Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey thanks snafu thanks for the kind words man! Been a little slow around here but things should pick up, stop back anytime.

How's it going Dutchieman. Too funny I just saw these a few minutes ago over at the 600 lol! Worth a second look though for sure, I'm real glad it came out good for you and real glad to see a strain that I create in peoples gardens!! Those will be the type of bud that when you break them up they will be sitting in a pile of their own trics.

Thanks a bunch for posting those duchie buddy, fantastic pics!

I made chicken soup this morning and brought it up to my daughter (she lives a few towns away). She is still suffering real bad from the leakage caused by the spinal tap with a migraine from the excess fluid along with having the flu. Plus she has finals in 2 weeks my poor little baby.

Just sitting down and firing up some bong rips of hash and cups of coffee....love it when it's so pure it taste like fuel : !) the hash not the coffee lol


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of coffee, even less when it tastes like terpentine. Never knew how my buddies went through so much of it.

Finals is too much stress alone. I took my sat while high on tylenol 3 and still in lots of pain. I think the opiates help with test taking.

What strain has all that red? Hadn't seen any like that.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks snafu thanks for the kind words man! Been a little slow around here but things should pick up, stop back anytime.

How's it going Dutchieman. Too funny I just saw these a few minutes ago over at the 600 lol! Worth a second look though for sure, I'm real glad it came out good for you and real glad to see a strain that I create in peoples gardens!! Those will be the type of bud that when you break them up they will be sitting in a pile of their own trics.

Thanks a bunch for posting those duchie buddy, fantastic pics!

I made chicken soup this morning and brought it up to my daughter (she lives a few towns away). She is still suffering real bad from the leakage caused by the spinal tap with a migraine from the excess fluid along with having the flu. Plus she has finals in 2 weeks my poor little baby.

Just sitting down and firing up some bong rips of hash and cups of coffee....love it when it's so pure it taste like fuel : !) the hash not the coffee lol
that is so awesome you made your kid soup bro!!! hope she could enjoy it!!!

I'm bongin on my cat puke hash right now to!!!! hahahahaha

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
What happenin Voidling....that strain is called Boom Muthafucka (C4 x Caseyband). The CB is a casey jones x headband. Pretty sure the fairy packed some of those up too in her bag before she took off.


Well-Known Member
My cats puke from time to time and I never had the urge to toke it, that greasy green turd you posted was definitely toke worthy :D
jeez what an asshole ;)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
that is so awesome you made your kid soup bro!!! hope she could enjoy it!!!

I'm bongin on my cat puke hash right now to!!!! hahahahaha
Cat puke hash ahaha alright!! I'll bet it looks much better now.

I think the soup will help, she has eaten nothing for a couple of days


Well-Known Member
you're gonna laugh your ass off on this one......... yea, now it looks like it came out the other end of the cat!!!!! hahahahahaha still gets me cross eyed though!!!!

hope i made ya smile!!! had to post it!!!


Well-Known Member
now ya got me smiling!!! speaking of that, dude, your avatar cracks me up every time!!!! it's what i wanna do to the guy that own the hydro shop near me!!!!! hahaha


Well-Known Member
WTF is that? blue crack? this asshole wants some!
i saw that part to???? must have been a blue led from my PC reflecting or something.... I ordered those bubble bags last night!!!! I didn't want to pay for shipping so i have to wait till next week to get them!!! so i hope my hash attempts get better!!!!! I'm gonna try to make some of that ice wax that matt rize is the master of!!!

hahaha that's how i say it to..... BOOOOOOM!!! muthafucka!!!


Well-Known Member
That's not good on lack of eating. Need nutrition to heal. Good thing you got soup in her.

Well that thing is gorgeous. Should be getting cab work tomorrow. My plants ticked me off so I gave them no light today. Will probably shorten light to 11 hours,going to force those things to show sex.

What is ice wax?

I'm thinking I need a cat.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Exactly man and she doesn't eat enough as it is so yeah the soup should help her a little bit. Prolly a lot!

A cat is a great idea...get a male and if possible an orange tabby. My little kitty is no longer little, I feed them the top shelf canned patte and man are they all looking good. He is so soft you would not believe it with a heavy coat and all muscle. He is very affectionate and follows me around all day like a little puppy and won't let the other two cats near me lol

Much nicer stoney much nicer and yes it did crack me up lol. I'm glad you got the bags, when the time comes I'll give you a hint or two to keep any plant matter out of your hash. I hate that, I ruins that wonderful taste.

Half hour before Weed Wars (Weed Kings is a great idea) man ya trimming up your AK tonight?

Man am I stucking foned haha!!!


Well-Known Member
yep, I'm still chopping!! I'm replacing her with that wide ice x CB... she(I hope) got much bigger in the last week and is more than ready for flower!!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
The next run goes in the budroom tomorrow even though the run that is almost ready is not due to come out until later next week, the new ones will just be off to the side and be slowly moved under the light in the next few days as the run that's coming out gets moved back away from the light the last few days. One nice aspect of having a backlog of clones waiting in line for their turn is that they have gotten bigger than when I normally flip, about half again as big. They are usually around 15" tall when the get flower, these must be close to 2 ft lol. Going in is.......2 C4, 2 BB, 2 Lush, 1 DOG and 1 LCC

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
yep, I'm still chopping!! I'm replacing her with that wide ice x CB... she(I hope) got much bigger in the last week and is more than ready for flower!!!
I have 3 of those coming up on six weeks, I'll take pics and show you what they look like as soon as that asshole's camera gets here! They smell dank as shit and the buds are going to be big and solid.

My chicks going to be here any minute I'll see if she will watch weed wars with me lol