Well-Known Member
They are dark when they dry too!

ive heard neem is the only way to go , soapy water worked well for me on my bugs but as uve got the neem id go with that before they spread , u might want to think about a change of clothes for when entering your grow and a protecive overall like those white dissposable body suits , bugs can get introduced via ur clothes.
Hello Kitties, I just can not get enough of your grow!! I wish I had a setup such as yours maybe one day. Do you have any up date on the light test yet?? GREAT JOB on everything and THANK YOU for all the photos.
The one you were doing with the 2 diffrent light set up with the diffrent strains.
sounds like you got your bug problem sorted i fucking LOVE neem any ways good luck!
i think last month and this month are the worst because it gets cold at night and all the little critters want to come in! could be wrong i have no scientific evidence: