How to survive prison?


Well-Known Member
You watch to much HBO and have never been to prison........You got that off of OZ non of that is even close to what happens unless you brought it on your self..


Well-Known Member
First rule in prison is to mind your buisness, dont get into debt, dont borrow anything or give away it shows a weakness and you will be taken advantage of, Dont join a gang anything your gang does you must do and will get jacked up or murdered for not, trust no one, Stick with your race because race is big in prison and people will think your a snitch if you do otherwise. And best of all dont let the time do you ( or anybody else for that matter )You do the time. Lets hope that laws change for the better and that nobody has to follow my advise. Stay safe and grow well


Well-Known Member
Prison I went to wasnt as bad on gangs as lets say San Q in cali... But thats also different part of the country where mexicans run the prisons. Around here the guys in San Q would get the shit beat out of them by guards in riot gear every day acting the way they do. Most prisons owners keep conrtol of it in a better manner and dont let gangs run the prison. Your in a gang here and you show threats to anyone welcome to 24 hour lock down and talking to yourself for the remainder of your stay.

Zoomin Loomen

Active Member
Booky, youre right about me not ever having been there.

Its actually not some HBO induced vision I have about it, I just think of the worst possible scenario and how I might try to handle it. Hope for the best, plan for the worst so to speak.

The part about not cloistering yourself in a cell was a tip from a friend of mine who was in a state pen for 2 years, though.

Other than that, lets hope I never have to find out firsthand what it would really be like. Or any one of us just over some herb.


Well-Known Member
Booky, youre right about me not ever having been there.

Its actually not some HBO induced vision I have about it, I just think of the worst possible scenario and how I might try to handle it. Hope for the best, plan for the worst so to speak.

The part about not cloistering yourself in a cell was a tip from a friend of mine who was in a state pen for 2 years, though.

Other than that, lets hope I never have to find out firsthand what it would really be like. Or any one of us just over some herb.
You learn in prison that your celly is the only person you can trust so your cell is prolly your best bet. Stick to your agenda and thats going home no matter what you gotta go home....If sombody trys to take your brownie...Its a brownie...He will get his ass kicked later by peckerwoods for trying to run shit give him his fucking brownie....If hes coming to take your brownie he will kill you for that brownie.....I had to deal with this the first time I went in when some little crack head tryed to take my dinner roll......HELLS NO CRACK FUCK!! Beat the fuck outa him and it added 2 months on.....Shoulda just gave him the dinner roll.....


Well-Known Member
rastaman dont wear handcuffs...people are talking about how to perpetrate...FEAR IS WEAKNESS...PUSSYBOI WILL BE A PUSSY BOI ...INI WHOLE LIFE I LICKED SHOTS...SUM JUS LICK PUSSY


Well-Known Member
Get lots and lots of cigarettes.... Lots! they go a long way..


oh yeah and bring a nice ball of bubble hash.. this goes even further!!!!!! I shouldn't have to explain how... :O


Well-Known Member
Now by brownie do you mean your asshole...or like a snack cake?
LMAO Like snack cake fool.........Thats stupid I set myself up for that shit......I would have prolly killed him or died trying. I matrixed across the room when my girl tryed to slip the finger I couldnt imagine what that guy would have incountered....He was a little black dude with like 4 teeth tops.


Well-Known Member
i think it's amazing what people believe happens in jail, jails in my state are quiet to say the least, i spent 2 months in jail with murderers and rapists, thieves and dealers, general pop. the cat who walks in the first day planning on fucking up the first person who fucks with has another thing coming, i watched this cat get jumped by 20 guys for knocking some guy with a tray in the caf, over a fuckin napkin, the reason you don't fuck with someone who's already there, is because they've already been established, you dont know what they're in for and they know why you're there, i did my 2 months because of a technicality, no record. My cousin is in a federal prison, for murder and weapons charges, when i visit him i cringe when he tells me what it's like, you walk defiant or you fall, we don't fit in with the racial things it's hard being arabic because unless it's gitmo, you'll probably be the only one, if you look white, it doesn't matter the nazi crackers wont accept you, if you're darker, the latinos and the blacks cant tell what you are and most likely wont accept you either, My cuz is spending the rest of his life in solitude, he doesn't fuck with people for the same reason i never di, you're not there for friends, and you're not there to live well, you did a crime(however bullshit it is) and you're paying for it, nobody lies and says you don't get raped in jail, it's a possibility, but so is getting killed or beat everyday for the rest of your life, best bet is to stay quiet, and if you have a short stay, dont be stupid and make it longer, gangs will pick you up quick and claim loyalty as long as they think you can do something for them, someone else here said it, it's the same as it is on the outside, when i was locked up it was in a local corrections facility, most of the cats were people i went to highschool with, old neighbors, and friends...and none of that shit mattered when i was inside, everyone gets another life when they are in jail, and it's never a good one, you get what you get, take it or leave it, even if you know someone they'll try to use that to THEIR advantage, fuck friends and fuck making enemies, keep to yourself dont disrespect and wait out your time. never pussy out if they approach you never cry, and never let them own you, be as much of a man as you were when you were doing illegal shit.


