Problems late in flower.. Cut now?!


So I'll be at week 7 of flowering on these girls on Tuesday, needless to say shes had some problems. One of my first indoor grows, so I switched things around quite a bit and it stressed them out. To add, theyve had heat damage, slight nute burn, and went too dry and began to wilt once. And to add to it, theyve been dealing with mite problems since flower which I got under control, but the leaves were definitely damaged. I just see it as "room for vast improvement" for next time haha, live and learn. Leaves are browning and starting to crunch, and ive had to trim many fan leaves off which i'm not a fan of. My question is, with all of the damage ive inflicted on these poor girls, are they gonna make it to the end of week 8? I'd be 17 days away now. Under microscope, the trichs are beginning to get milky, some are more developed and show slight signs of ambering, but only slightly. Using a 400W HPS, foxfarm nutes on feeding schedule, in soil non ammended soil, 2 Gal pots, pH good, temps 75-80 daytime, humidity 50-60%. Havent started the final flush yet either, just gave them a sledgehammer flush on Tuesday though. So, cut now, save whats left and focus on next round, or let em' go their duration? Thanks in advance guys!



Active Member
sounds like me, me personally im waiting till mine are done. i had the excact same problems as you. next grow my main focus will be mites.


Well-Known Member
IMO ! I would try to let em go. I'm about in same boat of problems minus mites. But mine is done all cloudy trichs..


Well-Known Member
I dunno what the OP started this thread about but I do know I saw the word mites, rid yourself of mites for good, Mighty Wash as regular maintenance , peace of mind is worth 35 bux a month to me.I went back and read, I'd say if the trichs are cloudy go ahead and chop that shit and be on with the next grow(with improvements). You're not gonna increase yield much by waiting.


Agreed, im gonna sterilize my room before next round. I had them completely under control, then I left them unattended for 2 days and come home to webs/eggs/mites covering some of my lower fan leaves. I swabbed em down, and used the "dont bug me" from foxfarm, which is what they recommended at my local shop. I spray once every 2 weeks if I notice any mites/eggs and havent really had webbing problems since, but they are persistent little bastards. I'm sure there are better products, but it worked for mite control on my crop. Anyways, I'm gonna let em' go, thanks for the input guys!


Well-Known Member
Agreed, im gonna sterilize my room before next round. I had them completely under control, then I left them unattended for 2 days and come home to webs/eggs/mites covering some of my lower fan leaves. I swabbed em down, and used the "dont bug me" from foxfarm, which is what they recommended at my local shop. I spray once every 2 weeks if I notice any mites/eggs and havent really had webbing problems since, but they are persistent little bastards. I'm sure there are better products, but it worked for mite control on my crop. Anyways, I'm gonna let em' go, thanks for the input guys!
Do the mighty wash, its 99.8335 percent water, you could use it a day before harvest if you had to but there would be no reason for that.Frequency adjusted water, you could drink it(if you had to) but it kills mites dead.


No kidding? I'm gonna look into that. Thanks dbkick, Ive also heard that the mites leave your plants once you harvest, because its not living plant matter any longer. I feel like mites are such insignificant creatures, that they might not care or even know if the plant is still alive or not so I dont entirely believe it, but what do you think?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You may have mites as well, but that is a Cal/Mag deficiency going on there. I had the exact same problem my first 2 grows. It started for me about the 2nd or 3rd week in. Try adding a tbsp of cal/mag or Epsom salts to your water when you flip the next round.
Feed cal/mag now and let them finish. Mine suffered a bit yield wise, but the smoke was still superb.



Thanks Jack, Ill try that! I thought It could be a defficiency, just wasnt sure what it might be. Ill add some calmag tomorrow.I'm hoping the smoke still works out, the buds look great but are looking like they do after 1 or 2 days drying, starting to curl up a bit and crunch on some. And the plants are only about 18-22" tall, so I figured that the 2G pots would be enough, could be root bound though. At this point, is it too late into flower to transplant, or would it benefit them to switch into larger ones? I feel like it might do more harm than good with 18 days left, seeings how theyll probably take 2-3 days to adjust after the transplant. I would delay them that long, but I'm trying to head out for the holidays for a few days and was planning on cutting a day or so beforehand. What do you guys think?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Thanks Jack, Ill try that! I thought It could be a defficiency, just wasnt sure what it might be. Ill add some calmag tomorrow.I'm hoping the smoke still works out, the buds look great but are looking like they do after 1 or 2 days drying, starting to curl up a bit and crunch on some. And the plants are only about 18-22" tall, so I figured that the 2G pots would be enough, could be root bound though. At this point, is it too late into flower to transplant, or would it benefit them to switch into larger ones? I feel like it might do more harm than good with 18 days left, seeings how theyll probably take 2-3 days to adjust after the transplant. I would delay them that long, but I'm trying to head out for the holidays for a few days and was planning on cutting a day or so beforehand. What do you guys think?
It should work out. I aint buying the whole root bound thing, 'cuz the largest bud I ever grew (A bit over 2 OZ dry) came from a 20oz party cup!!!) I grow my clones out in 2 gal grow bags. I have tried larger sized pots, and for the way I grow, 2 gal seems to be the sweet spot.