". Get some going At least one. Ill start one at the same time with you. Just fill me in on the bottle size. Will have a grow off. Maybe get a few growers in on it.

dude, im totally down for this! got a buddy that has some top notch seeds ill be crackin here at my place. ill let you know when i get them for sure!


Well-Known Member
Diggin' the thread, all subbed up and ready to go.
I've only got one Bottle plant going..

But when I go to test-flower these new Beans you know they'll be in the Dr Bottles.


Well-Known Member
I had a test run with a few clones. Ran into some soil issues so, they were not able to finish. Was using soil from my backyard. not good...These are the first i was able to get matured in the bottles. I'm mostly growing sativa. So far they have not gone over 20". Get some going At least one. Ill start one at the same time with you. Just fill me in on the bottle size. Will have a grow off. Maybe get a few growers in on it.

dude, im totally down for this! got a buddy that has some top notch seeds ill be crackin here at my place. ill let you know when i get them for sure!
Definitely. Ill keep you posted. Ill try to get a few people in on it. Would be fun. :leaf:

HL4M you a rockstar with them bottles bro! Cant wait for the chop and the smoke report! Awesome man!
Thx man :D. They are coming along nice. Yours will be there soon :D :D..

Diggin' the thread, all subbed up and ready to go.
I've only got one Bottle plant going..

But when I go to test-flower these new Beans you know they'll be in the Dr Bottles.
Hey Indica :D. Thx. Gonna have a few people starting a a bottle grow. Willl be fun.. U can post some pics of your current bottle if you want. :p. Wouldn't mind seeing it :D :leaf: Got some Drpepper bottles ready also .....


Well-Known Member
Ths guys :D..

R3 is no more :( Chop down day for her. She made it about 70 days. About 50% of the hairs turning red. Wet weight 31.2g :leaf::leaf:


She smells great.. Will have a smoke report in about a week.. :D. It feels good to grow your own pot. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6710252 said:
yummy! looks good high i would like to have her :D
hey got twonew updates in my thread
Thx legil :D.. Ill check it out. riu was on the fritz for me last night.. Couldn't load the site.



Well-Known Member
What kind of yield are you getting in those bottles? Your using these for the whole grow right?


Well-Known Member
What kind of yield are you getting in those bottles? Your using these for the whole grow right?
Just started using them. I'm shooting for a quarter oz per bottle. The first ones looks like it will be about 7g-8g. Wet weight was 31g. I think i can pull 10g per bottle eventually. They are a lot of fun :D Will be using them for awhile.:leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
so shell be just under 9 grams. maybe an even 8 when dry. not bad. now imagine a whole shit ton of bottles!
Yes, a shit ton a bottles :D. Next round i need to have more flowering. That quarter will last me a week if im lucky. Would be nice to harvest a couple ever week or two. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yes, a shit ton a bottles :D. Next round i need to have more flowering. That quarter will last me a week if im lucky. Would be nice to harvest a couple ever week or two. :leaf:
once my three little ones show sex im gonna do bottle grow with ya but clone grow! if i get 8 off each (like last time) ill have 24 bottles going meaning id get an estimated 192-216 grams dry. not too bad for such a small footprint