Plant ?


Active Member
I have a plant in my room that is really nice with lots of hair but today I noticed where the hairs are coming from are real fat. I decided to cut one off and found a seed inside, but like I said the plant is full of white hairs and smells great. What should I do with this plant?


Well-Known Member
The hairs would have changed colour if they were pollinated. Usually shrivel up and turn brown when they are. Pics?


Weed Modifier
I have a plant in my room that is really nice with lots of hair but today I noticed where the hairs are coming from are real fat. I decided to cut one off and found a seed inside, but like I said the plant is full of white hairs and smells great. What should I do with this plant?
not much too do but finish flowering her... :)


Well-Known Member
hard to tell but it looks like they have been heavily seeded... is it? (pic 3 and 6 is what I mean)
Smoke it if you can. Hash it or sell it cheap if you can't.
If I'm not seeing it right, and it's not so bad, smoke it.


Weed Modifier
i would ... you will have some seed ...but not a total loss as you can still get some smoke