Well-Known Member
i think it's amazing what people believe happens in jail, jails in my state are quiet to say the least, i spent 2 months in jail with murderers and rapists, thieves and dealers, general pop. the cat who walks in the first day planning on fucking up the first person who fucks with has another thing coming, i watched this cat get jumped by 20 guys for knocking some guy with a tray in the caf, over a fuckin napkin, the reason you don't fuck with someone who's already there, is because they've already been established, you dont know what they're in for and they know why you're there, i did my 2 months because of a technicality, no record. My cousin is in a federal prison, for murder and weapons charges, when i visit him i cringe when he tells me what it's like, you walk defiant or you fall, we don't fit in with the racial things it's hard being arabic because unless it's gitmo, you'll probably be the only one, if you look white, it doesn't matter the nazi crackers wont accept you, if you're darker, the latinos and the blacks cant tell what you are and most likely wont accept you either, My cuz is spending the rest of his life in solitude, he doesn't fuck with people for the same reason i never di, you're not there for friends, and you're not there to live well, you did a crime(however bullshit it is) and you're paying for it, nobody lies and says you don't get raped in jail, it's a possibility, but so is getting killed or beat everyday for the rest of your life, best bet is to stay quiet, and if you have a short stay, dont be stupid and make it longer, gangs will pick you up quick and claim loyalty as long as they think you can do something for them, someone else here said it, it's the same as it is on the outside, when i was locked up it was in a local corrections facility, most of the cats were people i went to highschool with, old neighbors, and friends...and none of that shit mattered when i was inside, everyone gets another life when they are in jail, and it's never a good one, you get what you get, take it or leave it, even if you know someone they'll try to use that to THEIR advantage, fuck friends and fuck making enemies, keep to yourself dont disrespect and wait out your time. never pussy out if they approach you never cry, and never let them own you, be as much of a man as you were when you were doing illegal shit.
Yup happened to me too.... Went for only 3 weeks before I got to see a judge for bail, local corrections.... jails where I am are extremely lax.... It's kinda funny... we have playstations and pool tables all kinds of shit... it's really not that bad.. even the food wasn't too too bad... I know I was lucky to have got there the same day they passed around the stuff you coud buy with commisarry...... and I was arrested with a good amount of money so they took a bit out of the evidence and let me bring some with me in my envelope... (BTW I got the evidence back)... So I bought a carto of cigarettes some candy, deck of cards basically a 100$ worth of stuff you can get at 7/11... anyhow make a long story short, sit around watching tv, and gambling for 3 weeks... got to see the sun for an hr a day... not bad....
worst problem I had was no belt and baggy pants I had to hold up... kinda funny... they took my belt...hehehe anyhow that was like 10 years ago... took about a week to get that jail smell out...



Well-Known Member
Yup happened to me too.... Went for only 3 weeks before I got to see a judge for bail, local corrections.... jails where I am are extremely lax.... It's kinda funny... we have playstations and pool tables all kinds of shit... it's really not that bad.. even the food wasn't too too bad... I know I was lucky to have got there the same day they passed around the stuff you coud buy with commisarry...... and I was arrested with a good amount of money so they took a bit out of the evidence and let me bring some with me in my envelope... (BTW I got the evidence back)... So I bought a carto of cigarettes some candy, deck of cards basically a 100$ worth of stuff you can get at 7/11... anyhow make a long story short, sit around watching tv, and gambling for 3 weeks... got to see the sun for an hr a day... not bad....
worst problem I had was no belt and baggy pants I had to hold up... kinda funny... they took my belt...hehehe anyhow that was like 10 years ago... took about a week to get that jail smell out...

