Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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New Member
cmon wimb you got to stay up you need to watch them girls telling you lol get tooth picks keep your eye lids up


Well-Known Member
hi wiiimb....got some pics on doggies mate if u wanna hav a look and giv us ur expert opinion mate....coupla pages from the end


Well-Known Member
res change done, sorry for the wait dropped 5 gallon of water all over my bathroom, Mrs wiimb not happy :( opppps!! :lol:
dropped the PPM on both of them as they don't seem to be drinking much, big one is at 700-800 and the little one is 400-500, low ppm reading trying to get them to kick start and drink nutes :):)
sorry took me a bit lol but those re getting petty fat lol they sugary?


Well-Known Member
res change done, sorry for the wait dropped 5 gallon of water all over my bathroom, Mrs wiimb not happy :( opppps!! :lol:
dropped the PPM on both of them as they don't seem to be drinking much, big one is at 700-800 and the little one is 400-500, low ppm reading trying to get them to kick start and drink nutes :):)
wow bro i want my next girls to look like yours pukka m8 they look so good

up dates plus some new bits



New Member
i have my ppm at 750-800 for the past week since i introduced them with nutes again as they were getting flushed for a few days as the had nute burn.
but since then i have seen not one of the plants ppm come down at all, only up maybe a 100/200.
there ph is always adjusted to 5.8 and the next day it is always 6.8 - 7.0
think i have nute, any ideas???

so i have done little research and advise fro other growers and this is what i have found:)
The passage of water through the semi-permeable membrane is controlled by either the TDS (total dissolved solids) or EC (electrical conductivity) of the nutrient solution. So, if the EC of the solution you’re feeding is excessively higher than the EC currently in the roots(soil,hydro), the plant can dehydrate by drawing water out of the roots and into the medium via osmosis.
The best defense against nutrient lockout is to routinely monitor your nutrient solution at the reservoir topping off as needed and flushing every two weeks.

and this is from rollitupmike :)
and void helped by sayong that i had to make them hungry to want more nutes and to have them in plain water for a few days :)


Active Member
Plants look amazing wiimb. I have no doubt my 20 oz guess for your plants is possible, infact you could possibly top this but lets play it safe. I never like to guess so high I dont like to get my hopes up. My guess was based on similar plants I have grown in the past that look similar to yours. I hope you figure out the nute lock problem so your girls can get back on track. I also noticed the blue string you put around one of them. Are they getting too heavy and falling over. You may want to put a cage around them if this is the case. I have had issues like this in the past and have gone in my garden and had branches snap off laying on the floor. My sour diesels are getting real top heavy right now as we speak I had to put some bamboos in to tie them from falling over. I will have some pics up soon for you.



New Member
thanks mega, i really cant see me getting 20oz mate, hope so tho
yer i tied a piece of string around them to pull one of them, did this last time n it worked mint
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