sucks in my state, they wont let you smoke in jail anymore, no pool tables, no playstations, no good food(the meat is mostly fecal) so i got skinny as hell, on edge constantly, and had almost no money for commisary, i did have fitting pants though so it wasn't so bad lol


Well-Known Member
hehe ya here too I think they stopped it maybe not in my province but I'm 100% sure they still smoke pot! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
sucks in my state, they wont let you smoke in jail anymore, no pool tables, no playstations, no good food(the meat is mostly fecal) so i got skinny as hell, on edge constantly, and had almost no money for commisary, i did have fitting pants though so it wasn't so bad lol
Same here cant do not nothing but scratch your ass when it itched and eat hairy turkey sandwitches...:spew:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Prison is better then county at least better then cook county jail.First thing t you new jail birds if you hapen to find ohh lets say a twinkie or cupcake box on your bed dont eat them its not cuz someone is nice if you take the gift your someones bitch.In most prisons its real racial so if you aint with friends and if your not gang affiliated your gonna ahve to go to your race to stay safe.Cultures mix as far as gangs but no gang members are free property so as much as it sucks white better go to arrayan nation and black folks with be with the brothers and mexicans will be with th brown nation.Never turn your back in the yard keep it to a safe corner or zone and if you get with a group stand back to back to watch any attack.Dont talk shit but dont get punked cuz if it happens once your done so even if your gonna loose you better fight with some heart showing you got heart and fight or your a daily target.Watch cell walkbys as you might get a dose of light fluid flame throwers or a fould fece spray


New Member
Prison is better then county at least better then cook county jail.First thing t you new jail birds if you hapen to find ohh lets say a twinkie or cupcake box on your bed dont eat them its not cuz someone is nice if you take the gift your someones bitch.In most prisons its real racial so if you aint with friends and if your not gang affiliated your gonna ahve to go to your race to stay safe.Cultures mix as far as gangs but no gang members are free property so as much as it sucks white better go to arrayan nation and black folks with be with the brothers and mexicans will be with th brown nation.Never turn your back in the yard keep it to a safe corner or zone and if you get with a group stand back to back to watch any attack.Dont talk shit but dont get punked cuz if it happens once your done so even if your gonna loose you better fight with some heart showing you got heart and fight or your a daily target.Watch cell walkbys as you might get a dose of light fluid flame throwers or a fould fece spray
I heard cook county was a bitch. And County jails all suck ass. I'd much rather be in prison.
And if you find something on your bed that isn't yours, such as a chocolate or a twinkie, sweep it to the ground and act as if you never saw it.


New Member
Number 5
Do not go in expecting your significant other to be waiting for you. Your wife or girlfriend has needs, and they will be helped by someone. Its probably someone you know. So don't go and tell stories of how your old lady is faithful and loves you and will be there when you get out. Others will laugh at you if you do
And she may be there when you get out. She'll just have eaten up 15 or so dicks while you have been away.


Well-Known Member
Number 5
Do not go in expecting your significant other to be waiting for you. Your wife or girlfriend has needs, and they will be helped by someone. Its probably someone you know. So don't go and tell stories of how your old lady is faithful and loves you and will be there when you get out. Others will laugh at you if you do
And she may be there when you get out. She'll just have eaten up 15 or so dicks while you have been away.
LMAO so true.....


Well-Known Member
Prison is better then county at least better then cook county jail.First thing t you new jail birds if you hapen to find ohh lets say a twinkie or cupcake box on your bed dont eat them its not cuz someone is nice if you take the gift your someones bitch.In most prisons its real racial so if you aint with friends and if your not gang affiliated your gonna ahve to go to your race to stay safe.Cultures mix as far as gangs but no gang members are free property so as much as it sucks white better go to arrayan nation and black folks with be with the brothers and mexicans will be with th brown nation.Never turn your back in the yard keep it to a safe corner or zone and if you get with a group stand back to back to watch any attack.Dont talk shit but dont get punked cuz if it happens once your done so even if your gonna loose you better fight with some heart showing you got heart and fight or your a daily target.Watch cell walkbys as you might get a dose of light fluid flame throwers or a fould fece spray
LAMO, i loved your small story about your jail time!